"Have you finished your nonsense? Old man, do you think they can run? It's impossible!"

"Now, I'll send you to heaven first, and then have a good time. Hey, the girl is beautiful. The smelly boy is thin and tender - meat. He looks handsome and plays one by one..."

At the same time, after a burst of unbridled laughter, Zhu AI pinched his right hand straight to master Dong's throat.

At the next moment, his fingers will touch master Dong's skin.

Those martial artists in Tianji hall around listened to Zhu AI's words, and their faces looked forward to it and laughed.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes flashed a fierce color.

The next moment, Zhu AI found that he was about to pinch the palm of master Dong's throat. Suddenly, he broke into two pieces and fell slowly directly to the ground.

He looked surprised and muttered to himself, "what's going on?"

Then, Zhu aitu felt a severe pain in his arm, which made him scream in an instant.

At this moment, the blood rushed out from his wrist, while master Dong stepped back to avoid the scouring of Zhu AI's blood.

Zhu AI covered his broken right arm with his left hand and screamed bitterly, shaking with pain.

"Ah! My hand!"

"My hand! Why is it broken? It's immortal. What did you do secretly?"

"This old man must not die..."

Hearing these words and looking at this scene, all the disciples of Tianji hall showed surprised faces, and everyone looked at master Dong differently.

None of them thought that the old man surnamed Dong had such a bad cultivation that he secretly broke elder martial brother Zhu's arm?

Is it difficult? Is there a powerful soul stirring weapon hidden in the old man?

Only Zhuge Chong, the most powerful, was suspicious. Just now, he vaguely saw a nihilistic figure flash away. It was obvious that the place where the figure came and went was not where old man Dong was.

Moreover, from the inexplicable and frightened eyes in old man Dong's eyes at the moment, we can vaguely see that the means of quietly removing one arm of younger martial brother Zhu AI is obviously not from old man Dong's hand.

Suddenly, he looked up at the boy not far away, with a strong sense of horror on his face.

Among all the people at the scene, only the young man looked calm and calm, and the corners of his mouth were still upturned, from which we can see his contempt and ridicule. On the palm of the young man's hand, a drop of blood happened to fall to the ground at the moment.

"Is that you?!"

"You just shot and cut off younger martial brother Zhu AI's arm?" ZHUGE Chong felt cold and couldn't help opening his mouth to prove it.

Ye Feng clapped his hands in his spare time, looked at Zhuge Chong and said calmly, "I already said that as long as he dared to move his claw, I would chop it."

After saying this, Ye Feng raised his head. Sen Leng's eyes swept over many sluggish Tianji hall disciples and said coldly, "I also said that if master Dong loses a hair, I'll kill you all."

Someone shouted out: "impossible! He is not an immortal. He cut off elder martial brother Zhu AI's wrist. How can we not see it?"

"Yes, the boy is playing tricks and deliberately threatening us. It must be old man Dong who has a sharp weapon to protect himself that he broke elder martial brother Zhu AI's arm unconsciously."

"As long as we are careful, we will find out. Elder martial brother Zhuge, kill them and avenge elder martial brother Zhu AI for breaking his arm."

The voices of these people seem to be rushing up at once.

"I know... You don't want to believe it, but you must believe it, because... This is the truth." Ye Feng said slowly in a low voice. In a flash, the figure of maple leaf disappeared.


Holding his arm, Zhu AI only felt the great force coming from his chest. His body suddenly flew into the air. Then his chest collapsed, his mouth gushed blood, and fell to the ground with a slap.

Seeing this scene, these martial artists of Tianji hall were stunned on the spot, and their eyes were shocked.

At the beginning, I wanted to rush up and kill master Dong and Ye Feng. Instead, I was deeply afraid.

What speed is this?

How powerful is this?

One blow cut off the arm of the eight heavy martial artists in the virtual world without being noticed. Then, with the eyes of the people, he punched Zhu AI. Everything seemed so understated, but it was strange.

Does this boy really have great strength?

What he said is not arrogant... But, really?

It's so special. It's terrible.

"You... Who are you? It's hard to kill our Tianji hall disciples wantonly. Are you a demon genius of the demon sect?" after thinking of this layer, Zhuge Chong looked at Ye Feng with great dignity.

Only the people of the demon sect don't mind killing an elite of Tianji hall in public.

In front of him, the young Hun didn't take the killing of Zhu AI to heart. Seeing that he didn't care about the Tianji hall, it must be a demon of the demon sect.

"Who am I?"

From Ye Feng's mouth, he burst out a long smile, "ha ha..."

"Let you be an understanding ghost. I'm wanjuezong Ye Feng, whom you Tianji hall has been hunting for. Hum, it's a pity that you dare to say the four words of demon sect evil. Your despicable behavior is worse than that of demon sect evil."

"Today... I, Ye Feng, will kill those who claim to be righteous, but do evil things comparable to the devil sect, and clean up the door for my righteous way!"

"Ye Feng... Are you Ye Feng? You're actually Ye Feng! Ha ha......" ZHUGE burst into a crazy laugh. Hearing the name, he seemed to forget his fear and lost his mind because of the impact of "Ye Feng".

There is no place to find in broken iron shoes. It takes no time to get it.

Ye Bufan chased Ye Feng with many half step King level experts for many days, but he didn't even find a hair of Ye Feng. Unexpectedly, they ran into him here.

He had already contacted yebufan before. Yebufan and others would come to meet after a while. Just entangle Ye Feng and don't let them get away. Once yebufan takes people to the temple, even if he is arrogant and domineering, he will be planted in the hands of Tianji hall.

At that time, I can be regarded as a great achievement for zongmen.

On reading this, Zhuge Chong issued a crazy roar: "boy, do you think we will really be afraid of you, a five fold little martial artist in the virtual world?"

"Do you think killing a virtual environment eight times means that your strength can surpass me?"

"Besides, you just rely on your speed to beat Zhu AI, a fool who can't do it!"

"Today I'll show you how powerful my Tianji hall is..."


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