
"Note... "Safe." Third Prince looked around the pitch-black area and muttered, "Also, Ye Feng, don't go too fast. This prince is about to faint from all the pacing along the way, and this prince can't even find a way back."

He kept on following Ye Feng, stepping on Ye Feng's heels several times.

"Didn't you say when you came in that you would make me follow you and ensure my safety?" Huo Jing'er stopped and asked while looking at him strangely.

"But this prince is afraid of the dark. This prince didn't know just then that it would be so dark inside … "

If one could clearly see the face of the Third Prince, he would definitely realize that he was wearing a complicated expression.

Huo Jing'er no longer bothered with him. She turned and said to Ye Feng, "Those who are wandering on the first floor are all low-level Lava Beast. The low-ranked Lava Crystal on their bodies aren't of much use.

"Alright!" Ye Feng's sharp eyes observed the three paths ahead of him. He pointed to the one in the middle and said: "Let's go this way."

It had only been a few dozen breaths since he had stepped into the middle passageway, but the faint sounds of fighting were already ringing in his ears.

It should be caused by other Martial Cultivator s encountering the Demonic Beast.

In the Raging Flame Earth Valley passage, the majority of the Demonic Beast were Lava Beast, but there were also a few other strange Demonic Beast.

As they went deeper, less than an hour passed, and the sounds of fighting did not less than ten times. Some sounds of people being injured could even be heard, but on the road that Ye Feng and the other two were walking, they did not even see the shadow of a Demonic Beast.

"Strange, why is it that when everyone else encountered the Demonic Beast, we did not make any movements?" Third Prince had a strange expression.

"Isn't that good? "No need to waste time, we can just go straight down to the second floor." Huo Jing'er replied.

"Maybe our luck is better than others!" Ye Feng laughed.

Other than the Demonic Beast s, there were also other animals in the cave, such as reptiles like the mouse, snake and ant. These animals had a natural ability to repel the Demonic Beast, which also meant that as long as the Demonic Beast existed, these animals would not exist.

Just now, when he was walking along the three-way fork in the road, Ye Feng observed that there were quite a few small animals running out from both sides of the road.

However, he didn't see the path in the middle.

Ye Feng could determine from this that there were no Demonic Beast in the middle passage.

Although it was said to be simple, to make a precise decision requires not only sharp observation, but also rich knowledge. They would not be able to differentiate between Third Prince who was afraid of the dark and Seventh Princess who was careless, even if they were told this principle.

After walking for roughly ten kilometers, the tunnel clearly became wider.

He also saw many different types of underground creatures.


Suddenly, Ye Feng seemed to hear a miserable cry come from the depths of his heart, one that was urgent and miserable.

Due to the various echoes within the underground tunnel, no one was able to tell where the distance was.

"Someone fell for it?" Ye Feng's heart trembled, Third Prince and Huo Jing'er also looked at each other.

It was at this time that the sound of the patter of rain suddenly came from the passage in front. Ye Feng used his mental energy to sense for a bit, and immediately discovered that a few oily and shiny rats had escaped from the passage in front.

"Be careful!" He warned her softly, and took the chance to pull Huo Jing'er who was rushing in recklessly behind him.

Suddenly, a fishy wind blew in front of him.

A sneak attack!

Ye Feng's wrist moved, and the short iron rod in his hand drew out a gust of wind, looking like a beautiful rainbow in the darkness of the catacombs.


There was only a mournful hiss as the stick struck something and it fell to the ground with a thud.

It was a strange bird with a long beak. Its body was not big, and its feathers were red. Its beak was as sharp as a knife, much sharper than normal weapons.

"This is an underground flamingo, a middle Huang tier Demonic Beast."

Just as Ye Feng was about to put the bird corpse back into the storage space, a sudden gust of wind blew past, causing two pairs of red eyeballs to pounce out from the depths of the tunnel.

They were two Demonic Beast's that looked like cheetahs. However, they did not have any fur, and their bodies were covered with lumps of scale-like lava.

"This is the Lava Beast? The two of you, fight against one. " Ye Feng bellowed as he rushed forward.

"Watch me!" The Third Prince shouted excitedly, without showing any fear, he stepped out like lightning, raised the Longsword in his hand, and suddenly thrust it out, the sword aura swaying.


The Longsword streaked across the sky like a meteor and cut into the Lava Beast's head. In an instant, it cut the sword in two.

The Lava Beast did not even let out a scream as the overflowing red light slowly faded away.

Third Prince then slashed again, directly cutting open the Lava Beast's head, and took out a fingernail-sized hexagonal crystal card.

This crystal was completely red, and it gave off an extremely strong aura of fire. It looked just like a piece of red carbon.

"Haha, it's mine!" He laughed.

After instantly killing the middle ranked Lava Beast, the Third Prince chuckled and kept his sword, watching Ye Feng fight with the Lava Beast.

Ye Feng's short iron rod was extremely powerful, and with every swing of the rod, it created a gust of wind.

However, the Raging Flames Beast's body was nimble, and the fiery scales on its body had a certain ability to reduce injuries. Its defense was extremely strong, making Ye Feng unable to deal with it for the moment.


He snorted coldly. Seeing the Lava Beast pouncing towards him, the iron rod in his hand shook once again.

This time, it looked like he was even slower, but in reality, it was because Ye Feng had ignited the weight of the short iron rod, causing the strength of this attack to reach its limit.


The Lava Beast that was flying through the air and killing at the same time crashed into the short iron rod. Sparks flew in all directions as the Flame Unicorn Armor was smashed into pieces.

This Lava Beast with an early stage Half-Step Innate Stage finally collapsed, the flames around its body extinguished.

After getting rid of his target, Ye Feng hastily turned his head to look at Third Prince, and when he saw that Third Prince had already packed up his spoils of war and stood there proudly, his eyes revealed shock.

The speed at which the Third Prince killed Lava Beast was actually faster than his.

This caused Ye Feng to be extremely shocked.

The Lava Beast was not weak, especially with its strong defense. He had thought that he could help the Third Prince, but he never thought that the Third Prince would suddenly become so sharp.

"How is it? Ye Feng, did you gain experience? This prince's true strength is definitely not inferior to yours! " The Third Prince said in an ostentatious tone.

"Tsk." You want to compete with Ye Feng? "Not even carrying shoes …" "If not for the top grade spirit artifact, the Dragon Fang Sword that royal father bestowed to you, would you have been able to kill the Lava Beast so easily?"

"I'll give you a Medial Grade Spirit Weapon, but even you can't break through its defense." She said bluntly.

Third Prince did not mind as he laughed foolishly and rubbed his head.

"Is it a top grade spirit weapon?" Ye Feng could not help but look at the Longsword in his hand a few more times.

From the looks of it, it really was extraordinary.

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