"Damn it, put it out!"

The lack of spirit caused a sharp pain in Ye Feng's brain. Unfortunately, no matter how he struggled and resisted, he couldn't force the purple flame out of his mind.

"It's not so easy to control me!"

The stabbing pain also aroused Ye Feng's war intention in his heart. At this moment, everything is out. Ye Feng even ignores the crisis in the divine sea, shoots out dozens of spiritual forces and cuts off the body of the spirit dragon.


Having suffered a loss before, he saw Ye Feng's hand again. The angry spirit dragon roared and hid aside, and there was a larger purple flame in his eyes.

Twelve days all shensha array can block a lot of negative breath, but it seems to have little effect on Zisha XuanHuo.

Another sharp pain came, and Ye Feng was almost crazy. What made him more frightened was that when the purple flame burst into the divine sea, a wave suddenly appeared in his body.

A dark shadow appeared like a ghost.

This dark shadow, full of blazing magic gas, was a finger sized villain with hands and feet. After a slight pause, it went crazy in the sea of leaf maple God.

At a glance, Ye Feng recognized the origin of the shadow, which was the spirit of the broken Dan martial arts that escaped from the dark mist magician who had drilled into his body when he subdued the devil in Yuan Wu.

At that time, he searched all over his body and could not feel where the martial spirit of black mist was hiding, so he did not deal with it. In addition, this thing never appeared later, so he almost forgot it after he entered Shenwu.

After all, the Wu soul is the Wu soul. In addition to its dark essence, under the double hook of negative breath and purple evil mysterious fire, the Wu soul of the king's territory, black mist, can't stand it and takes the lead in becoming a slave of the spirit dragon.

As a result, Ye Feng suddenly fell into a situation of domestic and foreign aggression.

If at ordinary times, with his 13th level of super spiritual power, he is fully capable of suppressing it, but now he has to fight against both negative breath and purple evil fire. He has no time to be distracted. He can only feel being attacked by it.

When the two energies are combined into one place, their power soars.

Under such an attack, Ye Feng's Shenhai finally broke a gap.

It was like a drop of Mars splashing into the oil pan, and soon the divine sea surged up. Zisha XuanHuo and wuhunshengsheng tore a hole, setting off thousands of waves in Ye Feng's spiritual world.


Looking up to the sky, Ye Feng gave a painful roar. He threw his head up and fell to the ground, trembling all over.

The pain deep into the bone marrow made him unable to even coma. It seemed that there were endless evil spirits of hell making trouble in his mind, and his mind became extremely cruel and cold at this moment.

Anger, bloodlust, mania... And other negative smells sprang up and began to erode the Shenhai crazily.

The spirit dragon outside the light Rune array roared excitedly and stared at Ye Feng, waiting for the moment when the latter was completely controlled.

No one has ever noticed that less than half of the negative breath that flowed into Ye Fengshen sea... Quietly disappeared. It's like a monster in maple leaf's brain that can swallow negative energy and quietly absorb these smells.

At the moment, if someone nearby sees this scene, he will definitely lose his big teeth.

Even a strong aquarium holy land such as Ao Shuanglou can't bear such a huge erosion of negative atmosphere. The strength of those lost negative breath is by no means engulfed and absorbed by ordinary saints.


In the strange little space, I fell into silence at the moment.

The magma of the riot gradually subsided, and the darkness slowly fell, completely wrapping Ye Feng.

The spirit dragon on the outside is also waiting quietly.

Waiting for Ye Feng to come out of the Dharma array automatically

An hour passed.

Ye Feng is still motionless.

two hours.

Three hours.

For a long time... The negative energy is still pouring into the Shenhai of Ye Feng. The purple light of Linglong's pupil on the outside flickers, and there is some uneasiness.

With its only intelligence, it seems that something is wrong.

The time spent controlling this weak Terran... Seems to be too long.

One day after blinking, the situation still hasn't changed much, but after a long period of severe pain, Ye Feng is completely numb and seems to have passed out.

Finally... Linglong couldn't restrain his anxiety. His body drifted away at the edge of the array. The fierce light shone in his pupil. He opened his mouth again and spit out a particularly strong negative energy like a torrent, which penetrated into the Fu light and poured it into Ye Feng's spirit cover.


Despite the filtering of the Twelve Gods and evil spirits array, the negative breath is still strong and terrible. Even the holy one will suffer great harm under this breath.

However, at the moment when he didn't enter Ye Feng's body, the negative breath suddenly disappeared.

What's going on?

This time, the spirit dragon obviously sensed the abnormality. The purple light suddenly flourished in his pupils. Just now, when the negative energy invaded Ye Feng's divine sea, he made it feel that there was a wisp of will entrenched in it to defend the latter's defense line.

Moreover, there are a lot of negative breath, which are absorbed by the strong will.

Even the murderous and violent spirit dragon had an instinctive fear when he was aware of the will.


It's too powerful.

With the continuous negative breath disappearing, the will began to become clearer and stronger. Later, it produced a vigorous suction and began to devour it madly.


Seeing such a strange scene, the spirit dragon subconsciously felt bad. After a rare hiss of fear, he wanted to pull away the negative breath released.

No matter what the will is, it can absorb a huge amount of negative energy, which is by no means a good omen for it.

It pulled back.


It's too late. It's too fast at that time. At this moment, the attraction of the other party soared, turned into a palm sized black hole, and forcibly deprived all the negative energy of the past.


A moment later, together with the negative atmosphere in this area, they began to run crazy. If they had no time to escape, they would pull away from the black hole and swallow it.

The spirit dragon was so angry that the purple fire in his eyes soared. Driven by it, the purple flame in Ye Feng's God sea was also violently rioting, controlling the Black Mist's martial spirit to collide with the black hole, as if he wanted to destroy it.

The soul of Wu, who became a slave, had long lost his consciousness and rushed blankly. A dark sword condensed from his small hand and cut off against the black hole.


Who knows, before he did it, the black sword twisted rapidly, twisted and deformed under the suction of the black hole, and was pulled in together.

The martial spirit of the Black Mist struggled hard and constantly turned into various forms. If he wanted to escape the absorption of the black hole, he could resist it, and the end was doomed.

In the scream, the whole Black Mist Wu soul was swallowed.


The soul of the king's territory was swallowed up, as if it had injected a rich nutrient. Suddenly, there was boundless power. The power of the will was rising rapidly, and the black hole was expanding. Like the huge mouth of the abyss, it began to draw negative energy in all directions

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