"Brothers, let's get to know each other. It's my honor, Ao yuan, to live and die together today. I can break my head and be unyielding for the honor of our temple."

"Those who dare to violate my longevity hall will be killed without amnesty!"

With a strong holy power on his head, elder Ao yuan drank violently and his eyes were red.

The magnificent drink also made the blood of the five people in the rear boil, and they shouted angrily at the same time. Their vitality was like a thousand troops and horses running and roaring, which firmly protected the six people in the Dharma array.

"Just a few little mole ants... In the eyes of the main hall, it's just bluff!"

Ao Shuanglou laughed loudly and pointed to the sky and the earth. His hands led into the void. Heaven and earth seemed to break a hole. The endless force of artistic conception rules poured down and rushed straight to the array.

Boom, boom!

It seems that the sky is angry and the artistic conception force is crazy. It doesn't pay attention to any rules and regulations at all. The big array of halos fluctuates endlessly.

The six elders of Changsheng hall were pale, all of them were biting their teeth, constantly absorbing water power to resist the attack launched by AO Shuanglou.

For a time, the two sides fell into a stalemate

On the other side, tianwuqian and elder aocang are fighting.

Relying on the advantage of cultivation, tianwuqian's move is to kill. He plays countless palms across the space, covering most of the void.

Although elder aocang was a little short, he also stepped into the holy land before his combat power was lost. With rich combat experience, he avoided several of the most ferocious attacks.

"I don't have time to spend with you. Tell me life and death."

After fighting several moves, I felt that Ao Cang's breath was not weakened too much. Some impatient tianwuqian suddenly stagnated, his hands were empty, and a black Trident appeared in his hands.

"Big day triple chop!"

With the roar, Yuan force on his body surface overflowed wildly, forming a round ball of about ten feet above his head.

Just like a big sun hanging in the air, it blooms an endless glow of the hot sun.

The dark Trident stood in front of tianwuqian's chest, constantly pulling and absorbing the bright floating light from the ball.

Seeing this scene, elder aocang also stopped, and a trace of dignity appeared in his eyebrows.

He dropped his hands, tossed his fingers, and slowly began to rotate in a circle. At this moment, the sea water all over the sky fell down. With the actions of Ao Cang's hands, two huge eddies were formed.

Tianwu qianning's motionless figure made him extremely cautious.

Da RI triple chop is the supreme skill of Changsheng hall. Each chop will consume the energy of Da RI behind Tian Wuqian.

The big day, which is almost solid, is completely compressed by Yuan force. The power contained is enough to blow the peak of the king's territory to pieces. It is generally semi holy and difficult to resist.

So far, elder aocang has only seen tianwuqian perform it once. He kills a powerful sea beast at the peak of Tianji with only one chop.

This was a few years ago. Now, in the past, I'm afraid this martial arts power has improved a lot.

"Disillusionment turbine work!"

After a short build-up, elder aocang's body slowly became illusory, and his hands patted each other. The huge wave vortex collided on his side, and the two forces tore and merged with each other to form a more surging huge vortex.


In the mid air, Wu Qian raised the dark halberd like lightning, and the terrible ferocity was full of energy, showing the extraordinary of this weapon, which was impressively higher than the heaven level. Although he did not become a complete holy soldier, he was also contaminated with a few threads of holy power.

Heaven and earth throbbed three times.

Three majestic phantoms fell, one after another. The remnant image was like a fan without a fan. It cut gold and jade, cutting countless ripples in the space.

At the same time, the big day completely disappeared behind tianwuqian.

In an instant, he used all the three combinations of Da RI to exhaust Da RI's energy, which is enough to show that his understanding of this martial art has reached a near perfect level.

Ao Cang's eldest brother drank and fought angrily. He took a small step back with one foot and formed a bow step back and forth. His hands pushed forward with a huge vortex and quickly met the three halberds.


The first halberd shadow fell.

The deafening sound of metal collision exploded, and countless flowers splashed in the vortex of the waves.

Elder aocang's face turned pale immediately, and his body stepped back two steps. Before he could take a breath, the second halberd shadow was cut.


It was like a big bell ringing in my ears, which made tiemuhe and others quickly retreat for tens of feet.


He opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The whirlpool of the sea surged rapidly. With the help of the force of rotation, he unloaded the great power.

The third halberd shadow came at the same time

This last one is more terrible than before. There are wisps of black light flying at the edge. The violent artistic conception of water is enough to cut everything.


The whirlpool of the sea was shaken and wanted to disperse. Elder aocang's face was red. Suddenly, he spewed a mouthful of blood, and his face looked ferocious.

The yuan force all over his palm rushed out madly, trying to maintain the stability of the vortex.

However, it was still useless. It just resisted for a few seconds. The vortex of the sea finally broke completely. The black halberd body was cut in aocang's chest like lightning and flew out of the air

After floating in the air for several feet, he forced to stabilize his body, looked at the foot long blood red cut on his chest, and showed a sad smile on his face.

"Ao Cang, if you open your heart and let me plant a mark in your spirit, I... Can let you continue to be the second elder of your longevity hall."

The sky with cold face is dry and high in the air.

"Do you want me to bow down to your minister? Tianwu... You are an unfaithful and unjust man, and you deserve it?"

Although the whole body was bathed in blood, the words spoken by elder aocang were still resounding, and his eyes showed a look of returning to death.


"Tianwu, why should you insult yourself? Since he is anxious to die, it's better to complete him."

"I've had enough fun here. Even if several mole ants form a Jiyuan array, it's not... Vulnerable!"

On the other side of the sky came Ao Shuanglou's contemptuous laughter.

While talking, he suddenly slapped down, rolling holy power, which seemed to condense an extremely powerful force, which scattered the six people, and the barely maintained array collapsed at this moment.

After entering the holy land, once a certain artistic conception power in the body is understood to the level of perfection, it can lead to natural disaster.

In the past, there is a trace of robbery in the body, and the artistic conception can also be transformed into true meaning.

Such a strong person in the holy land is called the one who robbed the holy land.

Ao Shuanglou obviously had a disaster. His true meaning was connected, and his disaster power was bred. His martial arts skills were much stronger than the ordinary holy land of tianwuqian.

"Finished, the strength gap is too big to resist."

Ye Feng in the distance felt numb on his scalp, and his mood sank to the bottom of the valley at this moment.

The hall of eternal life was defeated as soon as it fought. Looking at Ao Shuanglou's ease, it was obvious that he did not offer the strongest means, and the situation showed a one-sided situation.

If we continue to fight like this, we may not be able to hold on for half an hour.

Once the seven elders of the hall of eternal life are destroyed.

No matter how fast they slip away with Bai Hucheng and Wu Ji, how can they escape from other people's territory under the tracking of a holy land and a holy robber?

At present, everyone has been tied to a rope. The three of them must not just walk away

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