"The same cultivation, but he bading can be defeated in one boxing. This boy is a genius."

"With such strength, you should be able to defeat many opponents in the challenge arena. I don't know where the boy came from? There seems to be no such person in white tiger gate, extreme fire castle, blood dragon flag and Juling sword sect."

"Return the White Tiger Gate... There is no white tiger gate in Xingguang city. If you are heard by the other three sects, you will get into trouble..."


The martial artists around talked about it one after another.

"Black tiger, let's go!"

Ye Feng frowned and pulled the black tiger who had not recovered, so he was about to leave the square city.

On the other side, the old aquarium man selling "refined dragon roots" witnessed all this from beginning to end. At the moment, the old man's face was no longer sarcastic, but became a little dignified.

In starlight City, hebadin is also a figure.

But the young boy in front of him can hit him seriously with one punch. Obviously, he is a human genius many times superior to hebadin.

The Terran has such a genius? That's not good news for aquariums and other races.

After the old aquarium man's eyes turned, he smiled and came quietly to Ye Feng.

"This... Hero!"

Ye Feng turned around and saw the old aquarium man standing behind him with a smile. His two webbed hands covered with scales crossed together and bowed slightly to himself.

"Is that you?"

"I can't afford your dragon root again. What can I do for you?" Ye Feng asked coldly after he bading's experience,

"I'm sorry, my attitude is a little too much. Please forgive me..." the old man of Shui nationality doesn't think so, and continues to bow his hands. "Previously, my little old man didn't know that Renjie had such martial arts talent, so he would offend me. Now... Dare you ask if Renjie still needs his refining roots?"

"If you still need it, the little old man is willing to discount... 900000 top-grade spirit stones!"

"900000 top grade?" that's 90 million bottom grade. Ye Feng secretly calculated that there was still a gap of almost 20 million, and he couldn't make it up for a while.

Obviously, he can't kill people and steal goods in Xingguang city because of a little spirit stone.

"It seems that Renjie still has some reluctance, but the price can't be cheaper. In this way, the little old man is willing to keep this refining root for Renjie... Well, until this time tomorrow, and then the little old man is willing to tell Renjie a good way to make money."

"With the strength of outstanding people, it may be possible to fill this number in one day."

The old aquarium man approached mysteriously. The fishy smell on his body made Ye Feng frown slightly.

Even the black tiger, who always had thick lines, couldn't help taking a step back.

"What method?" asked Ye Feng.

"Challenge arena!"

"What is the challenge arena?" Ye Feng was stunned.

"Young master, I know how to fight the black tiger in the challenge arena..." the black tiger on the side pulled Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "the old man smells too strong. After staying here for a long time, maybe we will smell fishy... Why don't you leave here first and take the black tiger to fight the challenge arena."

Ye Feng didn't want to have too much contact with the dog eyed old aquarium man, so he nodded.

"Well, I'll come back at this time tomorrow. I hope... Your refined dragon root can be sold to me."

"Certainly, as long as the heroes can gather up 900000 top-grade spirit stones, the refined roots are the heroes..." seeing that the goal has been achieved, the old Shui man doesn't continue to pester Ye Feng, and goes away with a bad smile.

He doesn't believe that this human warrior really has the ability to challenge more than three levels. If he dies on the challenge platform, won't he save a lot of trouble?

Black tiger led Ye Feng to leave the square city.

"I didn't expect that your accomplishments have become so amazing in the past three days?"

As he walked forward, he was pleasantly surprised. The black tiger in front carefully avoided the crowd and dared not be careless any more. A rude looking man walked like a kitten.

"My childe's Dantian suffered heavy damage before his cultivation dropped suddenly. As long as I can get the refined dragon root, my Dantian can recover completely, and my cultivation will return to the peak level at that time..."

"By the way, black tiger, what's going on in the challenge arena? Why can you earn spirit stone in the challenge arena?"

Ye Feng was a little unclear, so he asked the black tiger.

"The challenge arena is located at the gate of the city Lord's residence. It is said that it was jointly set up by thirteen counties. You can get rich rewards just by defeating the corresponding opponents..." black tiger recalled and blinked his eyes.

"What are the rewards? And... What are the conditions for those who take part in the challenge?" Ye Feng continued.

"The black tiger said the reward first. It seems that if he defeats an aquarium or a Terran warrior who exceeds his triple, he can get a heavy reward of 100000 top-grade spirit stones."

"Of course, you can also choose to challenge barbarian or demon warriors. In that case, you only need to defeat those who have more than two accomplishments..."

"If the opponent is a Yu, you only need to surpass yourself..."

The black tiger spattered with saliva.

The challenge arena competition of the city Lord's residence has always been the place where they talk before and after tea. Although the black tiger has low cultivation and is not qualified to participate, he went to see it several times when the challenge arena was just opened.

So it's clear.

"Childe, how much are your accomplishments?" he suddenly turned to ask Ye Feng.

"Virtual environment triple!"

"Three times in the virtual world?" the black tiger calculated with his fingers. "In that case, as long as you defeat a six times martial artist in the virtual world, or a five times barbarian martial artist in the virtual world, or a four times Yu martial artist in the virtual world, you can get a reward of 100000 top-grade spirit stones."

Those who can surpass the three levels and win are great talents.

The barbarians and demons are stronger than the people and water, so their requirements are lower. As for the Yu, although they have such an option, there are no Yu defenders in Xingguang City, just a name.

"Why is there such a challenge arena?" Ye Feng asked some details while listening.

"It's said that it's because... Our Terrans are gradually declining. It's OK in the thirteen counties, but if we go out of the thirteen counties, the Terran status is low and far from being compared with other races."

"Therefore, the thirteen counties alliance will ask each city to set up a challenge arena, dig out the talents of our Terran warriors and provide some resource support."

"No other restrictions?" asked Ye Feng.

"Yes... There are age and cultivation restrictions. It must be in the virtual realm stage, under 30. After all, if you are promoted to the king's realm, no one can jump three steps to win the challenge..."

Listening to black tiger's explanation, Ye Feng nodded.

The higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to challenge. Basically, after reaching the seven levels of virtual environment, it is almost impossible to defeat a martial artist who is three levels higher than himself.

On the contrary, in the virtual environment, it has some advantages. In this case, I can try it myself.


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