As Chen Xiao said, after waiting for more than a day, Ye Feng was able to see the Star City Lord.

"Ye Feng, you're back..."

Not seen for some time, the star city master seems to be haggard. Although Ye Feng tries to cheer up, he still can't hide the tired color on his face.

"Live up to the expectations of your predecessors."

With a slight fist, Ye Feng hurried forward to give the Star City Lord a gift.

He nodded with satisfaction. The Star City Master suddenly looked at Ye Feng carefully, and his eyes showed some surprise. Even his yuan strength fluctuated, "you... So fast, you have been promoted to the fifth level of the virtual world?"

Ye Feng smiled, touched his head and said, "by chance, I was lucky to break through when I broke through the endless tower..."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the Star City Master was slightly stunned and more satisfied with him. Although the boy spoke lightly, it was difficult to break through the dangerous endless tower.

Ordinary people enter the endless tower, let alone break through the realm. It's not easy to get out alive.

"OK! I really didn't see the wrong person. By the way, what floor did you rush to during your trip to the endless tower? Did you ever win the position of commander?"

"Rushed to the seventh floor, um... It's... The commander of the seventh floor."

Ye Feng said lightly. The Star City Master opposite just raised a hot tea. The teacup moved to his mouth suddenly shook, and tea overflowed from it.

If I remember correctly, the endless tower has only seven floors in total... I certainly have expectations for Ye Feng, but how dare I expect such a result?

He was satisfied to return intact.

After all, Ye Feng's accomplishments are only four... Well, five.

"Is there a reward?"

Suddenly put down the tea cup, the Star City Master grabbed the armrest of the chair and asked impatiently.

"I'm lucky. The opening of the endless city is just the time for the Royal divine wood to inject energy. There's a 'foetal chemical weapon pulse'. I'm lucky to harvest that weapon pulse..."

Ye Feng's face is calm. He has gone through difficulties and dangers in the endless sea area. It's understandable to seize the tire chemical weapon pulse. There is no big fluctuation in his heart.

The Star City Lord looked at Ye Feng and said nothing. After a long time, he suddenly raised his hair and laughed. After the funny sound, he shook his head in an unbelievable way and asked in a low voice, "you boy, shouldn't you be happy with me."

"How dare I fool the city Lord... I really became the seventh floor commander and got the fetal chemical weapon pulse..." Ye Feng was speechless for a moment and had to repeat it helplessly.

"Ha, ha ha..." the star city leader finally burst out a hearty and happy laugh this time, in which joy was expressed in his words. "I really didn't see the wrong person, Ye Feng... It's really gratifying that you can get such a result."

"You... Can teach!"

Ye Feng's words are sincere. The Lord of Star City has a renewed kindness to him. Without the support of the Lord of Star City, he can't get to the endless sea area many miles away before the agreement: "thank you for your praise. However, I can make the current achievements. Most of them are the credit of the Lord's old family. If you hadn't given me your previous advice, I wouldn't be today?"

"There's no need to be too modest... You fought for it yourself. I just mentioned it a little."

The Star City Lord's tired and ugly old face showed a rare color of joy.

Ye Feng can get the reward of the seventh floor, which is a great surprise for the star city master. If the rumors are true, he can become the master of the seventh floor. As long as he grows up, he can almost be steadily promoted to the Holy Land in the future.

There is even a chance to step into the realm of God.

The Star City Lord knows how difficult it is to get to this step, and with his martial arts talent, he can only stay in the semi holy realm, the real holy realm and even the rumored divine realm, even he dare not expect.

Unexpectedly, I met Ye Feng and had the hope of achieving the holy land.

In this way, Xingguang city has some hope in the future

"Lord, I have another important thing to tell you."

Seeing the Star City Master's look of old comfort, Ye Feng thought repeatedly and decided to inform the Star City Master of the demon family's pursuit of himself. He didn't think that the prisoner king would be willing to leave after a big loss. It would also prepare him to communicate with the city Lord in advance.

"Oh? What's up?"

The star city master with a look on his face smiled and motioned Ye Feng to continue.

After a incense burning time, Ye Feng almost told the star city master about his enemy against the demons and barbarians in the endless city.

"It's just a first-class demon king. Don't worry. Thirteen counties are our Terran territory. Give him ten courage, and he doesn't dare to go into the city and act recklessly. Of course, if you leave the city, you should be more careful."

"I will also send experts out of the city master's house to explore the four sides around the city..."

The Star City Master smiled, waved his hand and said disapprovingly.

"One more thing..."

Rest assured that Ye Feng's face showed some embarrassment. He had promised Wu Ji before. At that time, he was impulsive and didn't think too much. Now he still thinks it's wrong, so he mentioned it to the city master.

"In a few days, maybe some aquariums will come to the city to propose marriage. The object... Is the boy..."

Although xingshenwu mainland apparently does not prohibit intermarriage of different races, there is actually some nonsense.

There are always disagreements among ethnic groups, and their aesthetic and other values are different. Different races often dislike each other, let alone become Taoist partners.

"Er... What's going on?"

The Star City Lord came to the teacup at his mouth for the second time and stopped again.

After sighing, Ye Feng could only tell the cause and effect of the matter in detail. Finally, he said, "it's about commitment. I promise the aquarium princess. I won't choose to stand idly by."

"Step back!"

Looking around, the Star City Master rebuked him. His old face was dignified and said in a deep voice: "Ye Feng, intermarriage with aquarium... It's not as simple as you think..."

"What?" Ye Feng frowned.

"If we put it in the past, cross ethnic intermarriage is not a big deal. As long as we look at each other and the elders agree, outsiders will not interfere..."

"However, over the past tens of thousands of years, the Terran has gradually declined, and other ethnic groups have risen together. The Shui nationality is the largest ethnic group in Shenwu, and there is a lot of friction with our Terran. The challenge arena competition jointly organized by the thirteen counties is another half of the reason to curb the Shui nationality..."

"Under such circumstances, if you marry the aquarium princess, you may give others a handle. Other Terran sects can take this as a threat and trouble you."

"People's mouths make money, and the accumulated destruction destroys the bones. Although I am the head of the city, I can't stop people's mouths. Do you understand this

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help nodding.

Since ancient times, the human heart has been everything, not to mention the great righteousness of this race?

The story of his intermarriage with the aquarium princess came out. Once it was used by those who wanted to, I'm afraid most Terran warriors would not agree. At that time, coupled with the incitement of the three factions of extreme fire castle, he will become the target of public criticism and everyone's Crusade.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a flash in his mind. The aquarium should understand this better, but he still chose to marry Wu Ji to him.

Deep in Ye Feng's memory, several pictures flashed across: in the endless City, the strong aquatic people ambushed secretly. In the final stage, they killed many foreign martial arts intruders.


Ao Cang has dug a huge hole for himself. Once he gets married with the aquarium princess, the Terran will not let him live a peaceful life. In this way, he can only take refuge in the aquarium, and the foetal Huawu vein will naturally fall back into the hands of the aquarium.

No wonder they ran away at last. None of the strong aquariums jumped out to stop them

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