The team sent by the ordinary sect had no chance to reach the core area of the demon god mountain. It had already been torn to pieces by the fierce high-level monster inside and became the prey of the monster. There are only seven holy places of the right way, eight gates of the evil way, and several sanpinzong gates with profound details.

However, each sect did not expect that the movement in the present world of the Shinto cave was too huge, and it attracted not only human martial artists, but also those terrorist demon kings who had reached the heaven level in cultivation, who were also attracted by the breath swept by the present world of the cave.

Tianjie monster, which is very rare at ordinary times, constantly appears inside and outside the Shenjing cave.

These monsters, whose accomplishments have reached the heaven level, are no less intelligent than humans, but they can't speak yet.

There is an old feud between humans and monsters. Both sides regard each other as the great enemy of life and death. In the view of these powerful monsters, since Shenjing cave exists in the demon god mountain, it should belong to the monster family.

These despicable and shameful human warriors break into the demon god mountain to hunt demons and beasts. Now even the Shenjing cave in the demon god mountain is going to fight for it. It's really hateful.

Therefore, before entering the cave of the divine realm, all human warriors called for a monster war with a group of Tianjie demon kings. Except that qianniazhai avoided the war with the mysterious magic of the sect, all the other sects are inevitable.

Recalling the almost endless wave of monsters and animals on that day and the bloody fighting everywhere, Ji Ling still has lingering fear at the moment.

Although the fighters sent by the various sects are powerful, the monster occupies a favorable place.

The demon god mountain range is vast. In the face of wave after wave, almost endless animal tide, there is nothing human beings can do.

What's more, the place is in the core of the demon god mountain. How can the only semi holy demons in the mountain stand idly by?

They didn't do anything, but they just agreed with the idea of human semi holy land, which has survived for thousands of years. They won't take risks and act wantonly until they find out what they have in the Shenjing cave.

Under such forced circumstances, the human warrior stepped out with the power of the array, no longer chose to fight with monsters, and took the lead in entering the Shenjing cave.

When seeing human beings entering the cave, a dry Tianjie monster was afraid that all the treasures in the cave would be occupied by human warriors. He also flew in desperate.

But no one expected that what greeted them was not all kinds of genius earth treasures and resource pills, but... A more dangerous massacre.

At this point, Ji Ling sighed sadly, her eyes were empty, and her mental thoughts seemed to return to the trip to the cave ten years ago.

As the elder of Wangjing who escaped from Tianji temple said, after entering the Shenjing cave, human warriors and monsters seem to have crossed an ancient battlefield.

There are countless cruel and ferocious strange monsters who are not afraid of life and death.

These strange monsters have different levels of combat power. Some have only virtual combat power, while some giant monsters have terrorist strength comparable to the later stage of the king's territory and even the peak of the king's territory.

As soon as the two sides contacted, they immediately made the human warrior miserable.

They just got out of the endless animal tide, but they fell into the monster flood which was even more terrible than the animal tide. Fortunately, the monster, who was once the enemy of life and death, became an ally at this moment. Under the joint confrontation, he managed to withstand the great pressure.

In this peerless war, Ji Ling fought with a monster comparable to the peak of the king's territory with the earth level top-grade spirit tool "Tianxiang Jue sword" of the astrological view. Although Ji Ling was only the peak of the middle of the king's territory, he was lucky to kill the monster with the bonus of "Tianxiang Jue sword" and his own wisdom.

"In the end, we and other martial artists cleaned up almost all the strange monsters with spirit tools, arrays and various means. However, this monster camp was only the first level of Shenjing cave. After killing the last monster, the world changed in an instant. I only felt dizzy, and the whole person appeared in a misty rain forest..."

"Moreover, after entering the rainforest, everyone is separated, and there is only one person in the surrounding area... In this way, many arrays that need to be used together can not be carried out at all, and my human warrior naturally suffers a lot..."

"This mysterious and broken map is what I found on an altar in the mysterious rainforest. It is the only thing I got from it. However, I have worked hard to understand it for nearly ten years, but I have never found anything... Unexpectedly, you are young, and you can see a clue from it..."

After that, Ji Ling pulled out the palm remnant picture that Ye Feng wanted from the stack of moldy maps on the table, and looked at Ye Feng with an interesting face.

Ye Feng's face was slightly red and he scratched his head with embarrassment.

It turned out that Ji Ling had long known that her purpose was this remnant picture. Rao was shameless with Ye Feng. At this time, she couldn't hang her face.

"Since the elder got this remnant picture, what happened later? Why did your cultivation fall back to the empty realm..."

He hurried off the subject.


As soon as he mentioned the falling of the realm, he really attracted Ji Ling's attention. He sighed deeply, and Ji Ling continued.

"After entering the mysterious rainforest, because everyone was separated, I had to search in the rainforest alone. About the next day, I finally found a strange mysterious altar..."

"Why is it weird? Because no creatures were found around the altar, even insects, ants and birds disappeared. At that step, I couldn't go back, so I had to go to the altar by force, but there was no crisis in the altar. This remnant picture was quietly placed on the top of the altar..."

"After taking this thing, I went down the strange altar, and then something terrible happened!"

Speaking of this, a trace of fear and panic still flashed in the depths of Ji Ling's old and turbid eyes, as if the scene ten years ago was staged in Ji Ling's mind again.

"As soon as I stepped away from the altar, I felt an extremely dangerous crisis exploding in my heart. When I turned around, it was clear that there was a black figure above the empty altar."

"The black figure, with six wings behind it, stood quietly and stared at me with dark and inhuman eyes. At that moment, it seemed to make me feel like I had fallen into endless hell."

Ji Ling's voice trembled faintly. Although ten years have passed, he has obviously failed to recover from the scene of extreme fear.

"A black figure with six wings?"

Ye Feng thought strangely in his heart. This guy sounds like a bird man Angel handed down in his previous life. Is there something like angels and demons in this world?


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