Seeing Ye Feng's resolute attitude, elder aocang glanced over his eyes and appreciated it.

After meditating for a moment, he slowly opened his mouth: "our aquarium sea area accounts for as much as 70% of the Shenwu mainland. It can be said that it is vast in territory, abundant in resources and numerous in martial arts. Among all the martial arts, the increase category is as rare as the scale hair Phoenix horn. The martial arts we just mentioned is one of the increase category martial arts, which is called... The three prohibitions of divine law."

"Martial arts? It seems... Nothing strange."

Ye Feng was slightly disappointed.

Most of the increased martial arts skills can improve their combat power in a short time, making the martial artists qualified to cross levels and even cross-border challenges.

Ye Feng has never seen such martial arts.

At the beginning, Brahma's "atavistic power" and Qinghua's "private mantra" can improve the combat power above cultivation in a very short time. They are all increased martial arts.

It's a pity that it's far from as powerful as I imagined. When I met a strong opponent, I was tied up and finally lost.

For the disappointment and disdain on Ye Feng's face, elder aocang was a little unhappy. He whispered coldly: "boy, don't take out those lower class martial arts. Compared with the 'three prohibitions of divine law', as far as I know, this increased martial arts can be regarded as one of the top secret arts in our aquarium martial god sea area."


Ye Feng's pupil shrank and his face turned positive for a few minutes.

After entering the sea for many days, Ye Feng also understood that "Wushen sea area" can be regarded as the most powerful field in aquarium.

Now, elder aocang said that "three prohibitions of divine law". Looking at the whole Wushen sea area, it can be regarded as one of the top secret laws, which can be said to be highly respected.

Is it true that this martial arts skill... Has another mystery?

"Ten thousand ethnic groups, even the legendary powerful dragon, have to bear the limitations of physical and spiritual strength. Without corresponding physique and cultivation, it is difficult to carry and display super martial arts... But the three prohibitions of God and law can break the shackles of the martial arts themselves and improve their strength, speed and spiritual strength to an unprecedented level."

"The three prohibitions of divine law are divided into three layers. Each layer can increase the combat power by corresponding levels. As for the virtual environment, each layer can increase by about three levels. With your current cultivation, if you can cultivate the first layer, your combat power will be enough to be equal to the eight weights of the virtual environment, or even comparable to the nine weights, you may not know."

Elder aocang, with his old eyes narrowed, showed some pride in his eyes.


Bai Hucheng and Ye Feng took a breath at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the aquarium has such abnormal martial arts, which is tantamount to improving the number of people in disguise.

"If you reach the peak of three levels, isn't it equivalent to raising nine levels, which is equal to a great realm?"

After thinking about it, Ye Feng lost his voice and exclaimed.

If you really calculate according to this proportion, can you challenge semi saints in the virtual environment stage?


"You have a beautiful idea. When you arrive at the king's territory, each weight is like a natural moat. Even if it is completed, the promotion level will be greatly reduced."

Elder aocang snorted angrily.

"Hey, hey, it doesn't hurt. I just need to cultivate to the first level and defeat Ao feibai."

After rubbing his hands, Ye Feng's joy was not over. With a word from elder aocang, he knocked him down from the jiuxiao cloud.

"I forgot to tell you that the three prohibitions of divine law is one of the most powerful secrets of our aquarium, and it is conceivable that it is difficult to practice. On the first level, even those with extraordinary talents often need to practice hard for decades or even centuries. If they can stimulate a trace of power in a short time, they can be called peerless talents."

"In addition, to practice this method, you need to break your own limit first. The pain it brings is simply unbearable for ordinary people."


A burst of speechless leaf maple only felt great pressure.

But he still didn't want to give up and whispered, "even so, I'll try."

"Hey, hey... Some try, who doesn't want to try?"

Elder aocang gave a strange smile and trembled at the thought of that terrible situation. "The difficulty is not only that. If there are only such requirements, there are many people in our aquarium. How can we not even have a martial artist to practice this secret skill?"

"What else?"

Ye Feng frowned.

"Hey... Just because this method is too powerful, there are only a few qualified martial artists in all sea areas..."

"In those years, the Lord of the martial Saint hall watched this cultivation scroll and claimed that this method... The current Aolai Haigen had no one to practice. In order to avoid being coveted by foreigners, he used his great power to purify the power of the array and suppress it somewhere in the sea eye. If you want to practice this secret method, you must... Go into the sea eye to find it."

Elder Ao Cang's tone was a little weak.

How terrible the sea eye is. It is said that it communicates with another super world. Even in calm times, it is difficult for ordinary kings to enter.

Besides, this is the time of riots.

So this idea is just his imagination. He never wanted to implement it. This is also the reason why Wu Ji took the lead in refusing.

Ye Feng's heart was full of stomach Fei, and his face was going to be green.

After listening to the story for a long time, it turned out to be a road of ten deaths and no life.

If the old aquarium man didn't look sincere when he said this, he would even doubt whether the old man wanted to kill him directly?

"Ye Feng, during the Haiyan uprising, the power is unparalleled. Ao feibai... If you really kill you, you and I... Fight to the death."

Wu Ji's eyes flashed a bit of determination, deliberately ignoring the strange eyes cast by elder aocang.

Helpless shook his head, Ye Feng had to temporarily suppress the extravagant hopes in his heart.

Suddenly, he looked up at Wu Ji again, snickered and said, "we can't get the three prohibitions of the divine law, and now we have to face Ao feibai, so... Can you borrow me to understand the experience of the analysis of the fetal Huawu pulse in advance?"


Hearing Ye Feng's words, Wu Ji looked embarrassed, but elder aocang changed his look.

Wu Ji privately negotiated a deal with Ye Feng about the "experience of analyzing the vein of fetal chemical weapons". He knew nothing about it.

"There are indeed several descriptions of experience related to 'foetal chemical martial pulse' in our hall, but these things are in the hands of the elder. First, you have not made great contributions to our hall. Second, it is the person invited by our elder. How can he give you the martial pulse experience to understand?"

He made a faint reply for Wu Ji.


Neither can this nor that. It really makes Ye Feng depressed.

Ye Feng, who was very speechless, couldn't help flashing an irritable color on his face.

"Ye Feng, don't worry. I'm here... Maybe there's another way to encourage your cultivation."

After a little thought, Ao Cang looked at Ye Feng and Wu Ji, showing kindness in his eyes

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