"It's a great time. Tomorrow, the eight elders go to the shensha array and we can take the opportunity to leave... Well, I promised you I would give you 10 million spirit stones and some pills. They are all here."

Wu Ji, who returned to the princess hall, was a little reluctant, but she couldn't bear the excitement in her heart. She took out two storage bags and handed them to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after seeing Wu Ji's bright eyes, he still stretched out his hand to pick it up.

Put away the two storage bags filled with spirit stone and elixir, but a faint anxiety suddenly rose in Ye Feng's heart.

This feeling seems to have not appeared for a long time, and every time it appears, there is a reason.

"Wu Ji... I always feel something is wrong. Tian Wuqian handed me the Wu pulse record so easily, and the most suspicious thing is that he doesn't worry about whether you and I will leave?"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Ye Feng couldn't help frowning and saying what he thought.

When she first set foot in the sea, she learned from Wu Ji that the great elder of Changsheng hall has great powers and controls heaven and earth. However, from recent contact, Tian Wuqian is very different from the rumor.

"Maybe... This Haiyan riot is about the life and death of the whole Aolai haishui clan, which makes the elder too distracted. Moreover, you seem to have no reason to leave." Wu Ji, who was thinking for a moment, tilted her head and leaned against Ye Feng's shoulder.

Ye Feng chewed the meaning of Wu Ji's words. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth grinned and nodded like a self mockery.

That's true.

Today, you are the son-in-law of Shui nationality and marry Shui nationality, because this letter is only the experience written by an anonymous in ancient times, and does not belong to any martial arts category. Even the divine eye in the mysterious space can not improve it.

Ye Feng can only rely on himself to study carefully.

After more than an hour, Ye Feng, who had no clue, finally saw some clues. The previous pages seemed to record the role of Tongmai.

"Great success of Tongmai, but... One hundred veins..."

Under a row of vague and dim small characters, a messy big tree is painted, and its branches are intertwined with other words, making it more messy.


"This picture is similar to the small tree formed by the Wu vein in my body..."

Ye Feng was stunned. He flicked his fingers and lit up the messy branches with Yuan force. With the gradual recovery of the whole tree, the surprised expression on Ye Feng's face became deeper and deeper.

Countless crisscross branches appeared in front of us, and the small tree had become a royal sacred tree.

Dong Dong!

The heart beat violently for no reason.

The twig trunk is the same as the foetal chemical weapon pulse in Ye Feng's body. When the small tree really thrives, it is the same as the Royal divine wood in the endless city. According to this, the foetal chemical weapon pulse in his body is only in its infancy.

There is great room for growth.

Once it is completely formed, does it really grow a God tree that can reach the sky?

This discovery made Ye Feng unable to maintain his inner peace. For a time, countless information flashed through his mind.

The taihuawu pulse comes from the imperial divine wood. The track of the military pulse solidified in the body is very similar to the imperial divine wood. There must be a great relationship between the two, but... What is the connection with Biluo Fu?

"Is it the Royal divine wood... From Biluo Fu?"

Thinking of the mysterious origin of the endless City, Ye Feng had a huge question mark in his mind.

However, at the moment, both the endless city and biluofu are too far away for Ye Feng to understand.

After a while, Ye Feng took back his doubts and concentrated again to understand the meaning of that row of dim small words.

"One hundred veins..."

Whispering, Ye Feng's eyes became more and more hot, and he seemed to understand something from it.

As we all know, the more martial veins a warrior has in his body, the greater the possibility of becoming a strong one.

However, the human body is limited by congenital factors. Ordinary people have only five or six martial veins. Even if their cultivation improves and enter the virtual realm and even the king realm, the body space will be exhausted after there are too many martial veins in the body.

Unless a new space is opened up, it is difficult to maintain ten or even dozens of martial veins. This is also an important reason why many martial artists can only stay in the king's realm.

Only after entering the holy land can you feel the laws of heaven and earth, and the body becomes heaven and earth, can you be free from the limitations of the body.

But the holy land is so difficult.

Few people can step into this step. Bai Hucheng knew that he could not achieve the Holy Land in a small place like Xingguang city in his life. Only then did he go abroad to look for opportunities, so that Bai Humen declined to the situation of being destroyed.

It can be seen from the meaning recorded in the record that the foetus turns into a martial vein. When you cultivate to a certain stage, you can integrate other martial veins in your body and achieve "the unity of 100 veins"?

This function is equivalent to condensing hundreds of martial veins into one, which greatly expands the body attributes. The powerful power can also be increased by geometric multiples. It is obviously... Unheard of

In the following pages, there are some descriptions of "Da ti", which is similar to what Ye Feng thought. It belongs to a method of condensing the flesh body.


On the last page of broken paper, two words jumped into Ye Feng's eyes, which suddenly brightened his eyes.

Finally found a description of the "riot".

Ye Feng looked carefully. The next moment, he only felt the great movement of Wu pulse in his body. A streamer flew out of the word "riot" and stabbed into his mind.

A sharp pain came from my mind, and a line of information appeared out of thin air.

"When you see the reality, all dharmas are empty. In an instant, you suddenly realize that all dharmas are the same, the line is empty, the sitting is empty, everything is empty, the Buddha is also born, the devil is also born, the riot is quiet, the heart is true, you suddenly feel, the source of the wonderful heart, and the Buddha and the devil rise to nirvana."

"Is this... The cultivation formula in the riot stage?"

The surprise hasn't completely dissipated. After a little understanding, Ye Feng starts shaking his head again.

The formula is obscure, just like the Buddhist sayings. The words are all sharp points.

There was no specific meridian operation line, nor any other guidance, which made him completely unable to start.

If only yuan Ling woke up.

That guy is well-informed and may have a way.

Some reluctantly put away Wu Mai's letter. Ye Feng just wanted to take back his mind. However, at this moment, in the middle of his eyebrows, he jumped slightly in an instant.

Just now, Ye Feng sensed that the whole Princess hall fluctuated, like a pair of invisible giant hands shaking the earth in mid ai

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