"Master Cheng, could it be you..."

Li Lushan was stunned. Subconsciously, he questioned whether Master Cheng had made a mistake. Halfway through his words, he found that he had made a mistake and hurriedly closed his mouth.

Questioning Master Cheng, who presided over the examination, is absolutely equivalent to ruining his future in the inscriptions guild.

Moreover, everyone can see that there is nothing wrong with the soaring inscription aura.

"Brother Li doesn't have to take it seriously. What you depict is an inscription that can carry the body."

"That's right. In this way, although brother Li's inscription quality is a little inferior, it can surpass him only by that point."

Two of them, who wanted to please Li Lushan, hurried up to comfort.

"Are you two funny?"

"The four foot Lingguang inscription has reached the best level... There is no doubt that it can carry on the flesh... And the effect is better."

Master Cheng Yuanhe glared at the two people with a little contempt. Flattering also needs to talk about science. How can you talk nonsense in order to flatter?

But at the same time, he didn't take back the blue spirit, but disappeared into the animal skin of the inscription again.

After careful perception, even Master Cheng couldn't help being surprised.

The lines are very clear. There is almost no shaking from the beginning to the end. The fluctuation of the spirit lizard force is also very weak.

The weaker it is, the stronger it is.

"What a powerful mental control. The lines are almost as perfect as those recorded in the description scroll. OK, well... Such a talent, young people are really... Let me feel inferior."

Some shook their heads like self mockery, and Master Cheng Yuanhe took back his mental strength. What they said made the hall sound like swallowing water. They looked at Ye Feng as if they had seen a monster.

Master Cheng said that the inscription portrayed by Ye Feng is only a little worse than the perfect situation recorded in the scroll.

As we all know, what is described in the explanation scroll is the most perfect state of the inscription. Even a master of four grade inscriptions like him may not be able to depict the secondary inscriptions to a perfect level.

If Master Cheng is not joking, it only shows that Ye Feng's inscription strength or inscription talent really reaches the point where everyone should look up and envy.

Compared with Li Lushan, the gap between him and Li Lushan is too wide.

"Master, you flatter me. I've only managed to do this for a short time to try inscriptions. If I also have an inscriptions spirit pen and practice more, maybe... I can hope to improve it to perfect quality."

With a faint bow, Ye Feng said with a trace of disappointment.

Hearing such words, others around couldn't help shaking their faces.

The boy is too careless to speak.

Looking at his picture, it seems that he is not satisfied with the inscriptions he portrays. Don't he know that this is the best inscription that countless inscriptions want to dream of.

Li Lushan clenched his falling fist and wanted to rush up and beat Ye Feng.

Fools can hear that Ye Feng's last few words are mocking that he has an inscription spirit pen, but he can only do this.

"Hahaha, young people should have a little temper. With your talent, it is not impossible to impact six inscription masters in the future."

Master Cheng Yuanhe didn't care about these at all. He glanced at Ye Feng with great appreciation and announced: "you, the second-class best inscription, have passed the examination of the third-class inscription master, and you are the... Best this time."

set the tune with one beat of the gong -- give the final word.

Ignoring Li Lushan's man eating expression, Ye Feng arched his hand at Master Cheng and began to observe.

After two incense sticks, all the engraved inscriptions were confirmed. At the end of the examination, Ye Feng noticed that less than a quarter of the total number of people passed the examination.

The probability under this situation also makes Ye Feng wonder.

He vaguely understood the reason why the high-grade inscriptionist was respected.

"This assessment is over. The list of those who have passed the examination has been recorded and filed. You can go and get the three grade inscriptions master badge. Of course, if you want to sell the secondary inscriptions you just painted, the guild will also give a reasonable price."

"Well, you can go."

A moment later, Master Cheng Yuanhe announced the end of the examination and issued a guest expulsion order.

Li Lushan glared at Ye Feng and left the assessment hall with the flow of people.

A faint fragrance came. At this moment, the figure of Gu's sisters came out from the inside and seemed to have completed the examination.

"How's it going? Has the test passed?"

Seeing them, Master Cheng Yuanhe smiled more kindly and asked.

"Thank you for your cultivation. Both my sisters have passed successfully."

Among them, the older woman said all blessings, and her voice was as sweet as a spirit bird.

"Poetry rhyme girl, this is a compliment to me."

Although compliments have no practical effect, they are very useful to Master Cheng.

"There are two more inscription masters in the guild. It's also a happy event. Wait outside for a moment. I'll accompany you to get the four pin badge later."

"Qiluo, let's go too. I have to ask you to lead the way."

Seeing that the Gu sisters turned their heads, Ye Feng hurried to urge Qi Luo. The two sisters were too arrogant. He didn't want another white eye.

"Ye Feng, please wait for a moment. I have something to give you."

But as soon as Ye Feng's steps were raised, Master Cheng stopped him.

Hearing the speech, the two sisters turned their eyes and saw Ye Feng who was going out of the hall door.

"Eh? He can pass?"

The young woman with Danfeng eyes showed some surprise.

"Little Shirong, don't underestimate Ye Feng. In this assessment, Ye Feng painted a secondary inscription of four feet of Lingguang, which is the best talent this time. The talent... Is not below you two girls."

"I hope you can communicate more..."

Master Cheng Yuanhe, who stroked his beard, said bluntly.

"Four feet of light?"

The rhyme and face of ancient poetry moved slightly, and there was a trace of surprise in their eyes.

But that's all.

After all, it is only a two-level inscription, which has not been paid too much attention by the proud Gu sisters.

"Master Cheng, our sisters have something important to do today. I won't bother you for the time being."

"As for communication... Wait until he is qualified to wear a gold badge."


He looked at Ye Feng strangely. The old rhyme of ancient poetry saluted Master Cheng Yuanhe. After throwing out a word, the two sisters turned back and went to the hall door.

Ye Feng quickly stepped back and gave way to his position.

However, when the two women passed him, Gu Shirong, the sister walking behind, turned her head slightly and threw a provocative look at him.

It seems that she is not satisfied with what Master Cheng Yuanhe just said

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