"Shit, do it!"

"My five people unite the law, and I may not be able to kill the heavenly level monster..."

Since the smart old man said the key point, the five old men of burning inflammation and the other four people naturally had no opinion. Immediately, the smart old man controlled the huge fire dragon to attack the Thunderbird. While stimulating the yuan Lilian method, the other people maintained the large array and always paid attention to Ye Feng's trend, so as not to break through and leave like the last time.

Just trap the Thunderbird so that it can't trigger the thunder sea power, so it doesn't seem to be a big problem to clean up the uninvited guest.

Turning around, it turned out that the five heavy boy in the virtual world was not a problem.

This is what the burning five old men think of at the moment


On the contrary, Ye Feng breathed a sigh when he saw the Thunderbird on the Tianjie stage burst into the "ten thousand burning back array".

This is the thunder bird territory. The more powerful the monster is, the less it will allow others to break into its territory. In addition, I have broken its two eggs before. It must be that this Tianjie monster hates the human warrior.

If the Thunderbird doesn't appear, you have to deal with the burning five old people by yourself. But while dealing with the formation of the five people, you have to distract yourself to attract the thunder sea power above. If you are careless, you are likely to explain yourself here.

Ye Feng is playing with fire.

Fortunately, at the last minute, the Thunderbird appeared in time, giving him room to move.

"That's good... The people who support it are coming!"

"I've made such a big battle. If I just clean up five old guys, wouldn't it be killing chickens with ox knives... I'm overqualified."

Looking around, Ye Feng hung a smile around his mouth. In his sight, he had seen dozens of martial artists rushing up behind him.

Seeing that the thunder sea overhead breathes out thousands of thunder lights, many martial artists can't help stopping to pursue and choose to stop and watch from a distance.

The eldest of the five elders raised his voice and shouted angrily, "thief, you fucking stand so far away, do you watch a good play?"

"The boy has no power to fight back. You wait for him to garrison on four sides quickly, so as not to escape from the big array again!"

After being drunk by him, the fighters of the three factions rushed here, and the subsequent ones jumped forward and surrounded closely along the "ten thousand burning back in one formation".

"Kill Ye Feng and avenge my three dead brothers!"

"Be sure to show the people in the city Lord's residence what will happen if you offend the three factions..."

Naturally, they are unwilling to let go of the scene of witnessing Ye Feng being killed.


A warrior who rushed in front suddenly screamed. He saw a fire dragon rising into the sky and sending out powerful attacks. The opponent of the fire dragon was a hairless strange bird with silver light and extremely fast speed.

"What's the matter... When did you get such a helper?"

I vaguely felt that something was wrong. After all, there was such a big formation below. The dark thunder sea above my head also tended to roll down.

The lead cloud accumulates again. It seems that there is an extremely violent thunder energy gathering madly.

"Good guy... Tianjie Thunderbird!"

"It's incredible that the burning five elders are able to deal with the demons of zhantian level."

"It's so awesome. Ye Feng is trapped in the array and will die!"


Originally, many people chose to retreat, but in the twinkling of an eye, they saw that the rolling huge fire dragon suppressed the Thunderbird, so that the Tianjie monster could not use the thunder sea power at all. They immediately breathed out and sang praises.

"But... Be careful. Never let it lead Lei Yuan into the fire element array. Otherwise, if this fire element array collides with the void thunder sea, it will definitely lead to a terrible disaster."

I don't know who shouted, and all the fighters stopped.

Thunder and fire cannot blend.

Everyone knows this truth.

Once Lei Yuan and Huoyuan, both of them belonging to gangyang, come into contact, they will cause an explosion. Of course, their power is based on the total amount of Lei Yuan and Huoyuan.

The "ten thousand burning back in one array" formed by the five elders of burning inflammation is as powerful as the king's territory, and the strength of Lei Yuan contained in the thunder sea above his head is immeasurable. If such a number of two violent elements explode, this... Is thousands of feet, I'm afraid no one can survive.

After being drunk by the man, many martial artists were timid and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

"Afraid of a ball? The Thunderbird is entangled by the fire dragon and has no time to tow Lei Yuan. Moreover, there is the blockade of the big array. Even if it takes time to tow Lei Yuan, it will certainly not be able to communicate Lei Hai's vitality." Ye Feng's voice suddenly sounded from the array.

"That's right! It's such a reason."

"In full view of the public, how can we timidly retreat and lose the face of our three factions for a nonexistent crisis?"

"The boy is right... Eh, why did he remind us of this?"

Aware of the suspicious eyes of many martial artists, Ye Feng carefully protected his body with the jiujue Tianbei, and an innocent smile appeared on his face.


"There must be a conspiracy. Everybody step back quickly."

The three martial arts sects were frightened by Ye Feng's smile. Although they didn't know what Ye Feng would do, everyone knew that Ye Feng was so bored that he reminded them of these enemies?

Even the burning five old men changed their complexion and felt a strong uneasiness in their hearts.

"Yes... There is indeed a conspiracy. I'm waiting for this opportunity to catch you all!"

At this moment, the smile on Ye Feng's face suddenly disappeared, and a layer of Yuan force appeared on his right fist, in which an object appeared. Suddenly, a silver light burst out from the object in his hand.


In the blink of an eye, the silver light pierced the array border like a sharp sword, shot into the rolling thunder sea area in mid air, and then spread out. A mysterious energy wrapped in the terrible vigorous wind stirred and dragged Lei Yuan in the whole thunder sea.

"Shit... Is he... Lighting thunder?!"

Dozens of martial artists from the three sects were scared out of the sky. They wanted their parents to have more legs. Where could they care about Ye Feng, they turned and scattered.

But it was too late, and the final balance was broken. With a deafening roar, nine days of thunder poured down along the square dowry.

A hundred miles of sky suddenly turned into a silver lightning ocean. The terrible silver light penetrated the world, opened its teeth and claws, tore and entangled, and smashed into the million burning back array.


With such a shocking momentum, the five old people of Shaoyan were frightened into a state of mind.

"Disperse the array quickly and reduce the power of the fire element."

The five people stopped at the first time, and the array suddenly ceased to exist. However, the burning five elders who hurriedly stopped the array suffered from the array, and they all opened their mouths and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The fire dragon disappeared. The Tianjie Thunderbird wanted to attack, but after a pause, it turned into an arc and ran away quickly.

The shrewd old man's eyes were split, and he looked at Ye Feng with endless resentment in his eyes.

"Little beast, you!"

The array is about to subside, and the fire yuan is dissipating rapidly. However, the thunder all over the sky has roared down when it is urgent to leave. In the end, it has completely detonated this area

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