
As the earth trembled, there was a loud noise in front. In the darkness on the four sides of the space, a surging suction suddenly rose, pulling the blood on the four sides to gather in the past, forming a sunken Red Sea of blood, which was soul stirring.

From a distance, it's like blood flowing into a river and converging into a sea.

"What's that?"

Between them, the middle suction suddenly increased, and the whole space began to collapse.

Human warriors are better. They keep their hearts clear. They fly up immediately after seeing the ground collapse. Most of them avoid the collapse in the middle. As for those monsters blinded by special energy, they fall into the abyss of blood without resistance.

All kinds of roars and roars were immediately submerged and soon disappeared into a large area.


A huge blood red vortex formed slowly, like the open mouth of a beast, devouring everything


Ye Feng looked at the huge blood red vortex spreading under his feet, and his eyes showed a creepy color.

Is this a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

It's like this space is not stable enough. After attracting too many people, it will collapse. The city space is a world of its own. Once it collapses, I'm afraid even the strong in the king's territory will be annihilated in the turbulence of time and space.

The suction becomes stronger and stronger. It is excited from the vortex and acts on everyone. For a time, the four sides seem to be twisted into an independent plane, which is difficult to escape.

Mu Chenxin also changed his complexion. He didn't understand why this terrible situation occurred.

"Go, go, get out of this area."

Ye Feng no longer cares about others. Kunpeng's nine day body method is used to the limit, and he plunges into the front in a panic.

At this time, basically all the demons and beasts were blinded and fought their own battles, which was no longer a threat to them. Now it was the vortex that showed great suction that threatened the lives of Ye Feng and Mu Chenxin.

Fortunately, they are not at the core of the battle circle, and they can use yuan force to restrain the traction force of the vortex for a time.

However, many of them have been attracted. Like leaves in the storm, they have been pulled into the vortex and torn to pieces.

Fall in and die!

Ye Feng and Mu Chenxin ran wildly, and finally there was a vague light curtain in the front position.

They have come to the edge of the area. There are also other martial arts figures around behind.

He felt that the traction force was getting stronger and stronger. Even if he could resist this terrible force for the time being and continue to stay, it would be absolutely unbearable. When he thought about it, Ye Feng clenched his teeth, urged his vitality armor, inspired Xun yundun, and hit him hard against the edge light curtain.

Mu Chenxin also gave a big drink, and his fist power was surging, and he gave a violent blow.

The whole light curtain trembled, broke a gap, and the two entered it, and immediately took off the traction of great suction.

Seeing this scene, those martial artists around them were slightly stunned and immediately overjoyed. Since the two martial artists in the virtual world can break the light curtain smoothly, they can naturally cross it more easily.

Although I don't know what's waiting for them behind the light curtain, it's a blessing to survive under the attraction of the vortex at this time.


Poof... Through the twisted film in front of me, countless scenes are reflected in front of me.

The two appeared in a new environment.


Ye Feng took a deep breath and was shocked in his eyes.

In fact, there are two different worlds inside and outside the barrier.

No one expected such a situation. They thought that there would be another difficult and unpredictable thing waiting for them when they separated from the vortex area, but they unexpectedly came to a paradise. In the sight of everyone, the world has relaxed a lot. Where you can see, there are many halls, carved beams and painted buildings. In front of you is a simple complex of buildings.

There are strips of milky white clouds across the sky, winding around the distant peaks. Looking up, the sky is as clean as a blue, and the vitality of heaven and earth is heinous. It seems that taking a breath at random is equivalent to the hard cultivation of ordinary martial artists for several days, which is refreshing.

It seems that this is the real core position of the ancient purple thunder sect, and it really looks like a city.

Before a few breaths, there was a cry of joy on all sides.

This place is full of vitality. At intervals, you can find a spirit grass that has almost disappeared in the outside world.

In addition to Ye Feng and Mu Chenxin, the strong in the king's realm are the main ones who enter here. After all, most of the martial arts in the virtual realm fail to come here in advance through the lavender light curtain outside the city.

Thanks to this, many fighters who came late avoided the catastrophe that had just happened.

Sensing the difference here, Ye Feng didn't want to stay here for a long time. After a little meditation, he turned to Mu Chenxin and said, "senior brother mu, if you want to continue to go deep, why don't you say goodbye?"

Mu Chenxin's eyes showed a trace of doubt and asked, "aren't we here for these spiritual grass treasures?"

"Although the spirit grass is good, small life is more important..." Ye Feng smiled helplessly, forgot to look at the four sides and whispered. "Little brother, I can't guarantee whether there are those who are strong in the king's territory. Besides, senior brother mu, you're right. I really didn't come here for these spiritual plants..."

After listening to Ye Feng's explanation, Mu Chenxin nodded.

Indeed, many of the powerful people in the king's territory who entered here together have evil Qi flowing, which should be the elder of the demon sect. Maybe now their attention is attracted by the spirit plants everywhere, but there is always a reaction moment. Once Ye Feng's identity is recognized and there is no strong king of the same strength to protect him, he will really be in danger.

"Well... Younger martial brother ye, be careful yourself."

Mu Chenxin arched his hand at Ye Feng.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, they have met with life and death crises several times, which can be regarded as the intersection. Moreover, Ye Feng is a friend, and Mu Chenxin feels worthy of making friends.


After saying these four words, the sound of wind and thunder sounded at Ye Feng's feet, and the figure shot away like electricity.

About half a column of incense flew forward. Ye Feng looked for it, and soon nodded with satisfaction and entered an insignificant building.

There is nothing special about this building, just an ordinary small pavilion. When Ye Feng came here, he didn't find any treasure, but he wanted to find a place for retreat.

Originally, the vitality energy in Ye Feng's Dantian had reached the limit, which was suppressed by his state of mind, so he didn't promote him to the middle of the five fold virtual realm when he was at the black fog cliff. But now, after several wars, he has experienced a life and death crisis, which has made his state of mind perfect and made him feel that he is about to break the thin film of his promotion from the peak of the early five fold to the middle of the five fold.

That's one reason why he left the area

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