
Ye Feng's mind suddenly sank down, and an abnormal pungent breath drilled into his nostrils, which made the yuan force in his body stagnant at this moment.

The real king's strongman is not comparable to Qinghua. He has some strange means.

The Dantian was running fast, and Ye Feng didn't hesitate. The green dark fire spread rapidly from the body surface and turned into a raging flame to wrap himself in it.

The poisonous gas hissed and burned into a pungent smell, which could not be invaded at all.

"Eh, the poison of blood stain can't help you?"

"But... Trapped in my blood maze, it's no different from a blind man!"

Suddenly, the voice of words came from all directions, and immediately there were countless powerful Qi shooting at Ye Feng's body like a dead corner.

Ding Ding!

Every strong Qi collides with different fire, it will make a light sound of hissing, and then burst into a mass of poisonous fog.

To Ye Feng's horror, the vitality of the poison fog is extremely tenacious. Even under the green and dark fire, it will take a long time to be burned out.

As more and more energy burst, Ye Feng seemed a little tired to deal with it, and even a few strands broke through the secluded fire defense and penetrated into his body, and even the operation of Yuan force slowed down a bit.

For a moment... Ye Feng seems to have fallen into a disadvantage and was suddenly beaten by this strange means

The sudden outbreak of fighting soon attracted the attention of people around.

"Who has the courage to fight openly in Jinhua? They... Are not afraid to lead the patrolling soldiers to question?"

"Shh, you can see clearly. The two standing next to them are the outer disciples of Tianyuan sect. They are the inner disciples of Tianyuan sect. The soldiers may not dare to take charge."

"Tianyuan sect... No wonder, I don't know who provoked Tianyuan sect. I'm afraid I'll die here..."

Seeing the golden badge on Qingshan River's chest, the crowd subconsciously lowered their voices.

Rules are always set for those who abide by the rules. If they meet someone with a strong background, the rules will become dispensable.

On the contrary, the people began to wonder which blind generation ate the bear heart and leopard courage and provoked the people of Tianyuan sect.


"Against you, you dare to fight the third grade inscription master of the yuan sect. Aren't you afraid to provoke two wars?"

Seeing that Ye Feng is tired of coping and is like a headless fly under the cover of blood and gas, Wang Yuwei and Yuan Ningzhen are worried.

Hearing the speech, qingshanhe's a little slow.

The identity of the inscriptionist also made him a little afraid.

But soon, his eyes became colder and said gloomily, "in the Diyuan sect, there is also an engraver of my Qing family. If I remember correctly, I have reached the fourth grade."

"Even if you kill him, diyuanzong may not do anything. It's hard not to become a third grade inscriptionist and choose to offend the fourth grade inscriptions master?"

After saying that, a more intense blood color energy was emitted, almost connected into a piece, and indiscriminately shot at Ye Feng.

If ye Feng is only a virtual martial artist with strong martial arts talent, qingshanhe is afraid and has no belief in killing him, but this boy is not only outstanding in martial arts talent, but also... An engraver.

That won't allow him to continue to grow.

For a moment, the killing intention in Aoyama Hanoi soared, and there was no more tolerance to start.


The sudden surge of terror ignited Ye Feng's anger in an instant.


He uttered a low scold. While protecting his body with the green dark fire, Ye Feng inspired a powerful spiritual force to lock in the Qingshan river. After his mind was mentioned, a particularly fierce spiritual force frantically oppressed the past against the Qingshan river.

The blazing green light pierced the blood blockade, like a green lightning, and hit the middle of Qingshan River's forehead in an instant.


The latter immediately took a mouthful of blood. If he was struck by lightning, his eyes were almost lax. After a few steps back, he barely stopped.

The sudden huge mental power startled everyone back. Although it was not affected, it was enough to frighten people just to feel the violent breath.

"Younger martial brother Ye's spiritual power, how could it be... So terrible!"

Wang Yuwei and Yuan Ning really looked at each other. When Ye Feng passed the jade tablet test, they showed that they were not as strong as they are now.

Did... He hide a hand in the dark?

No wonder you can successfully pass the examination of three grade inscriptions for the first time


The Qingshan river was retreated by the earthquake, and the blood gas and strength within several feet were blown to pieces. A large amount of blue flame surged out. With the scorching high temperature, all the blood gas and strength were involved and burned into invisibility.

"Don't take out such means to make a fool of yourself."

Under the fire, the figure of Ye Feng appeared. Except that Yuanli was a little dull, it didn't matter much.

Seeing that Ye Feng is all right, yuan Ningzhen and Wang Yuwei just patted their chest. If it were the two of them, there would be no possibility of escaping.

"No wonder Qinghua will die in your hands. You... Really deserve my best."

Reaching out to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, a layer of blood rushed into the face of Qingshan river. His pupils and whites completely disappeared and completely turned blood red.


At the next moment, a magnificent momentum rushed from behind the latter, and the bloody yuan force rolled up into the sky like a curtain of heaven.

Wang Jing triple?!

Ye Feng's face slightly changed, his body slightly swept back, and opened a distance of about ten feet from the Qingshan river.

Just now, he was still surprised that when the other party had no defense, his spiritual attack "Zhenshen wave" could not have such a small effect.

Now the answer has just been revealed. Qingshanhe also hid his strength and did not show his strongest means

Based on Ye Feng's current cultivation, he is not sure of winning the triple of shangwangjing.

However, he hasn't tried his best to deal with a martial artist with the same strength as himself after he was promoted to the eighth level of virtual environment. Although the young family's cultivation is high, it can be used to hone himself, isn't it impossible

For a time, Ye Feng had a high sense of war in his heart.

With a loud bang, Ye Feng also rushed up a yuan force. Of course, there is a big gap in Yuan force and momentum compared with the king's triple Qingshan river opposite

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