"OK! Since Ye Feng has the courage, the city master has no reason not to agree. That's it. Ye Feng, the 37th genius of the city, challenges he Bayi, a barbarian martial artist of level three, and goes to the challenge arena. Outsiders can't interfere with life and death."

The Star City Lord's admiring eyes swept over Ye Feng and announced loudly to the audience.


Although the audience under the challenge arena had long been prepared, the Star City Lord announced in public that the shock was really not ordinary.

Witnessing a city level genius has made their trip worthwhile. Unexpectedly, they can still see the challenge of county level talents?

This is really

"Ye Feng, take care of yourself. If you lose to the barbarians, remember to jump off the challenge arena and admit defeat at the first time."

"My Terran is weak. I finally produced several materials that can be made, but I can't afford to waste..." after saying these two words, the Star City Master's shadow flashed and disappeared from the stage.

Ye Feng nodded.

He stood on the challenge arena and kept a certain distance from he Bayi. Then he closed his eyes slightly and dropped his hands on both sides.

Suddenly, he suddenly looked up and opened his eyes. At this moment, he Bayi, who was standing opposite him, had an illusion. It seemed that the Terran youth opposite him who wanted to fight with him was like a sharp blade out of the scabbard. It had been buried before. At this time, it was finally going to shine.

"Terran vegetable chicken, no matter what mystery you play with, you will die if you meet Laozi!"

Standing three feet away from Ye Feng, he Bayi said fiercely, "it doesn't mean anything that you can kill that stupid bear. To tell you the truth, the stupid bear's bullshit defense can't even stop my half knife, but you need three fists to kill him, so you can't be my opponent."

"Give my brother... Die!"

As soon as the voice fell, he punched Ye Feng with his right hand.

At the moment when he hit his right fist, the air burst and made a loud noise. A red air wave swept from him, forming a python light and shadow. Obviously, he used the "pretty God tattoo".

It is also a "pretty God tattoo", which is made in the hands of hebayi and is completely different from that in the hands of hebadin.

This punch formed a huge snake shadow several feet long and thick in the air, and even almost formed the prototype of a dragon, with a head, a body and a tail, but there are no horns on the head and claws under the body. The details are not very similar.

Obviously, he Bayi's "pretty God tattoo" grade is far better than he bading.

The same tattoo is very obvious.

People around the challenge arena exclaimed, "level 3? Has this pretty dog engraved the 'pretty dog tattoo' to level 3?"

"The more powerful the pretty God tattoo is, the more blood essence of the warrior will need to be absorbed. This is... How many people have been killed."

Someone nearby said, "Hey, those alien races don't treat us as human beings at all. In their eyes, we are no different from monsters and wild animals."

"The power of the third level of Manshen tattoo is more than ten times better than that of the first level. This time... Ye Feng is more dangerous than good."

"See how he responds..."

The huge Python's virtual shadow opened its mouth in mid air and showed its sharp fangs. The long snake like letter also made a concussion sound and swept straight at Ye Feng.

Look at this, it seems that it can swallow a living man. The spectators below are terrified. Everyone raises his heart to his throat.

Ye Feng's face was calm, thinking about the way to break the enemy.

When he was in the Yuan Wu mainland, he was enough to defeat the strong in the half step King's territory, and the strength of the Yuan Wu was almost two levels lower than the divine Wu. In addition, his cultivation fell twice, and the barbarian Wu was stronger than the human Wu of the same level.

After several conversions, if he doesn't use the jiujue Tianbei, Ye Feng knows very well that he is probably not the opponent of the other party.

Of course, if you use Tianbei to defeat the other party, it may not be a big problem, but it is not a good thing to expose your biggest cards in full view of the public.

With or without?

He was still thinking carefully. With the explosive blow of hebading, the python shadow had rushed to the sky.

When there was no time to delay, Ye Feng broke his drink and hit three fists in a row.

The three fists he used were the "leaving the palace fire fist" among the ten eight trigrams, which was powerful. One fist was fierce, and the landing point of each fist was carefully considered by Ye Feng. Most of them fell on the forehead of Python shadow.

Bang Bang

Three punches in a row, hitting at the same time.


The huge Python shadow completely condensed by the "man God tattoo" sent out a sad cry. After a loud bang, the vitality dissipated, and the blood shadow flew back to hebading.

The majestic air currents surged everywhere, knocking some weak fighters around.

There was horror in many people's eyes.

Just the aftermath of the battle makes them unable to stand firm under the challenge arena. It can be imagined how terrible the pressure they bear on the stage.

Ye Feng's three fists smashed the "pretty God tattoo" attack? Let them marvel at the same time, their hearts summoned up some confidence.

It seems that there is a play in this war!

He bading looked more dignified on his face. He sneered: "you really have a little ability to kill my brother. However, the vegetable chicken is the vegetable chicken after all. I want to kill you. All your struggles are in vain."

"Today, you will die!"

With that, he roared fiercely, and there was a sharp edge in his right hand. The holy weapon of the heaven step and the three foot long mang killing knife burst out.

The whole body's momentum broke out completely at this moment. I could feel the blood billowing on his body and a knife in his hand. Just facing him, it seemed to be drowned by the overwhelming murderous spirit.


The circle of fighters closest to the challenge arena retreated towards the back, leaving an open space in front.

The figure of Ye Feng still stands straight on the stage, like a mountain. Facing he Bayi who used his long knife, there was no fear on his face.

"The knife in your hand is about to change its owner!" Ye Feng said softly and waved to he Bayi.

His contemptuous gesture immediately made hebayi roar with anger, and his steps were like the wind. "Miso" rushed towards Ye Feng.


A billowing knife rose into the sky. It seemed that even the clouds in the sky had been washed away. In the air, the knife light stirred up ripples visible to the naked eye, and a blood red color swept across the sky, with momentum like thunder.

"Kill mang ruthlessly and break your head with a knife!"

He bading drank wildly, the blood of the treasure knife was prosperous, and the knife light suddenly broke out

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