"Ha ha..."

Many barbarians and demons were amused by Ye Feng's words and laughed without scruples.

On the other hand, when Ye Feng humiliated the martial artists of the extremely fire castle in public, they were immediately angry, and there were shocking curses from the stands.

"Zheng Shengheng, what are you doing? Kill the boy. Don't let him talk nonsense and slander the castle!"

The strongman of the king of extreme fire Castle who had spoken before looked at the castle master Ning Shentong who always had a faint smile on his face. He trembled and shouted angrily.

The castle master's temper is quite clear. His happiness and anger are not in color. Although he is still smiling and angry, he is afraid that no one can bear it except the Star City Master


"You barely deserve to fight me, but I'll take the real means."

"Fire psychic!"

His face was gradually dignified. At this moment, Zheng Shengheng had an inexplicable charm. The dry and hot breath between heaven and earth surged rapidly and shot at his body.

The long sword in his hand kept turning red. In the end, the whole body of the sword was like burning.


Suddenly, a huge fire lotus appeared behind him. It was illusory and stacked one after another. There was a human shadow in it. It was Zheng Shengheng's Lotus shadow martial soul who had been practicing hard for many years.


With the roar of rage falling, the virtual shadow drove the fire lotus to rush out quickly. At the same time, a dazzling light and shadow on the flame long sword shot out and disappeared into the virtual shadow.

The martial arts competition field became extremely hot and dry in an instant. The fire waves rolled. The fire lotus was about Zhang Xu's size. It was wrapped with terrible power and hit Ye Feng directly.

"It seems that this is your strongest means? It's nothing more than that. See how I break it!"

His eyes were suddenly cold, and Ye Feng's lazy appearance disappeared in an instant. His body turned into an arrow, and his fist hit the fire lotus.

Kangong water fist, one of the ten eight trigrams, rises endless waves, and the hot and dry breath on the four sides of the impact drops rapidly.

"Qiangong Tianquan!"

Then the shadow of the fist changed. The second fist seemed to blow down ten mountains at the same time. The rumbling sound was heard all the time. The fire lotus was shattered on the spot. Yu Wei didn't stop, and the virtual shadow was blown away.


Ye Feng's body, like a ghost, did not stop. After a flash of thunder at his feet, he disappeared from his place, but reappeared in the sky of Zheng Shengheng. There was a blue flame surging in his palm print, which was suddenly photographed from top to bottom.

"I think..."

The virtual shadow of Wu soul was broken, which had already made Zheng Shengheng's blood gushing soul fly out of the sky. In particular, Ye Feng's palm, which fell from the sky, carried a strong and abnormal dangerous smell. At the moment, Zheng Shengheng's eyes flashed Ye Feng's fierce face, as if it was impermanent.

"Take the other way and return it to the other. Let you also taste the consequences of your own sin."

Without waiting for his "lose" word to spit out, Ye Feng slapped it at an incredible speed, and the green dark fire directly shot into Zheng Shengheng's chest. Under the deliberate urging of Ye Feng, the internal organs of the latter smiled instantly, and their vitality dissipated immediately.

"Eh... Strange fire?"

At the moment of the emergence of Qingwu youFire, there was no indication of the special envoy "Tianlan" in the city. His eyes were slightly coagulated, revealing a bit of different color.

"Miss, it's a strange fire!"

On the contrary, the girl beside her couldn't help making a surprised voice, but she was stopped by Tianlan's eyes immediately.


He kicked Zheng Shengheng's body out, and Ye Feng clapped his hands. Sen Leng's eyes swept one by one from the three positions.

He said faintly, "you three sect disciples, who still wants to humiliate the city Lord's house, you can come up and have a try."

The martial artists who watched from all sides, whether they were the three sects or the other sects, and even some foreign martial artists, were numbed by the terrible scene in front of them.

Five times in the virtual world, kill a nine times expert in the virtual world with three fists and two feet? And looking at Ye Feng, it seems that he didn't use too many cards. This... Is amazing.

In the last arena battle, many people witnessed Ye Feng's battle against he Bayi. Although he defeated and killed his opponent, it could only be regarded as a narrow victory at most.

How long has it been since I was able to kill Jiuchong in the virtual world so easily?

The accident of Ye Feng's sudden killing of Zheng Shengheng finally made Ning Shentong's face become indifferent with a faint smile, and he could not afford to lose an elite disciple with potential to advance the king's territory, even the extremely fire castle.

"Zheng Shengheng has just conceded defeat. Ding Mo, as the host of the competition, why don't you act and let him kill indiscriminately?"

The majestic pressure revealed by Ning Shentong made Ding shudder.

Ding Mo nodded slightly, looked darkly at Ye Feng and shouted, "Ye Feng, the host has explained the rules before. Why do you knowingly violate them?"

It's not that he didn't want to stop.

But it was too late when he wanted to fight. The black hand under Ye Feng was fast and fierce. He had no time to stop it.

Ye Feng sneered and wanted to kick and burst the children's bag on the spot.

He said in a deep voice, "Ding, I'm afraid your ears are on your ass. Qin Hua just admitted defeat. You pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't hear it. Now you're looking for me instead, aren't you?"

"Everyone, who just heard that the waste of extreme fire Castle surrendered?"

Ye Feng's voice suddenly increased and spread to every corner.

"Surrender a fart..."

"I heard a word" recognize ". Well, yes, what he wants to say is: he recognizes counseling. He is nine in the virtual world. He was killed by the five boys. He is really a counselor..."

"Yes, you can recognize anything, not necessarily admit defeat. Maybe you recognize your father, mother and grandfather..."


The jeering sound in the observation platform on all sides shook the sky. Some barbarian fighters shouted loudly for fear of chaos in the world.

They want the Terrans to kill each other. The more they die, the better.

"Ha ha, that's right. In full view of the public, why did Ye Feng commit a foul? If you extremely fire castle can't afford to lose, you might as well get out as soon as possible and participate in any city competition."

This sentence blocked the mouths of all the warriors of extreme fire castle. The viscera of a strong man were about to explode, but there was no way.

Zheng Shengheng is suicidal.

If he didn't treat the martial arts of the city Lord's house like this, Ye Feng might not kill it "tooth for tooth", so it's no wonder others.

Ding Mo was speechless.

The Star City Lord sat on the high platform and watched. He didn't dare to break up openly and stood on the opposite side of the city Lord's house. He could only make a helpless gesture to Ning Shentong


At this moment, a strong blood light pulled out nearly ten feet away. In the center of the competition field, opposite Ye Feng, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Victory is victory. Defeat can only blame yourself for your poor learning. Why do you have too much nonsense."

"He killed Zheng Shengheng. Mo Leng often killed him and helped Zheng Shengheng take revenge..."

The blood light dissipated slowly. Mo Leng's eyes were as cold as a knife. He swept through the four directions with a dead breath. He looked at Ye Feng in a deep voice and said, "I said, your life is mine!"


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