"Maybe... That's the only way."

"I listen to you."

Wu Ji was a little flustered, but when she saw Ye Feng's calm appearance, she suddenly felt a little quiet at the bottom of her heart.

It seems that he is especially safe when he walks with Ye Feng.

Such a feeling has never existed before.

Although she is the aquarium Princess of Changsheng hall, the three halls of Aolai sea have been in constant struggle, and the situation is also severe. Since she was a child, Wu Ji has relied on herself and only herself.

But this time, I was lucky to meet Ye Feng.

The first battle in the endless sea, the war against Brahma in the endless tower, the capture of the foetal chemical pulse, and the current escape, were incredible for Wu Ji.

Ye Feng often challenges the impossible tasks, but every time she can turn the tide and turn the crisis into safety, which makes Wu Ji rely on her. In her heart, she also has a new look at Ye Feng.

Two hands holding hands, with the help of the effect of "growth talisman", they were in a panic and ran forward all the time.

In fact, once the growth talisman is activated, it doesn't need physical contact to play a role, but Wu Ji didn't say it clearly and didn't let go of Ye Feng's palm.

The current feeling made her feel confused. She was worried that old man Han would catch up with her and that old man Han would not catch up. Ye Feng let go.

Vaguely, she didn't know the direction, but let herself run blindly with Ye Feng.

"Hmm? Strange, how can I perceive that the aura concentration of the mountain in front is much higher than that of other places?" Ye Feng didn't notice the difference of Wu Ji. After running at a high speed for less than half an hour, he suddenly felt something, lifted his eyelids to the front left, and then ran forward quickly with Wu Ji.

The mountains in front of us become a little strange. They are connected into 18 peaks, arranged in rows, towering and majestic, which makes people look at them.

Among them, on the two tallest mountains, we can see several huge statues in different forms, but they are staggering, and many of them have become fragments.

"Where is this..."

Ye Feng, who slowed down, was filled with curiosity, and his spirit explored the past on both sides.

Just before he felt too much, suddenly, a huge roar rushed into the sky, like an earthquake. Countless mountains trembled around, the crushed stones rolled down, and the frightened birds and animals fled everywhere.

Deep in the mountains, a strong dark air shot into the sky.

A second ago, the world was still calm. The smell of blood was surging with the wind. It was dark, like a violent ocean.

The two looked at each other and both saw tension in each other's eyes.

Could it be that... There are other experts in the three factions of extreme fire castle in this place?

Ye Feng's action was cautious in an instant, and he walked quickly close to the ground with Wu Ji. At this point, it is certainly impossible to go back and fall into the hands of old man Han, and we can only go forward with a hard head.

Less than a moment later, they flew to the end of the last huge mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there was a huge stone three or four feet high. It was split in the middle, and there were still three big blood characters on it.

"White tiger gate!"

After a little recognition, Ye Feng whispered a cry of surprise. The handwriting revealed by the combination of two broken boulders was the three characters of white tiger gate.

"This is the location of the white tiger sect..."

Unexpectedly, the desperate escape made them break into this broken death.

Looking up, the terrain of the mountain is sinking, the walls and ruins within a radius of nearly a hundred miles, the temples are collapsed, the black blood is mottled, and it has been burned in the sea of fire. It is completely in ruins.

From some residual places, we can vaguely recognize the strength of baihumen in the past. Many broken temples are magnificent and huge, white jade paves steps, colored glass is forged into bricks and tiles, and even the mottled white skeleton of many powerful monsters. Obviously, this door is good at raising demon pets.

Judging from the appearance, the white tiger sect should have been superior to any of the three factions of extreme fire castle in the past, but somehow the three factions jointly destroyed the sect.

Ouch... Ouch

The dark wind whirled, and there was a terrible murderous spirit in the dilapidated temple. The killing machine roared all over the field. Whirlwinds took off, as if to break through the whole world.

Several broken old trees were trembling and whistling, and the dead leaves rustled down, as if telling the tragedy that had happened here.

Bypassing the murderous wind, Ye Feng continued to move forward and stepped into the White Tiger Gate site.

Less than half a year after the incident, you can see many dead bones that have not been swallowed up by monsters at will. There are more than a thousand in a few miles, including old people and young children who have not yet begun to practice.

"It's really... Terrible! It's purgatory on earth. The means of the three factions are extremely vicious. Even the old people and children don't let go of their evil deeds... Heaven and earth can't tolerate it."

As quiet as leaf maple, seeing this scene, anger surged up, and the knuckles of both hands pinched with a bang.

"The strong man in the king's territory... Was killed without resistance!"

In one of the dilapidated white jade squares, Ye Feng saw seven or eight corpses lying on their backs. The bones of these corpses were as bright as jade, vaguely filled with a layer of treasure light. There was no doubt that the corpses were at least strong at the king's level.

However, none of these strong people are all broken bones in the chest. In addition to the flat broken part like a knife, the cut surface is also covered with a layer of scorched black.

In addition, there were no signs of fighting on the surrounding white jade ground.

"Sneak attack!"

"If you shoot without warning, you will be killed instantly. There is no time to resist."

Wu Ji's voice trembled.

Obviously, there was a very strong expert who made a sneak attack with lightning speed, killed seven or eight strong people in the king's territory in Baiyu square, and then attacked the whole white tiger gate.

The white tiger sect lost so many strong people at once. As the sect leader, white tiger Cheng was not at the mountain gate and was killed, which became a due thing.


A cold wind blew, vaguely mixed with the cry of children, as well as a large number of screams and cries for help

The two suddenly felt a chill on their backs. Thousands of people from the top to the bottom of the white tiger sect were slaughtered, turning this place into a bone burial ground. The dead disciples could only be killed here and eaten by monsters.

As for Bai Susu, it was only by chance that she avoided the catastrophe, but she could never return to zongmen again.

"It's a sad place... If it weren't for old man Han's tracking, I would stay here for a few days and bury the bones of the white tiger gate. It's worth meeting Bai Susu."

Ye Feng sighed. Anyone who sees such a scene should sigh with regret.

He wanted to do something, but the conditions did not allow them to stay for a long time.

"Just set up a monument for them so that they don't become a bunch of lonely souls..."

Ye Feng picked up Yuanli, pointed to it as a sword, cut off a white jade in the square, and then brushed and engraved the words "the tomb of the disciple of the white tiger gate", standing upright in front of the square.

After all this, he was ready to leave with Wu Ji

However, at this moment, the side of the body suddenly soared, rolling the sand, dust and stones flying all over the sky, and in the twinkling of an eye obscured their sight.


The earth trembled again. Together with the 18 mountains in the distance, they began to shake wildly. In troubled times, clouds collapsed, and it was like the end of the world.

Dong Dong!

The sound of steady and powerful impact came from the ground. It was so great that it seemed to open the world.

At that moment, the whole site changed. The killing machine erupted, and the residual yuan force turned into a sharp blade, chopping into the sky

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