This is the most proud inscription work of Li Lushan in recent time.

With the help of the spirit pen of the inscription, he succeeded for the first time. Although he failed once in the middle, the last one kept improving. The rune light in the inscription was much stronger than others.

This also shows that the inscription he painted is of higher quality.

"Eh, the boy even completed one. It's really... Lucky."

His eyes fell on the inscription beside Ye Feng. The surprise in Li Lushan's eyes lasted less than three seconds and turned into ridicule.

"Hahaha, is this also a level 2 inscription? It can't hold up a level 1 goods. It uses two levels of materials but engraves a level 1 garbage inscription. It's simply... It can be called a loser. I'm not wrong. That boy is definitely just a pussy with strong spirit but nothing."

Seeing Ye Feng's solemn face and busy figure, Li Lushan was about to laugh.

It seems that the boy hasn't given up. Does he still want to depict higher quality inscriptions?

Inscriptions can't be done overnight.

Every inscriptionist needs to spend a lot of time and energy to improve his inscriptions skills. It can be said that most inscriptions are piled up with countless valuable materials, which takes a long process.

Like Ye Feng, it takes only half an hour to improve yidui, but if you want to directly upgrade the level-1 inscription to level-2, it's really... Hell.

Seeing that the timing letter incense in the corner is about to burn to the end, the contempt in Li Lushan's eyes is no longer covered up

At this time, more and more engravers stopped.

Some people smile triumphantly, most of them look sad and sigh.

All three materials have been used up, and those who sighed naturally failed. They had no choice but to announce their withdrawal from this assessment.

When the last person stopped, only Ye Feng was still busy, so everyone's eyes naturally gathered on Ye Feng.

"The boy's engraving technique is... Extremely clumsy."

"Yes, it's like it's never been operated. Is it really a vegetable chicken?"

"How is it possible? If it's a vegetable chicken, how can he successfully depict one... Well, although it's an inscription..."

"Yes, some of us, but even a low-quality first-class inscription failed to depict success... Sad reminder."


Among the whispers from the four sides of the temple, there are envy, jealousy and ridicule, but most people want to see Ye Feng fail.

If you can't pass the examination, you'd better destroy the whole army.

It's a common problem of human nature

"There are still ten interest rates. This assessment will be... All over!"

Master Cheng Yuanhe also stood not far from Ye Feng. He looked disappointed. Ten breath time, I'm afraid it's difficult for the young man in front to complete this inscription.

"Master Cheng, you can announce it. I think... Don't waste your time."

Li Lushan's sarcastic expression hung around his mouth. Even if ye Feng could finish the inscription, the final closing action must be more than ten breath. It's common sense in the inscription circle to lift it gently and put it slowly.

Only a few demons can break this point. The whole upper city of Jinhua is not enough.

"Your Excellency is really worried about eating carrots."

At this moment, a leisurely sound came straight from the translucent hood.

Ye Feng, who was talking inside, turned to give way to a corner. While his figure was slightly sideways, a light jumped up on the animal skin.

At the last moment, Ye Feng unexpectedly completed the second inscription.

Seeing the light on the table beside Ye Feng, the sarcasm stopped suddenly, and the expressions on many faces gradually turned into surprise.

Master Cheng Yuanhe also took a mean look at Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations. You can complete two inscriptions in the examination, but few people can do it."

Qi Luo, who flashed a little excited on her face, approached quietly, exhaled like LAN and said softly.

In the quiet hall, her voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, which made many people look at Ye Feng a little strange.

"Yes, the chance of the third grade inscriptionist's inscription success is only two or three percent. It's really valuable to succeed twice in a row, you boy... It's really beyond my expectation."

He smiled and nodded to Ye Feng. Master Cheng Yuanhe's voice was full of appreciation.

Other engravers in the hall were secretly unhappy. Li Lushan's face was gloomy and said coldly, "luck accounts for most of the successful inscriptions twice in a row."

Few people agree with such words.

Luck is very important to the engraver, but that ethereal thing needs to be based on powerful inscriptions.

"Well, now that the time has come, it's time to verify the inscription."

The incense burned to the end.

As soon as Master Cheng Yuanhe waved his hand, they hurried back a few steps around and left their engraved inscriptions on the table.

When he came to the first person's table, Master Cheng put his fingers together, and a blue mental force popped up and fell into a cloud.

At the moment when the cyan spirit came into contact with the inscription, the spiritual light of the latter climbed up again and reached its heyday.

Almost a foot.

"This is..."

Ye Feng turned his face sideways and asked Qi Luo a little puzzled.

They were close to each other. Suddenly, when they looked back, they almost had an intimate contact. A faint fragrance of virginity came into their nose, which made Ye Feng deeply smell it.

Qi Luo's delicate face immediately flushed, but she didn't dodge. She said with a trace of shame: "Master Cheng can inspire the maximum potential of the inscription with spiritual strength and judge its quality through the color and light. In this way, Master Cheng is the only one among all the four inscription masters of the guild."

"I see..."

Ye Feng nodded and looked at Master Cheng more.

It seems that I have a chance to ask the master for more advice.

"Lingguang Yichi Xu, secondary inscription, inferior quality."

After observing for a moment, Master Cheng, who was silent, spoke out the results.


A few steps in front of him, a 30-year-old inscriptionist breathed a sigh of relief on his face and patted himself on the chest with fear, but a look of happiness flashed on his face.

Although it is only inferior quality, it is good that it has passed the examination.

In other words, with this inscription, he successfully ranked among the three grade inscription masters recognized by Jinhua Shangcheng inscription guild, and his status jumped thousands of feet

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