At the same time, at the top of the outer side of the cultivation round tower, a light black purple flame suddenly jumped up.


The wind elder, sitting leisurely in front of the round tower basking in the sun, suddenly broke his tea cup. When he saw the beating black and purple flame, even his eyes almost fell off.

"What happened?"

"How can it lead to spiritual illusion?!"

It was like meeting a great thing. Elder Feng jumped up on the ground in a hurry. The figure rushed towards the round tower with black and purple flame.

"Hmm? What happened?"

Aware of the movement, several external disciples who maintained order rushed over. When they saw the flame rising from the round tower, they were all surprised to grow up.

The cultivation round tower is not inside the Dharma center. In the past, no one has ever been able to induce a spiritual illusion.

"Unexpectedly... Even the phantom flame has been led out. If I remember correctly, younger martial brother, only when the spirit phantom reaches a certain level, can there be that kind of strange flame?"

With an extremely shocked expression, an outside disciple murmured.

"Yes, it seems that only those abnormal inscriptions can lead to phantom flame. Is it... Some inscriptions came here to practice?"

A man on the side replied.

He knew he had said the wrong thing before his voice fell.

As an inscriptionist, you also need to practice in the Sutra Taoist field. There is no need to come to such a place.

Then there is only one possibility. There should be someone inside. The spiritual power is too strong to attract the spiritual illusion and the strange phantom flame.


Several people looked at each other, saw the meaning of horror from each other's eyes, and said in unison: "is... Is there another inscriptionist in the outer court?"

"Who rented the round cultivation tower?"

"It seems that it's just... A group of factotum disciples. Yes, I had a fight with Zhong Ziqi yesterday. Finally, I took out the zongmen Taoist talisman and won."

Several people were dumbfounded again.

From this point of view, there is a great chance that one of those factotum disciples will become an engraver.


Ye Feng doesn't know everything about the outside world. He is tired of dealing with those phantom arms that are arrogantly disturbed in his mind and body.

As time goes by, more and more illusions appear.

To the extent that leaf maple can hardly be dispelled and resisted.


Just when Ye Feng realized that he was about to lose his hold and planned to crush the messenger given by elder Feng, a purple flame rushed out of his Dantian and burned all his arms to ashes.

It's the purple evil Xuan fire from the sea eye spirit dragon.

The purple fire rushed out automatically, like ploughing and sweeping holes. In less than a moment, it drove away all the illusions and burned them.

After all this, Ye Feng was relieved, and many face illusions appeared in front of him, which finally dissipated slowly.

"What the hell is going on?"

When the visions in his mind completely dispersed, Ye Feng, who was shocked into a cold sweat, just remembered it. If it weren't for the help of Zisha XuanHuo, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get rid of the entanglement of these visions alone.

"What a... Extremely unusual smell!"

Cold, Yuan Ling came out of thin air, with an uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Damn it.

This guy didn't help just now?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked angrily, "smelly Yuanling, what did you do just now?"

"I'm sorry. It's not that benyuanling doesn't want to help you. It's really... The smell just now is very unfriendly to benyuanling, so you can only carry it yourself."

Yuan Ling showed a gloating smile. He didn't know whether what he said was true or false.

After turning his head and looking at the interior of the stone chamber, he regained his serious look and nodded: "that breath... Is very wrong. Benyuan spirit seems to have seen something... That can trigger the illusion of the spirit body..."

Seeing his solemn frown and meditation on his face, Ye Feng didn't bother.

"Boy, it seems that you have a chance. You have to enter the Sutra Dharma hall. If you want to know the mystery, you have to experience it yourself."

"However, be careful next time. That force makes Ben Yuanling a little unable to start."

After hearing yuan Ling's words, Ye Feng was surprised.

There are few things that can make yuan Ling helpless or afraid.

"Hmm? Someone is coming. By the way, don't reveal any signs for the time being, or there is a huge secret in that place."

With this sentence, Yuan Ling turned into a cloud of light smoke again and disappeared into the mysterious space.


With a dull voice, the yuan force on the stone platform was suddenly cut off, and the closed stone door was knocked open from the outside to the inside. The frightened wind elder flew in.

"What happened? Ye Feng, are you okay?"

Some gasped and swept the inside of the stone chamber. Seeing that Ye Feng sitting in the center was not abnormal, elder Feng asked with a puzzled face.

"Er... Elder Feng, who are you?"

Ye Feng pretended to be puzzled.

"What abnormality did you encounter during your cultivation just now?"

There was a bit of confusion in his eyes, and elder Feng couldn't wait to ask.

He could clearly feel that the emergence of spiritual illusion came from this direction.

It's just strange that when he wanted to confirm, those spiritual fantasies and phantom flames that confused him disappeared.

"No problem!"

"Everything is normal, that is, all the vitality energy suddenly disappears. The disciple thought it was two days. The stone chamber can automatically cut off the vitality supply."

Ye Feng said strangely.

Elder Feng was stunned. Immediately, he scratched his head in a confused way and whispered, "is it... What moths did those guys at the inner door make that caused the abnormality here?"

Seeing Ye Feng's eyes, elder Feng temporarily pressed down the idea in his mind, nodded and said, "it's okay. There were some abnormalities in the round tower just now. Don't practice for the time being. Come back in two days."

"All the other factotum disciples in this tower have gone out one step ahead of time."

"So it is."

Pretending to be sorry, Ye Feng shook his head. He followed elder Feng out of the cultivation round tower. Sure enough, he saw Wang Yuwei and others waiting outside

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