
The water waves shook the sky. The dragon boat stopped ten feet away. Many soldiers and armor of the aquarium quickly divided into two lines and flew down surrounded by wufei.

"Cousin Wu Ji, I haven't seen you for several days. It's like three autumn days. My cousin specially wrote a poem for you these days..."

Wu Fei smiled and shook a folding fan in his hand. Just about to get addicted to literati and poets, his eyes swept to Wu Ji's side and looked up at Ye Feng in the sky. He looked sharp and sharp.

"Terran? Who is your boy? What do you want to do with my aquarium?"

There was a chill in his eyes. After drinking the cold voice, he immediately glared at each other, and the folding fan in his hand pointed to ye Fengmei's heart.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes.

I just said that he should not provoke himself. I didn't expect that people would come to the door in such a little time? And... The boy in front of me is not at the peak level of the virtual realm, but he is more arrogant and domineering than the general King's realm. Obviously, he is a bully.

Looking slightly, he just saw a flash of anxiety in Wu Ji's eyes. Ye Feng didn't want to embarrass Wu Ji, so he forced to bow his hands and said, "who am I? Naturally, it's the guest invited by elder aocang, aquarium... Is that how to treat guests?"

"Hum... Just a little warrior, how can he be my respected guest of the aquarium? And he ate the bear heart and leopard courage when he saw that the son of the world didn't kneel?"

Wu Fei stared at a pair of triangular eyes and didn't mean to let leaf maple go.

Ye Feng sneered. Yu Guang glanced at the shrimp soldiers and crab generals next to the dragon boat, but saw the mockery in the eyes of Shuimu Hun.

He suddenly understood.

The grandson should have known his identity long ago, but he deliberately pretended not to know to make trouble for himself.

In that case, there's nothing polite.

Ye Feng had a cold feeling in his heart, but his face was still smiling and said, "if you can promise me one thing, it's not completely impossible for you to kneel down."


Arrogant, Wu Fei's chest stood up.

Hearing that Ye Feng was willing to kneel down to himself, he immediately showed a look of contempt on his face.

The endless tower made the battle of the LORD a few days ago. Although the aquarium also had some gains, the three halls were not satisfied. The endless sea area where the endless city is located is not far from the Aolai sea. The highest reward has long been regarded as something in the bag by the aquarium.

If the talented experts of the feather and demon families take away the reward, they will be taken away by a man's boy. Who will be convinced by the aquarium warrior who has not entered the endless city?

In particular, the arrangement of Princess Wu Ji to get married has attracted great waves. Nowadays, the name "Ye Feng" has become a street mouse among the young generation of aquarium. Everyone has to step on it to vent their grievances.

The Shui nationality is powerful and arrogant. It is said that the royal family even has a trace of ancient dragon god blood. It claims to be the first family of Shenwu and rarely marries with other races.

According to the records of ancient books, the number of marriages with foreign nationalities is very few, and it is basically the supreme strength with the feather nationality or the demon nationality. As for the human race, there has never been, let alone with a small virtual martial artist.

When hearing that elder aocang personally took Princess Wuji to the Terran territory to propose marriage, most of the aquariums in the longevity hall almost burst open. So when they saw Ye Feng, they were gnashing their teeth and wanted to give Ye Feng a blow immediately.

Therefore, Wu Fei pretended not to know and came to make trouble.

At present, seeing Ye Feng, a Terran steamed stuffed bun, his body is not strong and his face is still morbid. Wu Fei has been sneering in his heart.

Sure enough, he's just a cheap Terran warrior.

It seems... The marriage is false. It's true that the hall of eternal life asks for the foetus and chemical pulse. Once the pulse is in hand, such goods will be killed easily. How can he really match the princess?

Now I come to intercept. If the Terran "prospective son-in-law" really looks like himself, once it spreads among the aquarium, he will be in the limelight this time.

Thinking of this, Wu Fei, who held his chest and tiptoe, almost wanted to laugh: "the son of the world only needs to promise you one thing, and you are willing to kneel down and worship the son of the world? OK, just say it!"

"As early as when I was in Xingguang City, I heard that there was an animal in the aquarium of Changsheng hall. It has a wide mouth, a wide nose, a square head and a pair of triangular eyes. It is said that it is as stupid as a pig. I'd like to see it with my own eyes. If the Shizi tells me where to find the animal, I'd like to salute and thank the Shizi."

Ye Feng sincerely touched his nose and said.

"Wide mouth, wide nose, square brain... As stupid as a pig?"

Wu Fei tried to remember with a strange look on his face, but he couldn't think of such a creature in the aquarium?

"Hey, shrimp. Do you know what this is?" he asked, drinking at an aquarium armor standing on the side.

The latter was so frightened that he couldn't even stand stably. He waved his hand: "I don't know... I don't know..."

Wu Fei looked at a crab like aquarium armor next to him, but before he could speak, the crab armor shook its head.

make fun of.

Everyone can see that the Terran boy Ye Feng is mocking the elder's grandson, but who dares to say in front of Wu Fei that he is the "beast" the other party is looking for?

Don't you want to live?

"Really, they are a group of... Useless waste!" Wu Fei couldn't help but frown and scold.


The noble and arrogant Wu Ji finally couldn't hold her breath and smiled.

Wu Fei looked back in surprise. Wu Ji, who was smiling like a flower, couldn't help but shine in his eyes. However... When he saw Wu Ji staring at himself, he suddenly returned to his mind, and his face turned black at the bottom of the pot.

Damn it!

It's really hateful.

This cheap Terran warrior teases himself and scolds himself as an animal?

Wu Fei was furious: "bold, you are a bastard. How dare you mock the son of the world!"

"No, no, no... how can I make fun of you! What I said... Is the truth... If you don't believe it, ask them?"

Smiling Ye Feng shook his hands. Suddenly, his face suddenly changed. He shouted coldly, "give me something shameless. Dare to provoke me again. I'll make you go away!"

He didn't want to take the initiative to make trouble, but someone really forced him to come over and beat him in the face. Ye Feng won't be soft hearted.


Wu Fei's anger burned fiercely. In front of the aquarium soldier armour, he was ridiculed by a human race, especially in front of Wu Ji, scolding himself as an animal?

This evil spirit is unbearable.

"Humble Terran, dare to be presumptuous in our aquarium territory. Shuimu Hun leads the order and captures him... To my son of the world!"

Shuimu Hun was watching on the wall in the rear. Leng Buding heard the sound and shouted. He was so frightened that he turned green and looked flustered.

Although Ye Feng looks sick, he will never forget that in the endless tower, this boy not only beat the barbarian warriors, but even killed the demon genius who is far more powerful than himself.

"Brother Shuimu, I haven't seen you for many days. I'm fine."

Ye Feng smiled and arched his hand at Shuimu Hun. The latter was suddenly inspired. Where did he have the idea of doing it: "ah... Ah, I don't know what to eat and eat bad stomach... Don't blame wufei Shizi. Small... Small ones should be convenient."

Before he could finish, he plopped a fierce son into the water and disappeared in an instant. Wu Fei didn't have a chance to stop himself

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