"Such a pervert!"

Ye Feng took a sip of air-conditioning. If so, will the power of this blow become incomparably powerful as long as the accumulation and cultivation time is long enough?

Generally speaking, in the battle between martial artists, they either fight for accomplishments or fight for martial arts spirit tools. The strength difference between the same level is not too large.

But such a special secret method is totally different. It can definitely turn the world around at the moment of life and death.

"Can non aquatics cultivate this innate energy?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but yearn. He has made too many enemies, and he has been in trouble with Shangcheng Green family before. He may jump out of the king's realm to kill him at any time. White tiger Cheng will not protect himself all the time, so he must find a powerful means to protect his life before Yuan Ling or magic dance witch recovers.

Of course, if you have hundreds of millions of top-grade spirit stones, it's just that the spirit stone energy attack caused by the mysterious round platform is too extravagant. You can't afford to consume any minerals at home.

Wu Ji looked at Ye Feng, frowned and said, "anyone can practice this secret method. It's just... It's extremely rare to need the purest energy factor as the introduction during the Haiyan riot. The last Haiyan riot was about three years ago. I came to the three halls of Haihai clan. I collected only half a bottle in total, and there are only a few qualified people in each hall."

"Hum... Xiao mei'er is not qualified. The introduction she uses to accumulate innate energy must come from the hand of Wu Kunlun."

Ye Feng was speechless for a while. Unexpectedly, this secret method needs the help of foreign objects to practice, which is more troublesome.

"Who is Wu Kunlun?"

Temporarily giving up the idea of "innate energy", Ye Feng was attracted by the name and suddenly turned to ask.

Since the pure energy factor of Haiyan riot is extremely precious, giving it to Xiao mei'er shows that their relationship is unusual.

What happened tonight may have something to do with Wu Kunlun.

Hearing Ye Feng's question about "Wu Kunlun", Wu Ji showed some disgust in her eyes and said impatiently, "he is the chief disciple of the great elder. His cultivation is strong. He should be regarded as the first person of the younger generation in this hall."

"The high level of our Hall... Has tried to promote the two of us for many times... But this man has great ambition and deep city government. I never liked it, so I refused it."

"Xiao mei'er's relationship with him has always been ambiguous. Most of the things tonight were ordered by Wu Kunlun. Otherwise, as Xiao mei'er, I didn't dare to break into the princess's other courtyard."

Wu Ji frowned slightly and said something lonely and heavy.

Ye Feng nodded slowly. There was no doubt that Wu Kunlun, the chief disciple, was another guy who regarded himself as a rival in love.

However, this man obviously had another plan and coveted to peep into the fetal chemical weapons pulse in his body,

"You don't have to worry. If someone embarrasses you, I'll stand up for you."

Ye Feng's voice was very calm.

He also saw some clues from it.

Although Wu Ji is expensive as a princess of the hall, she can't respond to everything. Especially the martial arts under the elder don't care much about her Princess identity. Whether it was Wu Fei's trouble earlier or Xiao Meier's trespassing into other hospitals tonight, all illustrate this point.

Even if she caught Xiao Meier, Wu Ji let her leave again. It seems that she doesn't want to have too many grudges with the elder.

It seems that the real leader of the longevity hall is the great elder.

"Ye Feng, thank you..."

In the night wind, Wu Ji's shining eyes were like stars. She didn't seem to have heard such words for a long time.

But... Ye Feng was also involved in the internal struggle of Changsheng hall. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse?

Maybe we can only take one step at a time.


In the northwest corner of Changsheng hall, there is a magnificent hall.

The temple is brightly lit. In a high-rise room, Wu Kunlun, a white robed man, stands at the window and looks down from a distance.

The whole hall of immortality came into view.

Wu Kunlun's ambition was burning in his eyes, but his eyes did not converge, but looked into the distance through the endless sea.

In Shenwu mainland, aquarium controls hundreds of sea areas, and Aolai sea is only one of them.

Among the hundreds of sea areas, the most famous one is... The domain of martial god.

The three major Terrans, the supreme demon Hall of the demon family and the creation holy valley of the Yu family are all gathered by the glory of all ethnic groups, and the ultimate glory of the Shui family is the domain of the martial god.

All the mysteries of Shui nationality, as well as powerful martial arts, skills, spirit tools and treasures, are scattered in the mysterious domain of martial god, and even the ancient inheritance of female martial god can be found in it.

This is a holy land for countless aquarium warriors. However, since ancient times, the domain of martial god has been very mysterious, and ordinary aquariums can't even find the access.

The real ambition of Wu Kunlun is to enter the realm of Wu God and embark on the road to ultimate glory.

More than 20 years ago, he was just a small aquatic warrior. With his strong talent, he was valued by the elder of Changsheng hall and climbed to his present position step by step.

He has great confidence in himself.

He believes that he will eventually witness the glory of Changsheng Hall... And even the whole aquarium, and the only way to become stronger is to make himself stronger.

The foetal pulse of Huawu is a gift from heaven.

When the endless city opened, Wu Kunlun didn't participate because he happened to be in a closed state. However, after hearing that Ye Feng, the biggest beneficiary of the main battle, came to the longevity hall, he knew his luck had come.

Fetal Huawu pulse, Princess Wuji and the whole hall of eternal life all belong to themselves.


The fingertip ignited a flame, and a three foot square paper roll slowly turned into ashes in the fire.

This is a manuscript about the foetal chemical weapon pulse. Wu Kunlun is already familiar with it. He has considered and understood every word of it for countless times. However, because there is no foetal chemical weapon pulse, the content of this manuscript is just a piece of paper, which makes him confused.

Now all he needs is the foetal chemical pulse.


The weak voice behind him interrupted Wu Kunlun's thoughts. He looked back excitedly, but saw Xiao Meier's embarrassed figure appear indoors.


Wu Kunlun's expression fluctuated, but he suppressed it well.

From Xiao Meier's appearance, we can judge the result.

"Failed to live up to childe's expectations and failed to... Succeed." Xiao mei'er flashed a trace of guilt in her eyes, lowered her head and dared not look at Wu Kunlun more.

"What's the matter, mei'er? Is there something wrong with your enchanting fantasy, or... He didn't touch you?"

Wu Kunlun has some doubts.

Aquarium is a huge race, most of which have some wonderful shapes, but aquarium people with noble blood, both men and women, have outstanding appearance and good figure.

Wu Kunlun is not very clear about Xiao Meier's origin. She only knows that she should come from a dilapidated aristocratic force in a certain sea area. She has one spiritual strength in ten thousand. She was carefully selected by the big elder since childhood to teach the art of charm. After refining the enchanting fantasy, it is difficult to control even with her own determination.

Can a virtual realm quintuple Terran boy be indifferent?

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