The visitor was extremely thin, his big sleeves blocked his hands, his cheekbones hung high, his eyes were full of gloom and poison, and a wisp of black gas swirled around his body, even within Zhang Xu of the ground.

"Are you also a disciple of extreme fire castle?"

The eyes were slightly cold, and Ye Feng whispered.

Chen Xiao once described to Ye Feng the core disciples of the three sects of extreme fire castle. None of them matched the appearance of the person in front of him. Moreover, the person in front of him was not young, and he didn't look like the younger generation.

Other martial arts watchers around also showed a surprised look, because no one has seen or heard of such a martial artist in extreme fire castle.

"Am I a disciple of extreme fire castle... Do you have a half dime relationship with you? The city is better than... Whoever is willing to fight will come up."

The thin man showed two rows of yellow teeth, his voice was low and hoarse, like a knife across the metal, which was extremely harsh.

"Lord Ning, he's not from extreme fire castle... I'm afraid he's not a martial artist of Xingguang city?"

"This is our Xingguang city competition, and those who are not Xingguang City martial arts are not allowed to participate." before Ye Feng could speak, the star city master had already yelled. The visitor is not young, and his accomplishments and combat experience are definitely far above Ye Feng.

It has gone beyond the scope of the younger generation and came to the stage entirely to kill Ye Feng.

Ning Shentong smiled faintly, and the sound spread like a bell: "the city Lord laughed. The castle Lord doesn't understand the rules of city competition? Qinghua is the new disciple of the castle Lord and a plastic talent..."

"Don't look at him. He's ugly, but he's kind-hearted."


"Bah, are you kind-hearted? It's not a good thing to look at your face!"

"Extreme fire castle is really shameless. Find an outside city expert to deal with Ye Feng?"

Many forces have yelled and scolded before the words fall. Chengbi is regarded as the glorious battle of the younger generation of Xingguang city. It is more open and aboveboard and has higher combat power.

The emergence of Qinghua is definitely a stain on Chengbi.

"New disciple? Can't take part in this city competition." the Star City Master's face sank and said slowly.

Ning Shentong's voice increased by three points: "why not? Qinghua comes from the Green family in Kaiyuan city. His life experience is innocent. He is not comparable to those who can't tell where he comes from... Since Ye Feng can compete on behalf of your city master's house, Qinghua can also represent my extreme fire castle."

The words surprised all four, and even the Shangcheng messenger Tianlan, who sat in the middle, unconsciously showed a little different color.

For Xingguang City, Kaiyuan city is also one of the thirty-six upper cities, and those who go to the upper City rarely join the forces of the lower city.

But less does not mean no, at least in this regard, Qinghua does have the qualification to participate in the war.

The Star City Lord was silent.

Most of the shouting and swearing around suddenly disappeared. All the forces were surprised. They looked like Qinghua had just played. Even in the upper City, they should be people with names. Such experts have a bright future. How could they join the extreme fire castle for no reason?

"Ning Shentong's move is thought-provoking!"

"I'm afraid something big will happen in Xingguang city..."

"The three factions surrounded and suppressed the white tiger gate. The star city master should have expected such a day..."

Among the martial arts onlookers, many people expressed deep emotion. They also flashed a bit of fear and doubt in their eyes.

The significance behind daring to use Shangcheng martial arts to participate in the city competition is unusual. The Green family of Kaiyuan city is not a small force in Shangcheng. The three factions of jihuobao shouldn't have let Qinghua appear in public, but Ye Feng's strength makes them helpless and can only ask Qinghua to do it.

The consequences of doing so have clearly exposed their cards.

Star City Master Yun Jingguang cleared some thoughts in his heart. As a result, Ning Shentong's backer in the upper city has gradually surfaced, which must have a great relationship with Kaiyuan city.

But the old fox couldn't sit still and tried to expose his cards. He also wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Ye Feng's thorns.

This war can't be compared!

After making up his mind, the Star City Master said in awe: "Ye Feng, it's a rare opportunity to compete with the martial arts players in the city. You've fought two consecutive battles and your strength is exhausted. Why don't you leave the field for the time being and give this opportunity to others?"

Ye Feng, who was in the middle of thinking, also came back, and a contemptuous smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Ding Mo threatened his cards. Is this the thing in front of him?

He should have known that an upper city expert appeared in the extreme fire castle and knew that the extreme fire castle had set up a game against himself.


If the king doesn't show up, what are you afraid of?

If the three factions have only this means, it is not enough to fear at all.

"Lord, you also know that it's a rare opportunity to compete with the martial arts masters in the city... So... I don't want to give up this opportunity."

As for the Star City, the sight of Ye Feng fell to the green body again. He looked at him up and down and laughed. "If I come from the upper city and be killed by others, then will I have a big loss?"


On the four sides of the viewing platform, the pot burst open in an instant. Even fools can see that the Star City Master spoke those words in order to protect Ye Feng, but the boy didn't appreciate it, but spoke to provoke Qinghua?

Ning Shentong dares to let Qinghua go, which has explained the fact that Qinghua's combat power is definitely far above Mo lengchang. Ning Shentong in the semi Holy Land feels that Qinghua is sure to kill Ye Feng on the spot.

Otherwise, Qinghua will die in Ye Feng's hands. How can he explain to the Green family in Kaiyuan city?

The star city master took a deep look at Ye Feng. After a long time, he sat back with a sigh.

However, when he sat down, he sent a message to Chen Xiao. Once Ye Feng encountered a crisis on the martial arts competition platform, he would rescue him even if he violated the rules of the city competition.

"Since both sides agree, let's start the competition!" Ding Mo on the competition platform hurriedly opened his mouth for fear that Ye Feng would repent.

Ye Feng will die if Qinghua, an expert in the city, takes action. It seems that he can repay the insult he has received recently.

"Qinghua, you need to be merciful, Ye Feng, but there are few county level talents in this city!" Ning Shentong on the high platform also dropped a sentence, and his tone was especially aggravated when he said the word "county level genius".

"Ha ha, the castle leader's words are biased. Since he is a county level genius and has strong combat power, I should try my best."

In the ferocious laughter, the cyan, black and thin body withdrew a few steps backward, and a pair of dark claws protruded from the hanging cuffs.

It's not so much a hand as a pair of claws.

The five fingers were dry and dark, like fine iron, and there was a black air swirling above them.

"Black class floating butcher!"

A difficult and ugly voice sounded. His clothes and robes expanded wildly. He soared into the air like a bat. Then his hands shook rapidly. In a moment, thousands of black claws hit him in the ai

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