At a corner in the east of the martial arts platform, more than 60 people crowded around the floor sweeping door. Even those people with bruises and swollen eyes didn't choose to go back. They sweated in the palms of their hands and watched their actions on the stage.

"Elder martial brother Wang, you write inscriptions with younger martial brother ye every day. Younger martial brother ye... Is he sure of success?"

The uncontrollable Tang Ge asked quietly.

Wang Yuwei blacked his face and smiled bitterly after hearing this: "younger martial brother ye... He did succeed in Level 3 inscriptions once, but it seems that he only succeeded once... He usually focuses on Level 2 inscriptions."

"Moreover, he has no body to carry auxiliary inscriptions, let alone the spiritual pen of inscriptions. According to the current situation, I hope he... Won't lose too badly and be lucky."

The faces of many disciples of the sweeping door suddenly collapsed, and everyone looked gloomy.

But there's nothing I can do.

"Look again. Even if you lose, you can't deprive younger martial brother Ye of his qualification as an engraver. We're really anxious. I... I'll go to my brother."

Yuan Ning really tooted her mouth, and two small tiger teeth flashed bright light.

With her comforting words that were not comforting, people were more or less relieved.

Yuan Ning's real brother, that's... Hey hey


Taking a breath, Ye Feng's eyes closed slightly on the stage. Suddenly, he opened wide again. In an instant, he was full of spiritual strength.


As soon as the violent spiritual energy appeared, it quickly and crazily rose, with a little cyan in the dark green, rushing up like a green dragon and bumping into the boundary of elder Feng.

Such a strong impact made the barrier shake. The quiet green spiritual force that originally occupied most of the interior of the barrier was suddenly shaken like a tide.

Qing Zhenyi was staggering and stunned, and almost fell to the ground.

The majestic pressure coming from his side was like the vast sea, which shocked his chest. Even elder Feng couldn't help but withdraw from the outside of the barrier.

Shua Shua!

The martial artist in front of the stage had not yet reacted. The old guys standing on the mountain in the distance suddenly showed incredible eyes and stared at the spiritual luster of Ye Feng.

"This... Green... Cyan?"

"Level 14! How could it be? How could there be such a person among the factotum disciples?"

"Unexpectedly... Hidden so deep."

"Such mental strength is more than enough to participate in the examination of the four grade inscription master. The demons in the inner door are almost the same as him at most?"

"The boy is really hidden. No wonder... He has the courage to challenge Qingzhen clothes... We all look wrong..."


Several senior inscription masters were shocked. Even elder he felt shocked.


It's really out of sight

Of course, no matter how shocked and moved they are, they must not be comparable to the green vibration clothes that follow Ye Fengtong.

Suddenly impacted by the blue spiritual energy, he was almost stunned. Under the pressure of the blue spiritual power, his spiritual energy was pushed aside, barely covering the square inch where green Zhenyi stood.

This is when Ye Feng didn't take the initiative to make trouble. Otherwise, would there be a place for qingzhenyi to stay in such a narrow border space?

Quietly picked up a field. Ye Feng didn't deliberately embarrass each other. He condensed his spiritual strength in the top of his mind and pressed it against the skin of an ancient tree.

The cyan spirit turned into a sharp cone. The moment it pierced the bark of the ancient tree, it attracted an extremely violent force to rush out.

At the same time, in Ye Feng's perception, there was a ray of extremely subtle but mysterious Avenue rules, which was launched by electricity and pumped hard to his own divine sea.


Ye Feng's face changed.

There are more mental forces emerging madly, just forced to bear the attack of the avenue rules.

Nevertheless, there was still an indescribable tingling, which made Ye Feng frown involuntarily.

"Understanding the ancient tree skin is naturally compatible with the avenue. After thousands of years of growth, you can sense a trace of the rules of heaven and earth and accumulate the power of the avenue in the tree body."

Seeing that Ye Feng had suffered a small loss, elder Feng nearby quickly spread a message.

Ye Feng nodded and became more cautious. While a steady stream of mental strength fell, he forced back the trail of road rules to fight back, and began to engrave lines.

But in this way, with the pouring of Yuan force and the sealing of Taiqing Jinhua liquid, it is equal to one mind and four uses, and it is extremely exquisite to control the mental power.

The difficulty of this inscription was known to him only when it was really engraved.

In contrast, qingzhenyi is much easier. His figure stands straight in place. While the inscription spirit pen pierces the ancient tree skin, the light of the two inscriptions on his body is more grand. The spiritual power filled the air dances and falls against the ancient tree skin.

Just frowning, he untied the counterattack of the rules of the avenue. There is an inscription spirit pen in hand. The action of engraving lines is like clouds and flowing water, which has a great viewing effect.

Ye Feng's defeat just now makes qingzhenyi's confidence come back.

Inscriptions are the comprehensive embodiment of spiritual power, manipulation and inscriptions. He has all three kinds. Ye Feng is just a simple and powerful spiritual power.

And the most important thing is that the other party has not engraved "Taiqing Jinhua liquid". It seems that he has not engraved many ordinary level 3 inscriptions.

The Yuanli infusion of Taiqing Jinhua liquid and several materials has been done successively. Let's see how the boy will deal with it at that time

Sure enough, after a while, the inscription pen wandering on the ancient tree skin suddenly stopped, and qingzhenyi's eyes stared at Ye Feng.

To that crucial step.

It's time to do it.

The lines have been painted. Next, Yuanli and Taiqing Jinhua liquid are integrated with the materials. As early as the beginning, his design was misleading and confused Ye Feng's judgment.

At this time, it's time to harvest.

However, at the next moment, qingzhenyi's not ugly face was completely black. After a short pause, Ye Feng looked up and glanced at qingzhenyi, with a hint of irony in his eyes.

He quickly chose to pour Taiqing Jinhua liquid first, and then began to introduce Yuan Li energy into ancient tree bark.

Did you really listen to yourself?

Nima, are you a fool?

I told you to instill Taiqing Jinhua liquid first. That must be false. How can I tell you the truth and how can you choose to listen?

Smelly boy really... He lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot. At this time, qingzhenyi felt like crying without tears.

"Yes, this boy must have engraved this inscription before... He is deliberately wasting his time."

The more treacherous a villain is, the more he likes to spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

The green vibrating clothes with a gloomy face sent out a low angry hum from the throat, which immediately accelerated the engraving speed.

If the inscription of the same grade is engraved, it will take time to win first and then. He thinks... Ye Feng must want to delay his time.

It's so mean

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