Between release and collection, the depressed atmosphere of the iron tower man suddenly recovered its strength, almost keeping him in the peak state just before the battle.

"You... What kind of martial arts is this?!"

Balu's face finally changed dramatically. The name of the martial arts displayed by the other party is very strange and powerful. In particular, the "secret technique of tracing the source of the Yuan emperor" can replenish the lost yuan power in an instant?

How else?

Grandma te, this is not bullying!

The faces of other martial artists also become very dignified. The more powerful their martial arts skills are, the greater the consumption will be. The energy capacity of Dantian and the recovery speed of yuan power have always been important factors that restrict martial artists from using powerful martial arts skills many times in a short time.

However, this "secret technique of tracing the source of the Yuan emperor" has broken this shackle, which is indeed against the sky.

"Yuan emperor..."

"This person should be an expert in the King City of Tianqi County, and his identity must be good."

Zhong Li seemed thoughtful. He glanced at the tower man and said to Ye Feng and others: "among the many demigods in the thirteen counties, the Yuan emperor studied heaven and man and studied tens of thousands of martial arts, which has already reached an extraordinary level. Later, he integrated countless martial arts and created his own skills. It is said that he has reached another level."

Ye Feng nodded slightly when he heard the speech. It seems that he accidentally met a big man.

Shenwu is very different from Yuanwu, and the means of the warrior is more than one chip higher. The martial arts displayed by the iron tower man really give him a refreshing feeling.


Under everyone's solemn eyes, the man of the iron tower has turned into a "Yuan Huang He gas shield" again and rushed to Balu with his fist.

Although Balu, who was already afraid, was still resisting, he was much more careful. His body was almost burning. The flame totem firmly protected the key points and looked for opportunities to fight back.

"Hum, the Terran stands in the forest of all ethnic groups, and a mere brute dog also barks with my Terran. It's too much!"

A sneer came out of his mouth. The iron tower man's shield fist took over. It was as fierce as a tiger. The more he fought, the more ferocious he became. He collided with the giant axe in Baru's hand for dozens of times. He was shocked and beat Baru, the barbarian elite known for his brutality, out.


Forced to swallow a mouthful of blood gas, Baru's eyes showed a thick color of fear.

"Ha ha, damn pretty dog, dare to compete with me for places, bah!"

Seeing that Balu was at a disadvantage, when he made the move, he only parried and had no power to fight back. Liu ion was naturally overjoyed. After shouting excitedly, he slowly looked at Ye Feng.

"Ye, you shouldn't offend me. You shouldn't give up your baby and tell your secret. Maybe I can plead for you and save your life."

After that, he threw out his palms, grabbed maple leaf and quietly moved towards Brahma.

The man in the iron tower blocked the way just now. Now he has no time to take care of them in the war. As long as he has the help of the demon family, he can't stop it in an hour.

Liu ion looked proud and waited for Ye Feng to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Hum... How can those who offend themselves come to a good end?

Ye Feng, who was strangled by the throat, sighed softly and said weakly, "I can tell a secret, but I want to understand one thing."

Liu ion turned his eyes and heard that Ye Feng was willing to tell a secret to survive. He was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "what do you want to know?"

"What are your grudges with that aquarium woman?"

Hearing this, Liu ion's throat suddenly rolled, and his eyes gouged out the red haired woman of the aquarium, revealing an obscene light in his eyes.

He said proudly: "I'm not afraid to tell you that grandpa came to endless sea this time. He wanted to find several suitable cultivation furnace tripods. He had already found an aquarium warrior before, but he didn't expect to save the woman when he met this hard stubble. He didn't say anything bad about Grandpa's good deeds. He chased and killed all the way, and almost hung in her hand."

"Fortunately, I met you fool... Ha ha! The grinding aquarium demon is coquettish and has high cultivation. If you take it back and dedicate it to my ancestors, ha ha..."

His eyes were full of longing light, subconsciously licked his lips, showing an obscene appearance.

However, what Liu ion didn't notice was that everyone's eyes were fixed on him except the two in the war.

In particular, the red haired aquarium woman almost spewed fire from her Phoenix eyes, and her hands holding the Trident flashed with thunder.

Ye Feng gave a dry smile, and Yuan Li scattered faintly under his feet. He cheated Liu ion's trust with his weak appearance, isolated their breath with Yuan Li, but increased the volume to others.

So Liu ion didn't feel it at all.

Ye Feng left Liu ion, naturally in order to prove her innocence like a red haired aquarium woman, indicating that she and Liu ion are not birds of a feather and collude with each other.

"As a fellow human race, you call for help. Is there any reason why I don't save you? But I didn't expect that when the road is rough, I blocked the great enemy for you and took you to this level, but you designed to murder me... Your heart is really so vicious?"

Leaf maple continued quietly.

"Who's to blame? But for your dying sake, Liu taught you a lesson. There's never any noble morality in this world. If you want to blame, blame you for your stupidity... HMM, no!"

Before finishing a sentence, Liu ion looked shocked. He suddenly heard his voice as loud as the bell, echoing on the God of war platform.

"In that case, I'll teach you a lesson. A strong man has a strong hand. Do you really think you have a winning ticket and are complacent?"

"What are you in my eyes? I have seen through your intrigues from the beginning. I keep you just to let the aquarium know that I'm just deceived by you."

The look was suddenly cold. Ye Feng looked back and looked at the red haired aquarium woman.

After a little meditation, he opened his mouth and looked very sincere: "girl, you must have heard what I just said? There is a small misunderstanding between you and me. This insidious villain is despicable. I have never known him before and was used by him before. I hope the girl will give me a chance to make up for my mistakes."

"Now, I'll take him down and give him to you, girl, to eliminate your hatred."

He had no intention of offending the red haired woman. At the beginning, he rashly took the lead for Liu ion, just based on the great righteousness of race, but now it seems that he is indeed a little reckless.

The red haired aquarium woman's eyes flicker, her proud body stands still and her heart reads lightning.

Along the way, what the red haired aquarium woman saw and heard made her understand that the young man's determination in martial arts was not such a shameless villain as Liu ion.

How can such a martial artist stand out for the next three abuses?

I thought they were birds of a feather. Until now, I know it's just a misunderstanding.

Although this young man belongs to the human race, the competition for the quota is imminent. It is clear that the demon race and the feather race share the same spirit, and the barbarians should also intervene.

If you want to succeed, maybe only the United Terran can do it.

After listening to Ye Feng's explanation, the red haired aquarium woman nodded slightly and opened her lips: "you and I are indeed deceived by him. Well, you take down the beast and give it to me. My aunt will break him into pieces!"

Ye Feng secretly breathed a sigh. Since the other party accepted his conditions, it was logical to join hands

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