After walking down the steps for a long time, Ye Feng suddenly brightened up in front of him. He looked up and saw that the sky and sea above his head were separated, and there were light rays shining down from above, making a world under the sea.

The striking sight is a city with a slightly simple and dead spirit. There are not many martial artists of all ethnic groups, but countless strange creatures roam among them.

This city, which covers a large area, has towering tall buildings, in which time has left a mark. These buildings look simple but somewhat dilapidated. Among them, there are many mosses, vines and other things twining on the wall with various colors of runes.

At the moment, because hundreds of thousands of martial artists have entered the city, the city is not dead. From a distance, you can hear the sound of fighting, fighting, and even Hawking. It makes Ye Feng feel unprepared.

He stood still and looked up slowly into the distance. Across countless undulating buildings, at the end of the field of vision, a huge high tower rushes directly into the sky, with glazed tiles and jade steps, glittering underwater.

The tower has seven floors and climbs up layer by layer. The more it goes up, the more extraordinary the weather is.

On the first floor, there is light and runes; On the second floor, the glow is dense and the music is melodious; The war drums on the third floor roar like thunder... Each has its own advantages.

The seventh floor is different and misty, as if it were in this sea area and connected to another world, which is difficult to touch and not so real.

"Endless city... Endless tower..."

It is a miracle to build such a magnificent building at the bottom of the sea. People who want to create things have mysterious means. They are uncanny and even unpredictable.


Just as Ye Feng looked at him, he didn't know what was taking him away. After a little concentration, he gave a slight exclamation in his mouth.

"Is that... An ancient tree?"

"What kind of tree is it... So huge and majestic?"

At the back of the endless tower, there are huge tree crowns falling, countless strands, crystal clear, dreamlike.

The tree body was too big to measure, so when Ye Feng looked at it just now, he didn't notice it at the first time.

"Tut tut Tut, another ignorant Terran boy, the endless city has been famous for tens of thousands of years. Haven't you even heard of the 'Royal divine wood'?"

At this time, several martial artists jumped out on the steps. They were all aquariums. When they passed Ye Feng's side, they seemed to hear his exclamation and disdain in their eyes.

"Hee hee, ugly human beings, cultivation is also rubbish."

"The quality of the Terran is getting worse and worse. The appearance of this man makes me sick."

A woman with a fish body and face showed off her coquettishness. When she saw Ye Feng's disgusting face, she bossed her way: "yushenmu, this is the energy source of the endless city. If you can get a trace of the origin of Shenmu, you can't enjoy it all your life."

Ye Feng sighed secretly.

Endless city is indeed a legendary ancient city. The things in it are too mysterious.

He also ignored the ridicule of the aquarium.

Terrans and aquariums have always been enemies rather than friends. There has been a long-standing feud. After years of disputes, both sides have been used to each other's ridicule

Along the way, the sound of Hawking came into my ears from time to time. These peddlers are just one step ahead of them into the endless city.

"Good Royal divine wood branches can go up one floor at a time. They can be snapped up in limited quantities!"

There was a shrimp head warrior whose eyes were rolling, and a section of ancient wood was shaking vigorously in the long fork.

"Dali Longshen pill has great power. It can strengthen your health and ascend to the sky step by step. The second younger brother can turn around automatically. Little brother, do you want to buy one and try it?"

"If it's fake, it's authentic endless armor. It's made of thousands of years of cold jade that fell off the endless tower. It's naturally friendly to the endless tower, which can help you achieve the dream of the Lord!"

The sound of Hawking went higher and higher. Knowing that these things were just used to scare people, there were still many martial artists who set foot in the endless city for the first time. They couldn't help taking chances and came forward to check and ask.

Ye Feng didn't mean to waste time. He quickly went to the endless tower. After a incense stick, he swept under the tower. When he looked up, he felt that the tower was towering and spectacular, with mysterious power.

The bright tower remains mottled black marks, which are the traces left by history and symbolize the bloody and cruel nature of the ancient tower.

There is a huge stone tablet beside the high tower, which is engraved with numerous inscriptions to briefly describe the origin of the endless tower.

After reading, Ye Feng couldn't help taking a breath. The so-called order Lord is that many martial artists seize the first high position of the tower, and after climbing the high position, they must support it for a day. The commander of each layer not only needs to deal with countless challenges, but also... Needs to fight the crisis brought by the endless tower itself

While Ye Feng was meditating, the sea area gradually became quiet. Across the sea, Ye Feng could see that the huge blue wave portal was slowly closing.

It seems that... The opening time is over.


At the moment when the blue water gate was completely closed, an ancient bell vibrated for nine days, and the sound waves swept the whole underwater world, drowning all the noisy sounds.

With other unknown fighters, Ye Feng turned his head and looked at the place where the bell rang. In the middle of the temple, a huge water wave platform emerged out of thin air, on which several solemn looking elders stood.

One of them was a boy with crane hair, wearing a dragon crown, a Dragon Robe and a jade belt around his waist.

"I'm the guardian of the endless city. Aocang, martial artists of all ethnic groups come here for an opportunity. Tomorrow, open the endless tower so that the Lord can compete."

Ao Cang's voice rumbled in the ears of the people like thunder with an echo.


"How can there be strong Aquarians?"

Apart from most Aqua warriors, others such as barbarians, demons and Terrans can't help whispering.

I've never heard of a guardian.

The endless city belongs to the ownerless thing left over from ancient times. Every time it was opened in the past, only the martial arts in the virtual realm stage can be protected under the protection of the clear water order. Their accomplishments surpass the virtual realm. Even if they can enter the endless City, they will die in the next year no matter how high their accomplishments are after they leave.

Among them, the pavilions and temples, including the ancient tree of "Royal divine wood", have existed since ancient times.

Martial artists of all ethnic groups enter here to attack the endless tower and seize the order Lord. Their purpose is just to make a profit. No one, no race can ever take it for themselves.

Today, the aquarium is high above the others and assumes the attitude of being the master. By implication, it has turned this ancient relic into something in its own bag.

Moreover, the noble elders of the Shui nationality, aocang and others, who appear on the Shuilang platform, obviously have too many strong existence than the martial arts in the virtual environment. Are they not afraid of being killed?

"The strong are respected, the water people are dead and their own family. Now they seem to have to say that has the final say."

Although everyone is dissatisfied, there is nothing to do at this time.

Ye Feng, standing in the crowd, sighed in his heart. The scene in front of him was different from that described by the star city master, but he could understand that after all, the sea area is the territory of aquarium. Perhaps the strong aquarium has found a corresponding way to restrain

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