Outside the purification array, the three elders Ao yuan's eyes flashed, and his look was incomparably solemn.

When the king's territory breaks through, it will bring some yuan force fluctuations. If it accidentally affects the operation of the large array, it may cause the sea eye to counterattack and form a small energy riot.

At the moment, he is ready to deal with it.

However, when his remaining light glanced at the tower where Ye Feng lived, elder Ao yuan involuntarily screamed. I don't know when to start, the boy actually increased the cultivation speed to the extreme, even a little more ferocious than when he was on the third floor.

"So... He was waiting for this opportunity to surpass?"

After a little thought, elder Ao yuan reacted. While feeling that Ye Feng refused to admit defeat, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and shaking his head: "I really don't want to die. I've lived for hundreds of years and haven't seen such a bold and reckless person like you."

Secretly watching Ye Feng's changes, elder Ao yuan's face rose and lifted up a glimmer of hope.

Or the second son has a fierce eye and welcomes this boy all the way. If you give him a certain time, maybe you can really... Turn the tide and let Changsheng hall get rid of its current disadvantage.

Unfortunately... Time waits for no man.

Maybe it's a little late


Their vitality is surging like a dragon. Ao feibai's promotion has reached a critical juncture. Their faces appear scarlet. Their whole body seems to be wrapped by red Mans, which makes them look very strange.

The fourth layer of turbulent negative energy, even better than them, has an irresistible trend.

However, they are not ordinary people. With the surging yuan force in their respective Dantian, the red awn mask like a cocoon becomes bright and dark. Obviously, at this moment, both sides have entered the most critical period

At the same time, Lei Huoyuan's strength is rapidly thinning out in the fourth floor of Ye Feng's space. However, his face is blood red, and an indelible violent color appears again in his pupils.

The bearing capacity absorbed by Yuan Li has reached the limit. Ye Feng plans to pause for a moment and refine the negative energy expanded several times in the divine sea.

The current negative energy has reached the limit that Ye Feng's spiritual power can bear, and it may devour him completely at any time.


However... In the next moment, Ye Feng suddenly felt that his heart beat violently.

His face was instantly black, his body was out of control, and a steady stream of vitality was still pouring in, while the negative energy crashed into the depths of the divine sea like a raging beast.


In his panic, he forced himself to calm down. He tried to look inside, but he found the problem.

Just now, the whole body began to devour vitality. If you are not careful, the negative energy has grown out of your control.

Now... It's a big game!

Ye Feng was shocked and struggled to sit cross legged. At this time, he did not care about any competition. He began to squeeze every trace of his spiritual strength and wanted to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with negative energy.

However, it seems to be of no great use. As soon as he refined a wisp, more people poured in.

There is an endless stream of follow-up.


However, after ten breath, Ye Feng opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and the whole face turned black and red.

Ye Feng's eyes and pupils were blood red. At this moment, he began to become lax.

If he closes his eyes and sleeps, he will be assimilated by negative energy and become a walking corpse after waking up again.

"No! I can't be a monster!"

With a roar, Ye Feng struggled to cut off the influx of all kinds of violent breath, but his eyes were dark. Soon, his eyes were blurred and could not see anything in front of him.

Six senses are lax.

First you can't see, then you can't hear, and finally everything will sink.

With Ye Feng's mental strength, the six senses can not be guaranteed to play a normal role and become difficult to maintain. He raised himself to the sky with a roar, held on to the last trace of mind, and forced himself to keep a clear head.

This is the only way to save yourself.

In his concentration, Ye Feng finally saw a super huge skull in his divine sea. The color was blood red, which was much richer than any he had ever seen before.

And this skull gives people a very solid feeling. It is gradually opening its big black mouth and swallowing it into the Red God sea.

Such a powerful negative impact is obviously more than any time in the past. If Ye Feng hadn't kept the last trace of mind, I'm afraid it would have fallen at the moment.

Hoo Hoo

Driven by the red air flow, the skull breathed out a hot scarlet smell.

The negative energy in the tower on the fourth floor, like a spirit, took the opportunity to flow from all directions, crazy into Ye Feng's body and become the nutrient for strengthening the skull.

After less than one incense stick, Ye Feng almost stopped breathing.

In the dark, he felt that the meridians and internal organs were changing. Under the scouring of negative energy again and again, these areas also began to change towards blood red.

The remaining trace of consciousness suddenly woke up for a few minutes. Ye Feng barely took a breath. The filling feeling brought by Yuan Li was disappearing, but instead, it was an extremely terrible dark breath.

He knew in his heart that when the meridians and viscera in his body completely turned blood red, I'm afraid he would be difficult to keep the last light in his heart and could only yield to the darkness.

But... Never give up until the last minute.


After another incense burning time, Ye Feng's upper body clothes were blown to pieces. From the forehead and heart, there were cobweb like blood red diffuse and spread rapidly towards his limbs.

In a trance, Ye Feng seemed to hear countless souls calling. When he reached the extreme fatigue, he almost wanted everything and directly integrated into the darkness.

"Give up."

"You are tired. Close your eyes and have a sleep. There will be a new you..."


Consciousness was slowly pulled away a little, opened his huge mouth, and the red skull showed a humanized grin. He threw himself down at Ye Feng's last tight mind


At the moment when Ye Feng was about to completely lose his self-consciousness, suddenly, there was a gray fog, quietly appeared, and directly protected his mind. It was difficult to break through the blockade of the fog regardless of the impact of the red skull.

This gray fog is not strong and unconscious, but makes a defensive posture by instinct.

However, this breath is like the enemy of the red skull. The strength of the two sides is obvious. Although there is only a wisp of fog, in front of the light gray fog, the super strong red skull is strong outside and weak in the middle, and there is a feeling of being afraid to get close.

Occasionally launch a few shocks, but also retreat at one touch. It's not as ferocious and fierce as the mental power to deal with Ye Feng.

With the protection of this gray fog, Ye Feng finally had a chance to breathe, and his consciousness gradually began to recover slowly

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