

With Ye Feng's cold hum, the strong momentum surged, and the three people crashed into the air. At the same time, a mouthful of blood gushed out of their mouths and poured on the ground.

"Senior brother Ye yuan..."

Staring blankly at the three Zhu qiongs who were blown to spit blood and knocked out in an instant, Fu Xinjiao's body trembled and her face was very white.

Although Ye Feng aims his killing machine at Zhu Qiong and inspires them, some will inevitably be lost. For Fu Xin, who is only a martial artist at the congenital stage, she is like a bloody hell, which makes her unbearable.

Ye Feng stretched out her slender palm and patted Fu Xin's small head. Suddenly, a gentle and thick yuan force was transmitted to Fu Xin's body. Her cold body warmed up, and there was a trace of blood on her face.

"Elder martial brother ye, so you... Are so strong!"

After slowing down, Fu Xin looked at Zhu Qiong, who wanted to struggle not far away, and subconsciously took a breath.

She looked at Ye Feng's eyes full of shock and disbelief. Then she remembered that she had advised him to run for his life, and her cheeks turned red.

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly.

Cultivation has been exposed, but it's not good to continue to hide. It seems that I'll be on the road again soon.

Why, there are so many blind guys in this world.

Just when Ye Feng was very depressed, the uninformed shadow of Yuan Zhen flew out of the valley, and the triple yuan force fluctuation of the virtual environment was constantly shaking in the void.

"Younger martial brother Ye yuan! Hurry up!"

Not far behind him, a giant scorpion with a length of Zhang Xu and green body is coming. The scorpion's mouth is wide and its eight claws wriggle. It seems that it wants to catch up with Yuan Zhen and swallow one of them.

In order to lead the green scorpion out of the valley, Yuan Zhen almost demolished the habitat of the green scorpion at the beginning, but the monster seemed to be vigilant and remained unmoved by the water source grass that was about to mature.

It was not until Yuan Zhen was cruel for a moment, sent out a strong attack and directly cut into the water source heart grass that he completely angered the green devil scorpion and chased it out quickly along the way.

Seeing that the green Scorpion was deceived and left the valley, Yuan Zhen naturally immediately called Ye Feng to restrain the green scorpion.

However, the next move of Ye Feng surprised him.


A strong wave continued to condense around the valley. With a wave of the palm of Ye Feng standing at the entrance, a huge palm condensed by Yuan Li appeared in the night of the bright moon.

"Jingtao cloud expelling palm!"

The low soft sound echoed slowly. Under Yuan Zhen's stunned eyes, the powerful giant hand had roared down directly at the green scorpion with a strong momentum.

The green devil scorpion, who had been chasing Yuan Zhen quickly, immediately stopped. The perception of approaching death greatly increased its survival instinct. Its body twinkled and wanted to escape back to the valley.

But the giant hand came too quickly. As soon as the green scorpion flashed, it was covered by a strong momentum before it could return.


Loud noise resounded through the originally quiet night sky and echoed near the valley of demon god mountain.

Ye Feng frowned and felt the fierce breath spreading all around him.

It's thought that this amazing noise startled many monsters, but fortunately this is only the periphery of the demon god mountain. The grade of monsters is no more than the lower grade of the ground. After noticing the strong smell emitted by the huge roar, those monsters did not dare to attack here in a short time.

The green scorpion is torn apart.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Zhen's figure was dull. He could not imagine that the inferior monster on the ground level, who was regarded as a powerful opponent, was so easily killed by Ye Feng.

Didn't you just use the treasure to restrain the smell of the green scorpion?

Why, why

At this moment, he was completely stunned.

"Brother Yuanzhen, hurry to pick the water source grass. You can't stay here for a long time..."

Ye Feng didn't put the body of the green scorpion into the storage ring. The body of the inferior monster on the ground level has long been out of Ye Feng's eyes.

He just said hello indifferently, which made Yuan Zhen wake up, looked at Ye Feng in horror, and nodded in disbelief.

Then Yuan Zhen immediately rushed to the water source grass in the deep valley.

At this time, the water source heart grass should also have reached the time of maturity


When Ye Feng shot to kill the green scorpion, in another dense forest thousands of miles away from the demon god mountain, several men in black were sitting on tall trees to rest.

Under the big tree, there are the remains of several mysterious and even ground level monsters, lying on the ground, even with the bodies of several human warriors.

The corpses of those human warriors who looked terrible were wearing the same clothes. Judging from the religious mark on their sleeves and robes, it seemed that

Disciple of Holy Land jiuxuan palace.


Suddenly, sitting in the center of the thick branch, a tall man in black seemed to feel something. His bloody eyes moved and his palm turned, and a glittering blood gem appeared.

Through the moonlight, you can see that on the surface of the blood colored gem, a red dot that had disappeared has reappeared.

"Jie Jie..." the tall man in black laughed.

"Ye Feng, what if you escape to the demon god mountain... After all, let me find it... Next, wash your neck and die!"

The cold and evil roar was soul stirring. Around the dense forest, several other black figures didn't seem to want to continue to rest. They flew up one by one, and the seven bodies rushed with infinite killing machines to the direction guided by the red dot on the gem.

In situ, only bloody and terrible corpses were left

After Yuanzhen got the water source Xincao and returned, seeing Zhu Qiong's three people describe themselves as embarrassed, trembling and afraid to take a bite, Yuan Zhen understood that the three people obviously did something stupid while they were away.

Having witnessed the scene just now, Yuan Zhen naturally knew that Ye Feng's real strength was far more than that. After asking Fu Xin and another male disciple, he was very helpless to salute and apologize to Ye Feng.

Three funny guys, how dare you rob a powerful expert?

Although Yuan Zhen had warned them before, the greedy three wanted to ask Ye Feng for a spirit stone. It was self humiliation.

He didn't offend the powerful Ye Feng for the sake of the three disciples who ruined the reputation of Cangshan sect. However, Ye Feng didn't embarrass the three people for the sake of Fu Xin and Yuan Zhen. If he didn't care about the injured three people now, it is estimated that they will all be buried in the demon god mountain in the dark in a few minutes

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