"This riot is related to the safety of the whole aolaihai. Naturally, I have to go to the silver dragon hall. My elder must also go."

The witch bone Leng Buding cut in and didn't mean to discuss at all.

"Younger martial brother Wugu is willing to work for our temple... I can't wait. More people will give more strength."

This time tianwuqian was very happy and promised.

Although the other elders felt some discomfort, tianwuqian didn't object, and it was inconvenient for them to object.

"I destroy the temple and wait outside. If there is an emergency, we should help."

Tiemuhe said with a smile and didn't mean to participate.

For the grievances between the silver dragon hall and the longevity hall, the destruction hall has always been on the wall. As long as one side is not completely destroyed by the other, they will not easily intervene.

"OK! Since everyone has no other objection, please... Join the battle without delay."

Tianwu Qian looked at the surging sky on all sides and knew that he could not delay any longer. His palm flashed a rune light and stretched out slightly forward.

Several others understood and worked their own yuan force.

With a huge roar, the radiant transmission array immediately started. After the figure flashed, everyone jumped up one after another.

Darkness soon fell, and the atmosphere in the array became strange. Tianwuqian, Wugu, Ye Feng and aocang elders belong to different camps, and everyone has their own thoughts.

As time goes by, the smell of negative breath becomes stronger and stronger. When the array fluctuates and shines again, a fiery red light appears in front of you.

Dozens of miles away, the huge sea eye vortex expanded nearly a hundred feet more than usual, and dragon like magma rushed up one after another, driving a deafening roar, as if to break through the world.

There are tens of thousands of runes shining up at the location of the twelve heavenly gods and evil array, forming an energy mask in the sky to resist the impact of magmatic heat flow.

Boom, boom!

After violent collisions, the energy mask was constantly shaking. Although it blocked the most ferocious impact, a small amount of negative breath rushed out of the array, spilled into the sea, and then rushed in all directions.


Blocked, there was an angry roar in the sea eye.

One of them, like the existence of intelligence, suddenly flew and shot a dazzling flame to meet the cavitation into a giant dragon.

The dragon head... Hit the energy mask hard.


There was a great shake.

Great sound is hard to hear. Even the strong king of the kingdom of China feels dizzy and unstable when he hits the impact.

"Such a riot is indeed menacing and much stronger than ever before."

Ao Yuanfa, the third elder, decided to pinch it. After standing still, a dignified look appeared on his face.

"It's not too late. We entered the array and joined hands to suppress the riots. This time, we can carry it, and the revival of our longevity is in sight."

Tianwu Qian opened his mouth with a calm face.

The language fell, and a huge wave as vast as the sea suddenly rushed out of him, sweeping dozens of feet around, shaking away a lot of spilled negative energy.

Ye Feng's eyelids jumped.

The old man's cultivation is really not covered. He doesn't even have the qualification to resist the overflow of negative energy.

In contrast, others are a little inferior.

Many masters have wrapped their bodies with Yuan force, resisting the negative breath and walking slowly to the front.

As it gets closer to the sea eye, the negative energy on the four sides becomes particularly strong, and even the red air flow slowly surges in the void.

"Everyone... Be careful not to be eroded by too much negative energy. Over time, it may damage your mind."

Tianwuqian warned.

He walked in the front, waving his sleeves, shaking away the surging negative energy.

"Wu Ji, follow me and master Bai."

Feeling the violent atmosphere in the air, Ye Feng looked a lot more serious, and there was a wisp of mental power overflow on his head, blocking Wu Ji in front of him.

After many times of washing and practicing the negative energy of the sea eye, the current breath can no longer have a great impact on Ye Feng. It can even be refined for its own use.

Ye Feng's relaxed expression attracted the glances of several other elders of the longevity hall.

As the middle and later stage of the king's realm, they can't be so light, but this boy

Of course, Ye Feng didn't plan to be a bird.

He just took Wu Ji with him so that he could follow the rear of the team in his spare time.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, a group of more than ten people came to the foot of the array. Tianwuqian stretched out his hand and moved. With the continuous roar, the huge Twelve Towers rose to the ground.


Twelve vibrations shook the earth.

Because of the outbreak of the great riots in Haiyan, the periphery of the tower has been entangled by a lot of negative breath, and the whole tall tower has also been rendered scarlet.


The shensha array reappeared.

At the top of each tower, there is a thick and thin floating light of a bucket, which flows into the energy hood towering into the sky.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the originally fluctuating energy cover suddenly stabilized a lot. The dazzling Rune light above suppressed a stream of magma heat flow, and countless scattered negative smells were filtered instantly.


"Everyone return to you, stimulate the power of the Twelve Gods and evil spirits array, purify the yuan force and resist the impact of the sea eye."

Tianwu Qian waved in a deep voice.

The other seven elders of Changsheng hall were very skilled and stood in front of towers.

Eight people occupy eight places.

The witch bone looked for an empty tower and joined the ranks of eight people.

"The emperor's son-in-law, the princess, and this human Taoist friend, you just watch, keep your energy and energy, and help when you need it."

Elder aocang turned his eyes, quietly stretched out his hand to block the three people who wanted to learn from each other, and winked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng understood and hurriedly led them to one side.

Elder aocang wants them to preserve their strength in order to deal with accidents.

Others have no objection to all this. First, they don't need so many people for the time being. Second, except Bai Hucheng, Ye Feng and Wu Ji can't have the ability to occupy and restrain a tower like them.

Shua Shua!

The nine strong Aquarians started together, each playing a yuan force and converging into the energy shield above.

Suddenly, the vigorous momentum rushed into the sky. Under the joint display of the nine people, the energy cover was as stable as a big clock. No matter how the magma flow impacted, it didn't move at all.

"Look at this. It's not much of a big riot."

Bai Hucheng stood aside and said with some interest.

"Elder Bai, don't underestimate the power of Haiyan. The real good play is behind."

Looking at the magma flow constantly impacting the energy hood, Ye Feng was a little cautious in his heart.

At present, the attack intensity is at best similar to that encountered in the sea eye. But once the real super riot comes, it is unknown whether the nine strong people can suppress it with all their accomplishments.

Moreover, this is a protracted war.

No one knows how long the riot will last. Compared with the abundant energy accumulated at the bottom of the sea for hundreds of years, even Dantian Yuanli, a strong man in the holy land, is only a drop in the bucket

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