"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you."

"Ye Feng is the son-in-law chosen by Princess Wuji personally. They love concubines and repair every day. They love each other very much, so... It's inconvenient to see guests."

Ao Cang, with a cold voice, deliberately bit the word "Shuangxiu" very hard.

It's OK not to listen. As soon as he heard these two words, Ao Fei's handsome face was immediately cold.

In his heart, the son-in-law's position is his own. How can a person's waste be "double repaired"?

"The son-in-law of the shit, summon me and give him a cup of tea. If you don't come out to meet him, don't blame your Highness for turning away guests and being merciless."

Ao feibai's voice and color were fierce and angrily shook his sleeve and sat on his seat.

The elder quickly made a face to the servant. Suddenly, several maidservants hurried out of the hall and went straight to the princess hall.


In the hall, Ye Feng was practicing with his eyes closed, and his vitality was swallowed up by him. In the past three days, he not only gradually adapted to the six changes in the virtual environment, but also defeated and even killed Qin Yuanxian several times in the battle space.

At the beginning, even if he stepped into the virtual world Liuzhong, Ye Feng still had to fight hard to win over Qin Yuanxian.

But with the improvement of fighting skills and the free control of the six yuan forces in the virtual environment, Ye Feng has been able to kill Qin yuan first on the spot without hurting himself for several times.

It can be seen from this change that the combat effectiveness of the current Ye Feng has more than doubled compared with the Ye Feng who has not broken through into the six fold three days ago.

Compared with Ye Feng's calmness, Wu Ji on one side seems a little anxious.

Three days later, the news that Ao feibai came to the hall of eternal life had already spread to the princess hall. According to Wu Ji's understanding of Ao feibai, the young master of the silver dragon hall, this man is unruly and arrogant. He even regarded himself as something in the palm of his hand. How can he tolerate marrying a warrior in the virtual realm of the human race?


The fire will burn over soon.


Just when Wu Ji was uneasy, a figure trotted out of the hall. A maid was panting and said with some fear on her face, "princess, your highness Ao feibai was furious and asked her son-in-law to see her in the hall within the time of a cup of tea."

Ye Feng, sitting on the heart nourishing platform, suddenly opened his eyes.

A flash of pure light flashed by, and his face became extremely fierce in an instant.

This guy was so arrogant that he even called the roll and asked him to meet him by himself.

The light of his eyes turned, and Ye Feng's mood calmed down for a moment. He didn't even move his ass. he said faintly to the maid who sent the message: "go and tell him that my son-in-law is busy practicing. If you want to see the ceremony, let him wait outside the princess hall. When my son-in-law is empty, he will summon him."

"Son in law, this..."

The maid wanted to talk and stopped. Seeing Ye Feng indifferent, she looked back at Wu Ji, but the latter waved and motioned him to do what Ye Feng said. She had to harden her head and turn away.


The whole hall of longevity was crowded inside and outside. Many martial artists of the hall of longevity crowded at the gate of the hall to see which one the silver dragon hall sang this time.


With the sound of a series of broken cups, a cold drink suddenly sounded in the hall, which startled many people.

Ao Fei's white face was no different from eating flies. He looked at the trembling maid, his eyes spewing fire, not to mention breaking a crystal cup. If he was in the silver dragon hall, he said he couldn't tear down the whole hall.

"Bastard, you want to go down to the temple to see him?"

"It seems... He has forgotten his lowly status as a Terran!"

Waiting for a long time, he got such a result. Ao feibai felt that he was slapped in public, and his face was up by himself.

"Although Ye Feng hasn't married the princess yet, he is also the prospective son-in-law of my longevity hall. Nephew Ao Xian, pay attention to your words. If Ye Feng is cheap, what is my longevity hall?"

Although Ao Cang was a little tolerant, he changed his face when he heard this.

Ao feibai is arrogant and arrogant. He shows off his authority in the Changsheng hall. Now he even falls on things. Thousands of martial arts people in the Changsheng hall are watching outside the hall and let their elders who are in charge where to put their old faces?

"Yes, it's a guest from afar, but don't make a mistake about your identity... Lest everyone lose etiquette..."

The three elders frowned and looked dignified.

They were already dissatisfied with the fierce pressure of the silver dragon hall to come to the door. Although the Changsheng hall was declining, Ao feibai could not be allowed to be presumptuous in public.

Ao feibai, who sneered at the angry expression of several principal elders, slightly restrained a bit.

He pondered for a moment and waved to the side of the hall: "Your Highness is abrupt. General CE, please invite your son-in-law to come and have a chat. Remember... Anyway, you must invite him to meet you."

"My subordinates will certainly 'please' the son-in-law!"

Next to the orderly array of armor, a tall warrior with pincers stepped out, hugged heavily and left quickly with a smile.

Looking at the general who left, except the elder, the other elders all looked cold.

Ao feibai made it clear that he still wanted to continue to make trouble for Ye Feng. He just changed his name, but... It was hard for them to obstruct.

"An eight fold crab general in the empty world also wants to 'invite' Ye Feng? Hum, let him humiliate himself..."

Elder aocang lowered his eyes and smiled contemptuously at the corners of his mouth


"Your Highness..."

Less than a moment later, a scream with a cry came from outside the hall.

They hurried to get up to taituo. They saw that the "general CE", who had just left bravely, was lame with one leg, and a big red claw on his body disappeared. From the fracture, he faintly sent out bursts of meat fragrance.

"What's going on?"

Ao Fei was surprised.

"Your Highness... You have to decide for your subordinates, that Terran... He is a devil. He said that his subordinates are hairy crabs and almost baked his subordinates for wine... Fortunately, my subordinates have sharp legs and feet. Otherwise, it's not as simple as missing a claw."

General CE sniveled and wept, and shivered from time to time. It was obvious that he was greatly frightened.

Ao feibai's body was frozen in place, and his killing intention was like water.

"He also said..."

"What else?" Ao feibai asked angrily.

"He also said... Seafood and wine are ready. Wait... Wait for your highness to visit!"

General CE winced at another divine mending knife. Ao feibai was so angry that he almost got angry.

What's your status? Below one person and above ten thousand people, you are the first young generation of Aolai haishui clan. You are so powerful and powerful that you were ordered to visit a cheap virtual realm Terran boy?

Just such a sentence made him feel endless humiliation

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