Ye Feng frowned.

This guy is the Kunpeng pulse mentioned by Zhong Li. His speed is unparalleled. Looking at this appearance, he is not a fuel-saving lamp.

"This demon general is Kunpeng's pulse Brahma, and the foetal chemical weapon pulse belongs to this demon general..."

Brahma demon will not say much, but his eyes are fierce. Strangely, the left and right pupils are different. The left eye is the sun and the right eye is the moon. It gives people a very strange feeling when it turns.

"Talk less, facial paralysis, hanging expression, sharp eyebrows and bone carving knife. This guy can't provoke if he doesn't provoke."

Patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, and Zhong Li said meaningfully.

The demon clan and the feather clan are not easy to offend. One of these two races is murderous, and the other is extremely powerful. In the past, when the human race encountered the strong demon clan and the feather clan at the same level, it can only choose to retreat by three points.

Balu and Shuimu Hun both looked bad and snorted coldly. They didn't take the initiative to provoke the murderer. The two sides won't fight so soon until they have to.

"The Yu people will see you in the past and pay a visit to you. It's convenient for people and yourself to live in a virtuous and high place."

At the moment when the demon family rushed away from the aquatic warrior and appeared, in the void on the other side, a man with an extremely handsome face and white feathers flapped on his back came from Feiling.

The feather nationality also came in the air at this moment.

He looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. He is graceful, elegant and romantic. His sword eyebrows go into his temples. His star eyes are like the sea. He holds a feather fan in his hand. His soap robe is spotless, like snow better than winter.

As soon as the young man appeared, he immediately attracted the burning eyes of many young martial artists. The talents gathered here are basically about 20. At the age of youth, he suddenly saw such a handsome Yu youth. He was naturally excited.

The Yu nationality has always haunted the divine land. It has a bit of mysterious color, which gives the on-site Terran and Aquarium female martial artists a bit more imagination space, and even the barbarian female martial artists show abnormal eyes.

"Hum, I'm so sour. What's virtue? I can't hear such shit because I have big fists and strong strength. I can fight and kill if I want. Endless city doesn't open a bookstore to reason!"

Baru growled impatiently. The barbarians didn't like the handsome and unrestrained of the Yu nationality. His voice was full of provocation.

"Brother man's words are different. The road is vast and hard to think about. If people without virtue are in charge, how much trouble in the world. Only people with virtue can help justice."

The ancient sight with a smile shakes gently, and the handsome face is very eye-catching in the sun.

"Seeing your mother's ghost, I've got a big head. Hey... Aquarium, don't announce the beginning soon?"

Baru's eyes were angry.

Gu Jian said these tortuous words, which sounded like a heavenly book to him.

Ye Feng secretly observed that although the Yu youth had no momentum and listened to him like a sour Confucian, his presence here meant that he was definitely not a good stubble.

Previously, when Zhong Li gave him advice on experts of all nationalities, there was no ancient figure.

The Yu youth just came out of thin air. He spoke gently and had no hostility. Except for the barbarian Balu who didn't like him, others looked at him very carefully, and regarded Gu Jian as the number one enemy.

Hidden and confident.

The more such a person is, the more difficult it is to deal with. On the contrary, it is a brainless barbarian like Baru who has come up to expose his strength. He is bound to be unable to lift too much waves today.

"Time, almost!"

On the water wave platform, a column of sandalwood was inserted in front of Ao Cang, an elder of the aquarium. He looked at the crowd and shouted like a dragon, and the surroundings soon quieted down.

"Dragon sandalwood can burn for an hour. I will change one every hour. Within the limit of time, after the endless tower is opened, you will have a fight. A Lord will be born on each floor of the seven storey pagoda. The more you go up, the greater the opportunity you can get. After entering the tower, you should live and die according to your destiny."

"Now! Open the endless Tower!"

Suddenly, Ao Cang stretched out his hand and a magnificent ability surged out. Another layer of light prohibition in front of the endless tower dissipated immediately. In a twinkling, the pagoda showed bursts of old and clumsy breath, filling most of the endless city.


The four fields shook like a bugle. At the moment when the prohibition dissipated, thousands of martial artists shouted and rushed away at the tall stone pagoda.

"Ha ha! It's finally open. First, it's Lao Tzu's. seize the opportunity, achieve the Lord, and expand my barbarian family!"

With a huge axe in hand, Baru jumped three feet, trampled a huge stone into powder, rushed forward with a barbarian warrior like a mad dog, and plunged into the tower gate hundreds of feet away.

Unwilling to be outdone, the aquarium followed. The gold armor in the hands of Shuimu Hun was like a thousand golden lights, forming a whirlpool wave, which made it difficult for the surrounding warriors to get close.

The change of yushenmu just now scattered the territory originally robbed by the people, but the aquarium and barbarians still occupied the advantage, so they also hit the front of the team.

Although the demons burning the sky and the Yu Gu Jian have the ability to squeeze into the first echelon, perhaps they do not want to fight outside the tower and do not compete with the barbarians and aquariums.

"Come on, let's go in!"

Ye Feng looked around, found a road, and hurried forward with Zhong Li and Liu ion.

The Terran Warriors also moved. Relying on the quantitative advantage, they soon tore a hole and kept pace with the Shui and barbarians.

Everyone is afraid of being a little slow. Under the full charge, there will inevitably be a collision. When it is close to the endless tower, the surrounding area is already crowded, and the war will start at any time.

"Bastard boy, go back and compete with me. Are you going to die?"

Just when Ye Feng surpassed many people and slowly finished the endless tower, suddenly, there was a fierce human warrior with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks around him. His eyes were fierce, and he shouted and scolded in his mouth.

They are both Terrans, but they also compete with each other. Besides, Terrans are famous for their love of infighting, which is far less united than Shui and barbarians

"They are all Terrans. They should unite as one."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the simple and honest Zhong Li arched his hand slightly and said to the man.

"Brother Zhong Li's words are wrong. If you want to unite, you have to unite with people who are better than cattle. Unite with this small role in the virtual environment. Behind you, Liu ion jumped forward and shouted," blind your dog's eye. I didn't see my brother's previous war against Balu. Even Balu is not an opponent. Dare you shout in front of us! "

The Terran warrior with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was stunned. After seeing Ye Feng's appearance, he was surprised.

Then he was kicked to the ground by Liu ion, who took one step. The latter proudly made an invitation to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart is more alert. Zhong Li doesn't want to use force because he's afraid of bringing him trouble. Liu ion obviously bullies others with his strength. What's safe is a bad heart. However, the guy with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was not a good man. Ye Feng didn't say much. He laughed and rushed forward.

There was a mess ahead. At this time, Baru had waved his axe and rushed up the steps with a group of barbarian warriors, climbing towards the first tower.

The tower body is towering. The tower body on each floor is about three feet high. A circular corridor winds around the tower body. The first flying feather flower is hung on the extended eaves of the tower, flashing bright light

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