There was a lot of noise. The five-star demon general who had just been selected by Ye Feng walked into the challenge arena in a glare.

It is a bearish man with long hair and looks like a monster black bear, but wearing armor and walking upright.

The demon clan has some demon animal blood and has the ability of some demon animals, but they are very different from the demon animals. Their intelligence is generally higher than the demon animals, and their living habits are basically the same as the human race.

The five-star demon will be as tall as two leaf maples, just like a giant. When he stepped into the challenge arena, his eyes shot fierce light, stared at leaf maples, grinned and said, "challenge this general?"

"Later... I ate you."

Demon force and Yuan force belong to two different systems, so the five-star demon general feels a little unfathomable to Ye Feng.

"Don't you take out your weapon?"

Seeing Ye Feng standing opposite him empty handed, the bear demon will proudly drink.

Ye Feng looked at him with a very contemptuous look and didn't bother to answer.

The bear demon's voice was cold: "little rabbit, what are you looking at?"

He was irritated by Ye Feng's eyes, and his layers of black hair expanded as if covered with a thick layer of armor. "You can't break my defense without weapons."

Ye Feng smiled: "you look up at yourself!"

He stretched out three fingers and said coldly, "three fists, within three fists, take your dog's life!"

The bear demon showed an expression of extreme disdain on his face, and said with an angry smile, "listen to what the little rabbit said? He said to kill me with three fists?"

"Lord Xiong stood and asked you to fight..."

A circle of dark yellow light condensed in the bear demon's body, looking like a thick eggshell.

Ye Feng felt that there was an energy different from Yuan Li. It was inspired from the demon. Maybe it was the source of their cultivation... Demon power.

It seems that there is not much difference between Yuan Li and Yuan Li.

He didn't say a word and didn't have much expression on his face. After stepping on the challenge arena, his right hand gathered strength and rushed straight at the bear demon.

In this punch, Ye Feng used 90% of his strength.

Previously, when he was fighting with senior brother Ding of extreme fire castle, he also used similar strength to directly defeat senior brother Ding with one punch. The cultivation of the bear human demon general was similar to that of Ding Feiying, but the combat power of the demon family was better than that of the Terran. He didn't think of winning with one punch, but made some temptation.

Consciously told him that the combat power of the bear man demon general must be much stronger than Ding Feiyang.


The yuan force surged like a shell on the thick eggshell inspired by the bear man. The shield suddenly deformed and sank from the original ellipse.


The halo is like a soap bubble in the wind. It looks like it will break at any time, but... It just doesn't break.

The huge power was passed on to the bear warrior. His figure was "thump thump thump thump" back for a walk. Several shallow footprints were stepped on the solid challenge arena, but the eggshell shield was not broken after all.

"Boy... Brute force is not small."

After removing all the strength, the bear man general walked back to his place, looked at Ye Feng with a surprised face and said, and then burst into a proud laugh, "Lord Xiong has long said that with your weak human strength, the virtual environment is triple, and it is impossible to break my defense."

"Demon power... Does it also have attributes?"

When he was defending the shield in a boxing just now, Ye Feng felt that there was a thick soil element attribute, which offset his attack.

Earth attribute is famous for its defense. It is used to derive shield. It is really an excellent technique.

"So what?"

The bear man continued to shout proudly, "the totem of our family... Is the earth mother bear. The demon force naturally conforms to the attribute of the earth element. Lord Xiong, my agreement with the earth element has reached 70%. This shield is the earth element cohesion known for its defense. With this shield, thunder, earth fire, swords, spears, halberds, what can hurt me?"

"No wonder the demon clan is so arrogant and says to stand and let Ye Feng fight. It turns out that there are such powerful defense moves. The demon bear's physique is super strong. Maybe you don't have to be afraid of Ye Feng's attack..."

"If you can't break the earth yuan shield, you will be invincible. If Ye Feng has a powerful spirit weapon in his hand, he still has a chance to fight. But if not, it's difficult to win..."


There was a lot of discussion under the challenge arena. Ye Feng just said that he would kill the bear's general within three fists. Although most people didn't think so, it also boosted some morale.

But after seeing the defense moves of the bear generals, this morale dissipated with the wind again.

Ye Feng doesn't know what the concept of 70% soil element fit is.

However, since he learned some information from this stupid bear, he can make corresponding means.

"Demon power of soil attribute?"

His heart moved.

At present, the place where both sides set foot is not the ground with rich tuyuan, but the challenge arena built by Xingguang city with special materials. They can't continuously draw vitality from the ground, which is an unfavorable factor for bear soldiers.

"Then use wood to restrain him!"

Ye Feng originally wanted to use the powerful "kungong Diquan" to deal with the bear generals, but after learning that the other party was also local, he shook his head and rejected it.

Among the five elements, wood conquers soil.

Let the demon family taste the taste of being restrained.

He took a deep breath, and the yuan force in the Dantian was transformed. Suddenly, he clapped his hand at the bear warrior and split it out.

After this palm is played, there is a wood green luster wrapped around the palm, which emits a strong smell of green and green wood yuan.

Among the ten eight trigrams boxing, there was originally a move called "dugong wooden boxing", but this move converts the vitality of the whole body into wood attributes. The power burst out is slightly inferior to "Kun Gong Di boxing" and "Ligong fire boxing", so Ye Feng rarely uses it in general.

However, now, in order to restrain the earth element attribute of the bear man's generals, Ye Feng turned the yuan force of his whole body into the "wood" attribute in an instant with the help of this fist.

However, the trick used was not "dugong muquan", but the second palm of "Jingtao paiyun palm", which is famous for its attack, "the cloud breaks through the sky".

"Cloud breaking sky opening" was originally an extremely powerful sky level martial arts skill, and then borrowed the wood element attribute to completely restrain the Demon power of the other party. The power of this attack is too powerful.

The palm power hasn't been sent out yet, and there is a look of horror in the eyes of the bear warrior. Previously, he clearly perceived that the boy who challenged himself on the stage is not a warrior with wood attribute. How can he play the yuan power with wood attribute in an instant?


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