Thinking that there may be a former demon God living in the jiujue Tianbei on his back, a trace of vibration and prevention is intended to quietly rise from the bottom of Ye Feng's heart.

If you are not my race, your heart will be different.

Although the magic dance witch never showed any malice to herself because of the jiujue Tianbei, and even helped herself a lot when she was in the Forbidden City, no one knows what she thinks about this kind of monster that has survived for tens of thousands of years.

If you don't guard at all, you may not know when the bones don't exist.

How can Ye Feng not know this truth when he is a man for two generations.

Just as he was thinking about this situation in his heart, the story of the magic dance witch sounded again.

"The stone Yan giant in front of you should be a relatively low-level innate spirit in the form of chaos. The rules of heaven and earth on his body are not well developed, so he can't even do anything about you, a virtual world boy."

"If you give it tens of thousands of years to survive, once it forms an independent spiritual consciousness, even if several holy orders of Yuan Wu survive at the same time, I'm afraid it can't do anything about it."

Listening to the exclamation in the words of the magic dance witch, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the angry and roaring Shiyan giant in front again.

At this moment, he found that on the surface of the giant stone like body, there were mysterious ancient and simple lines flowing, and the light was shining. After watching for a long time, it actually gave him a feeling of extreme depression.

It comes from the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, which can not be easily controlled by strength.

Just staring at these lines and taking a few breaths, Ye Feng felt a dizziness in his mind, as if a huge impact from the rules of heaven and earth hit him hard in the depths of his mind.

"Don't use your little spiritual power to explore the Shiyan giant..."

The magic dancing witch's voice was a little teasing, "what it depicts is the inherent pattern of rules between heaven and earth. It's cumbersome. It's difficult for the martial arts in the holy land to spy. With your spiritual strength, just a small part of the pattern of rules on a finger is enough to explode your God sea..."

From the magic dance witch's mouth, one strange term after another made Ye Feng sigh.

He shook his head and threw the dizziness in his mind out of the sky. Looking at the Shi Yan giant who seemed to want to pursue and attack, Ye Feng's face became very dignified.

"Sister magic dance, why don't you tell me, now what can I do to deal with this innate Earth Spirit? Look at this momentum, I can't stand this guy..."

When the two talked, Shi Yan giant was not idle. It sent out a silent roar and absorbed earth attribute vitality from the earth, making the giant tall and more solid than before.

The terrible momentum that emanates is unmatched by even those who are Wang Jingwu.

Ye Feng felt that the power contained in that pair of giant fists could easily explode himself.

"Deal with it? If you break through the half step King's territory now, with your tolerable fighting power, you may be able to break the defense of Shiyan giant. As for now..."

"Run as soon as possible! The innate Earth Spirit's power defense is terrible. As long as it steps on the ground, it can continuously absorb the earth attribute yuan power. It can be said to be immortal. Its only weakness is in speed. As long as you run fast, you can still walk away..."

“... ...”

Ye Feng didn't immediately put into action the idea put forward by the magic dance witch.

In front of the giant Shi Yan who rushed towards himself, Ye Feng not only avoided it by virtue of his speed advantage, but also cut the giant Shi Yan with a Moro knife, which could only rub a series of violent sparks, as if tickling it, and could not cause any effective damage.

"It's really powerful. People don't know what to do with the defense like a tortoise shell."

Looking at the powerful spirit that is invulnerable and immune to mental power, Ye Feng's mood is slowly changing. From the beginning of anger and helplessness, it has gradually become longing and eager to try.

The innate Earth Spirit reminded him of the innate Fire Spirit captured by himself.

Since the storage space can accommodate the innate fire spirit, can we borrow the technique of that year to get the Shi Yan giant into the storage space?

This thing is a spirit of heaven and earth. Even the magic dancing witch who has survived for tens of thousands of years claims to have never seen it. It is rare in the Yuan Wu mainland.

If you can really trap successfully and use it for yourself, you may have a wonderful use that you can't imagine now in the future.

Ye Feng doesn't want to miss it.

Although this innate Earth Spirit is more powerful than the fire spirit in those years, in terms of destructive power alone, all things of the innate fire spirit can be burned, which is more than the Earth Spirit. Since the fire spirit can't destroy the storage space, the Earth Spirit can't. theoretically, the storage space can really imprison this thing.

Ye Feng has made up his mind in an instant and must win the stone giant.

"Hmm? What do you do?"

Under the slightly surprised voice of the magic dance witch, Ye Feng pinched the palm that had overflowed with cold sweat. Instead, he concentrated and held his breath, and stopped in place.

"Want to die... Don't you run?"

Seeing that the towering giant was no more than ten feet away from Ye Feng, a huge fist stretched out by it fell down. At the moment, even the magic dance witch was difficult to keep calm and drank loudly.

Ye Feng wants to take a risk.

The storage space must be close before it can be activated. Therefore, Ye Feng must wait until Shi Yan giant is close enough to himself before he can start its function and collect it.

Before he was promoted to level 4, the storage space, like the storage ring and storage bag, could not contain living creatures. Ye Feng had tried before and could not receive living monsters.

But the innate spirit, the spirit bred by the vitality of heaven and earth, is obviously different from the living life.

When the huge fist fell and the strong wind blew, Ye Feng's black hair danced in the wind. Suddenly, he shouted, inspired all the yuan force and opened the storage space.

The storage space cannot accommodate living creatures with life.

The stone Yan giant is obviously not a living creature and meets the storage conditions.

With the example of innate fire spirit, Ye Feng has no distractions. He regards Shi Yan giant as a foreign body containing infinite earth attribute vitality and wants to make it into space.


Inside the dark abyss, there was a loud noise like thunder. Ye Feng only felt that there was a huge pressure on his strength armor. His bones were sore and extremely painful. His whole body was beaten upside down in the air.

"Dead, dead..."

"So... I can't collect it?"

At this moment, his face is still floating in the air, but his heart has already fallen to the bottom of the valley

If you are hit by the stone giant, will you be torn apart like a watermelon?


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