"This is... The mang killing knife of chimang tribe?"

Many barbarian warriors couldn't help opening their eyes when the killing mang Dao was released. When they saw that it was indeed the killing mang Dao, many people showed a look of surprise and doubt.

Although the chimang tribe is not powerful, it is also a famous tribe among the barbarians. Killing mang Dao is one of their inherited weapons and will never easily fall into the hands of a man's martial arts.

Because... Sha mang Dao is not only a symbol of strength, but also represents honor and status among barbarians.

This Sabre was originally carried by he Bajia, the first young expert of Chi mang tribe, but it was taken back by the tribal elders some time ago and handed over to he Bayi, his brother. It's secret. Only the barbarians know it. He Bayi was selected to guard the challenge arena of the thirteen Prefects. With the help of this magic weapon, he Bayi can greatly kill the young talents of the Terran and reduce the potential of the Terran.

But... This knife fell into the hands of a man's warrior, which makes people wonder.

"Boy, why is the mang killing knife in your hand?" at the moment, even Baru, who was stunned by anger, was sober for three minutes.

Whoever holds the mang killing Sabre is definitely the best of the chimang tribe.

At present, the weapon changed its owner. He was afraid that the original owner of shamang Dao would be more or less dangerous. He temporarily restrained his breath and raised a deep voice.

Ye Feng didn't relax his vigilance, but his face showed a casual expression. He played with the magic weapon in his hand and said to Baru, "do you say this? He killed a barbarian who provoked me a few days ago. This knife is our bet."

Then he glanced at the huge axe in Baru's hand and said with a smile, "I think your axe is also very good. How about taking it as a bet? I'll bet your axe with this knife!"

Yuluo, all the barbarian warriors in the presence changed their faces. They can defeat the master of mang Sabre by no means by chance.

The Terran boy in front of them can't see through for the first time. Up to now, Ye Feng hasn't used any powerful martial arts.

However, whether it's his body method speed, or hurting Balu with a boxing, and now, taking out the inheritance magic weapon of chimang tribe to kill mang knife shows his strength.

Even in the eyes of many barbarian warriors, Ye Feng has become unfathomable.

Balu, whose eyelids jumped wildly, was more sober in his heart. After cold eyes swept the martial artists of all ethnic groups, he had sprouted a sense of retreat.

I'm not sure. Even if I can take this boy's life with the last card, it's the end of killing a thousand enemies and self-loss. Tomorrow's battle with the Lord may only become an eyeful observer.

It's a pity that Haikou has boasted. If you shrink back in full view of the public, you can't live with your face.


Just when he was riding a tiger, there was a rude cry outside the field. A barbarian warrior with an unquenched anger on his face raised his arm and shouted, "since this boy has the magic weapon of the Chi mang tribe, don't fight him. Leave him alive and leave it to the Chi mang tribe to take care of himself."

"He Bajia will not tolerate foreigners with mang killing knives to live... He Bajia will not be happy if you kill him."

Hearing the words "he Bajia", Baru's face changed subconsciously.

However, it happened that he needed to find a step down. He immediately pretended to be cold and said, "hum, I really don't need to work for the chimang tribe. Let he Bajia deal with you by himself."

"If you hadn't killed mang Dao, you would never have such good luck today..."

Before his voice fell, he had dispersed his breath, the flame totem came into his body, and the flame man dragon with half his head sticking out of the air dissipated invisibly in an instant.

Then, Balu, who turned his head and stared at Ye Feng, strode back to his position angrily.

Ye Feng was silent.

This pretty dog is not completely mindless. If he insists on fighting and uses the jiujue Tianbei himself, he will never succeed.

But that would be tantamount to losing both sides, which would be of no benefit to him. Since he chose to stop, it would be the best result.

"Hahaha, the barbarians have counselled. There are also counsellors among the barbarians!"

"This is the end of contempt for our Terran. In the future, have a long memory. Don't think you can mess around without a brain..."

Seeing the barbarian warriors stop fighting, the Terran side made a mockery and whistle, and despised them impolitely.

Anyway, no one is willing to choose to be "human rape" on this occasion.

The barbarian fighters opened their voices and shouted back, and there was a lot of abuse at the scene.

But no one went on.

"You guys, if you want to come up, just try. I'll accompany you to the end!"

Ye Feng ignored the quarrel and looked at Shuimu Hun and others. His momentum did not decrease at all. Instead, he was still climbing upward. The killing mang Dao sent out bursts of killing intention.

"That stupid dog is not your opponent, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. Don't forget, it's in the sea!"

Shuimu, who was provoked in public, was brave. The Trident in his hand made a rumbling sound, and a water wave vortex scattered around him.

Although Shuimu Hun doesn't want to compete with Ye Feng, there are all kinds of talents here. If he shows timidity, he will become a laughing stock.

"Good combat power can force Balu back, but it may not have an advantage over the muddy eyes in Sheung Shui."

Zhong Li frowned. The battle between Balu and Shuimu Hun was not because the latter's cultivation was low, but because Balu despised the enemy for a while.

Aquariums are naturally friendly to the waters, and they have inherent advantages in this endless sea area. If they really fight, Ye Feng with obvious fire attribute and water eye with water attribute will decide life and death, and the winner really can't be judged.

However, just as the swords of both sides were drawn and the crossbows were stretched, a beautiful shadow quietly flashed out from the rear of many martial artists. This man was hot, noble, and had long red hair.

It was the original red haired aquarium woman. Although the red haired woman was not far from a martial artist, no one could detect her just now.

As if the woman wasn't there at all.

The light of her eyes passed through the crowd. The eyes of the red haired aquarium woman fell on Ye Feng, slightly revealing something strange.

"It's clear that there are only four levels of emptiness, but it blocks the flame of Balu and cuts through the air..."

"Also, since he is the same as that mean man, why does he stand out for two useless people..."

Thoughts that she couldn't understand flashed through her mind. A little doubt appeared in the red haired aquarium woman's Hong like eyes. After a moment, she gently shook her head, suddenly swept her figure and flashed forward.

With a flick of her hand, the wave came into being, setting off a circle of ripples under her feet. After several times of disillusionment, she fell impressively in front of the water and eyes.

"As I said before, private fights are not allowed in front of the endless tower. Don't you pay attention to my aunt's words?"

The sudden appearance of the red haired woman attracted people's attention, while the angry Shuimu became a chicken at the moment of seeing the woman.

"Dare not... Subordinates, dare not!"

After the breath dispersed rapidly, Shuimu respectfully lowered his head, flinched and retreated back

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