"You can't go!"

Seeing Ye Feng turning to leave, Li Qingquan and others in the law enforcement hall were stunned. If they let Ye Feng get away and lose his tire chemical vein, their law enforcement hall can't afford this responsibility.

"Hum... You say you can't enter if you can't enter, or you can't go if you can't go?" Ye Feng glanced at him sideways and said coldly, "who do you think you are?"


"How dare you insult the law enforcement Hall of the hall of eternal life? You don't know how to live or die!"

When Li Qingquan's old face was fierce, he immediately pulled down his face. He pinched his hand. The void on his head, which had not been put away, gave a violent shake. An indescribable mighty pressure fell down, aimed at Ye Feng and was about to sweep down.

"My aquarium is dignified, and I will never allow others to trample on it. The highness of the princess has offended. This is a matter of great importance and must be taken away by my law enforcement hall."

"You dare!"

Wu Ji shouted angrily.

Obviously, they came because of the elder's intention. It's not just to give Ye Feng a downfall. It's not impossible for them to directly kill Ye Feng in the hands of the law enforcement hall or the elder and pull out the foetal chemical weapon pulse.

The eight elders of Changsheng hall have little difference in strength, and they also have some disputes on weekdays. The elder is bent on getting sun wufei to marry Wu Ji, but he is rejected by the royal family and two elders Ao Cang and others.

Because of this, the two sides want to disagree.

If ye Feng falls into the hands of the elder and loses the protection of Wu Ji or AO Cang, it will be a real disaster.

Li Qingquan pretended not to see Wu Ji's look, isolated Ye Feng with his breath, and rolled down the void.


The vastness of the sea dropped rapidly, and the narrow sea was sinking slightly.

As far as you can see, there are stars falling down together, and the surrounding area is blocked with great power. The void map is obviously a heavenly level spirit weapon, which is displayed by Li Qingquan, an expert in the later stage of the king's territory. Its power is quite terrible.

However, in the face of all this, Ye Feng didn't even change his face. He still stood in place like a stroll, and even smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"There are people outside, and there are days outside. Young man, your strength and appearance are not bad, but you shouldn't be so arrogant..." Li Qingquan was really angry with Ye Feng's detached posture, and his voice became colder and colder. However... The next moment, he screamed in horror.

"Hmm? What's going on!"

The omnipotent void map has... Failed!


Li Qingquan looked intently, and his face suddenly became extremely alert. The void map did not fail, but when he fell an inch in front of Ye Feng, he was blocked by an invisible force.


He said in a secret way and shook the whole treasure map with his hands in the air. Even the stars in the sky above became incomparably bright, emitting wisps of divine light and falling down again.

Ye Feng was still the same, and his eyelids didn't lift.


Rao is determined by Li Qingquan. He can't keep calm when he sees this scene. However, no matter how he urges, the pressure is only one point away from beginning to end, which is difficult to fall on Ye Feng.

"What you just said is right... Indeed, there are people outside people and there are days outside the world. Just because of this, you are just a king of martial arts. What qualifications are you to be so arrogant?"

While dozens of martial artists in the law enforcement hall were puzzled, a faint voice sounded not far away.

The shadow of white tiger clearly stood there, but it seemed that it never existed.

It was not until he began to speak that the powerful king of the law enforcement hall paid attention. In contrast, the threat of the void map was not even close to him within ten steps.

"Who are you..."

Li Qingquan gave a low cry and quickly stepped back three steps, with a strong yuan force pouring out of his body surface.

"Who am I? Do I have to report to you?"

The white tiger with drooping hands said faintly. He just stood there. No one could see how he got out of the law enforcement hall.

Just understatement can dissipate the crisis. This means has clearly confirmed the idea in their mind and told them an answer.

In front of the tall Terran old man, his cultivation has reached at least half the holy land, which makes the prestige of the void map disappear.

"I count to three..."

"If you don't open the water gate and invite us in, brother ye, we might as well leave."

"You little girl, just follow along, be a laoshizi aquarium Princess... And look at the faces of a group of servants everywhere..."

Bai Hucheng just raised his eyebrows slightly, and soon returned to his original humble appearance.

Li Qingquan's eyes flashed away. At the moment of brief eye contact with Bai Hucheng, he only felt that he was stripped of his clothes, and a little secret disappeared.

This person's strength is far above himself.

"Let's go. I'll go back and tell the elder."

After a little hesitation, he made a quick decision and turned away with wufei.

"You can't let this slander boy go easily. Brother Ye just wanted to abolish his Dantian, so... Abolish it."

The voice of white tiger came from the rear.

Then a wisp of black light came out and disappeared into Wu Fei's body like lightning.

Li Qingquan and others were shocked, but with their strength, they couldn't stop it. In an instant, wufei had broken the Dantian, screamed and fainted directly.

Originally, if ye Feng jumped up and burst the Dantian, with the means of the elder of Changsheng hall, maybe it was possible to repair and recover.

But now it has been abandoned by a semi holy strongman. It is almost impossible to repair it. It has become a waste all its life. It is really... The gain is not worth the loss.

Holding Wu Fei, Li Qingquan's face was gloomy and terrible. Without raising his head, he took the people away quickly.

The shrimps and crabs on the water also dispersed in a crowd in a dragon boat. They dare not stay here too much.

"Ye Feng, senior Bai... I really went too far in this matter."

Wu Ji's face was a little ashamed. She was made difficult by these people. Her heart was as disgusting as eating a fly.

"You, the aquarium princess, have to be a little oppressed. My son-in-law is even more oppressed, but it doesn't hurt. Since you and I are one, I'll go with you."

Ye Feng smiled indifferently.

Of course, they won't leave. It's not Ye Feng's style to slip away if they suffer a little setback.

Moreover, the future is difficult. As early as Ye Feng predicted, it would be really strange if the trip to aquarium went smoothly.

After waiting for about a incense stick, the water suddenly opened, and a golden ladder spread layer by layer to the water and spread under the feet of the three people.

Among them was a bearded old man in a cloak. His face was in a hurry. He rushed out with hundreds of maids. After the maids, there were soldiers in thick armor. Guards and soldiers in gold armor lined up around the steps.

"Your guest is at the door. I hope you will forgive me for your loss!"

The old man with long beard quickly walked up to the three people, bowed appropriately, saluted Wu Ji, and immediately confessed: "Ao yuan, the three elders of the immortal longevity hall, ignored the distinguished guest. Please forgive me."


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