
Quickly dodging the rebound force, Ye Feng was shocked into a cold sweat. If he was a little slower, maybe his mind would be hurt.

"Hehe... It's not easy to achieve this level for the first time. Elder martial brother must sincerely admire you. Don't lose heart. Come on, make persistent efforts."

Wang Yuwei, who was watching attentively, was also startled. However, seeing Ye Feng's failure, he showed a somewhat relaxed expression on his face.

Failure is a common occurrence of soldiers.

If ye Feng really wants to engrave such a difficult inscription successfully at one time, it will leave an indelible wound to Wang Yuwei's young heart.

Ye Feng nodded, quickly summarized the reasons for the failure in his mind, and began to pick up the second inscription material.

Many routines ahead are no different from the first time. Until the step of extracting Yuanli and starting to really engrave the lines, Ye Feng slowed down and focused on it.

"The rebound force should come from the fine tendons. In that case, perhaps the proportion can be relatively reduced."

In this way, the utility of the "solidified" inscription after success may be slightly reduced, but the probability of success is greatly increased.

Thinking like this, Ye Feng began to concentrate on the third way while suppressing the impact of the other two yuan forces with his spiritual strength.

"Give me... Suppression!"

At the same time, the violent mental power poured out and confined the energy rebounded again to the animal skin.

Sure enough.

This time, the rebound force was obviously much smaller. Under the suppression of Ye Feng's strong spiritual force, he began to integrate with the other two energies gradually.

Half an hour later, Ye Feng, who took a breath, took back his mental strength, his eyes fell on the inscription in his hand, and shook his head in disappointment.

"I wipe, and this... Succeeded?"

Wang Yuwei couldn't help opening his mouth.

After only one failure, he could find the key to success the second time, and directly completed such a difficult secondary inscription. Ye Feng's model of failure, understanding, improvement and success simply subverted Wang Yuwei's three outlooks.

People are more angry than people.

His young mind suffered a critical hit of 10000 points again.

"The quality of this inscription should be only second grade!"

"Well, maybe it was the previous over pressing, which led to the insufficient integration of Yuan forces in the fine tendons..."

He threw the inscription aside at will. Ye Feng nodded to himself and reached for the third material.

"Younger martial brother ye, do you... Want to continue?"

Seeing Ye Feng throw away the solidified inscription like garbage, Wang Yuwei almost spewed out old blood.

Only two successful inscriptions were enough, and they despised the low quality.

Well, can you consider your mood?

Without noticing Wang Yuwei's frustrated expression, Ye Feng was stunned when he heard the speech. He... Didn't seem to feel too tired.

It is reasonable to say that if three inscriptions are engraved continuously, there will be some fatigue.

"Is it not... What does it have to do with entering the octagonal Linglong Pavilion last time... But obviously the mental intensity has not improved?"

Frowning and thinking for a while, he could think of only this reason.

"It seems that the next time you enter, you have to pay special attention. If you can improve your mental power... It's really... It's worth the cost."

After saying this, Ye Feng threw his mind out of the sky and began to fall into the world of inscriptions again.


Under the inscription of forgetting to eat and sleep, when the fifth inscription was finally completed, Ye Feng showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The quality of this one is obviously higher than before. Of course, whether it can be carried on the flesh or not still needs to be tested by a professional legal array.

At the moment of mental recovery, Ye Feng fell asleep.

"My God, I'm afraid you're not a freak. Five inscriptions... Four succeeded..."

"Yes, you'd better be a person!"

Conveniently lift Ye Feng and pull up the quilt. Wang Yuwei looks at several inscriptions spread out in front of him and feels like he is dreaming.

Whether it's mental strength or mental manipulation, Ye Feng's means are not what ordinary martial artists of this age can have.

Compared with the guy lying in front of him, those legendary inscriptions in the inner and outer courtyard and even Jinhua's going to the city, I'm afraid... They don't deserve to carry shoes.


When Ye Feng woke up again, it was already three achievements in the sun.

After taking a look at Wang Yuwei who didn't know when to sleep, Ye Feng wiped his face with clean water and began to engrave it wholeheartedly

In the attic hall on the first floor, Guan Buyu was still waiting anxiously.

"Well... Sister Ning Zhen, it's been three days, brother ye... Shouldn't anything happen?"

After looking at the leisurely yuan Ning Zhen on the side, I couldn't sit still.

"Younger martial brother ye can engrave the second-class best inscriptions. It should be fine. Besides, Wang Yuwei is staring."

Yuan Ningzhen, who was sitting on one side, replied carelessly while putting preserves in his mouth.

"But... My secondary inscription is more difficult than ordinary ones, and may even cause a little... Reverse bite."

Touched his nose, although he didn't speak, he said with a guilty conscience.

"Huh? What... Backfire?"

The shaking long leg suddenly stopped, and Yuan Ning really looked at Guan Buyu.

"That's right. Before brother ye, Lao Guan, I found five or six inscriptions masters and even asked one inscriptions master. Unfortunately, without exception, none of them can meet Lao Guan's requirements."

"And there are two... Their mental strength was backfired when they were engraved, and they stayed in bed for a little half a year."

Guan Buyu looked embarrassed. Later, he patted the table with some regret and said, "it's all my fault. I forgot to tell brother Ye about it."

Hearing the speech, yuan Ningzhen suddenly disappeared with a leisurely look on her face, threw down half of the preserves left on her head, turned and rushed to the second floor.

Although he sighed like a self reproach, he followed closely.

Ye Feng's bedroom on the second floor was silent. It seemed that she didn't even hear the sound of breathing. Yuan Ning really didn't expect that there was a seal and boundary inside, and thought there was a big problem.


Just as she was about to kick the door, the door was opened, and a strong spiritual atmosphere swept out with the smell of various inscription materials.

"What are you... Doing?"

Looking at the two people with an angry expression, Ye Feng asked curiously.

The high-intensity inscriptions for several days made him look tired at the moment. His whole body was in a mess, and his hair was scattered behind his head. As for the side, Wang Yuwei stood with a more depressed look.

Although just watching, Wang Yuwei seems to be more tired than Ye Feng

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