Elder Feng on the martial arts stage was also startled. After a while, he calmed down and showed a bitter smile on his face: "today's competition, there are many climaxes and the results... It's really unpredictable."

"Next, it is the most critical moment, success or failure... In one fell swoop!"

Looking at the flame beating like a purple spirit, Ye Feng gently breathed out a breath. His mental power was multi-purpose. While pressing the ancient tree skin, he slowly injected several other yuan force energy into it.

"Inject the purple evil spirit and Xuan fire into it."

Yuan Ling's voice was also a little nervous. After all, Zisha XuanHuo was just a catalyst. It could simplify the process of inscription, but it could not determine whether it was successful or not.


The energy of five different colors is intertwined, spreading forward along the grain, flowing light and color, especially dreamy.

However, only Ye Feng knows that these exquisite energies only need a slightest fluctuation, which will lead to the failure of this inscription.

At the same time, it is very difficult for maple leaf to control the integration of five yuan force energy and ancient bark. In addition, it will be difficult to suppress the avenue rules in ancient bark.

At first, he could easily maintain the five yuan force energies in a balanced state. However, as the lines gradually elongated and the energy increased, Ye Feng's palm began to tremble slightly.


Suddenly, a faint cracking sound sounded, and Yuan Li's energy was out of control at this moment.

The cold sweat suddenly covered Ye Feng's forehead. The inscription on the first one consumed too much mental power, and the second one was a little weak.

Never lose!


His hands forcibly stopped shaking. Ye Feng fiercely clenched his teeth. After stabilizing the shock, he tried his best to urge Zisha XuanHuo to rush towards five yuan force energy

The purple flame, like entering the uninhabited land, crossed through the five yuan forces. The originally restless yuan force energy gradually became quiet under the action of the flame. The spiritual force took the opportunity to rush up and maintain it in balance again.

"I wipe..."

"Can you stop playing so dangerously... My old man, my heart will be scared out by you."

Until Ye Feng regained his stable state, Yuan Ling said strangely in his mind.

"The real difficulties... Are still ahead..."

Ye Feng ignored it. He wiped the sweat from his eyelids and was more cautious in his heart.

The inscription of "Taiqing Jinhua liquid" is so difficult. If the inscription can be successful under such high pressure, the improvement of inscription is obvious

Everyone under the martial arts platform also held their breath one by one. From the sweat dripping from Ye Feng's forehead, they could feel the strange and treacherous waves and clouds.

With the passage of time, Ye Feng's action became slower, the severe consumption of mental power and the slightest bit of energy perfusion became particularly important.

The inscriptions of the best products have clear and stable lines, and there is almost no difference between the beginning and the end. The yuan force energy injected should also be balanced in concentration.

The most important thing in the closing stage is to perfectly integrate the yuan force energy with the main materials carried without any trace.

Such an inscription can be called the word "best".

Any link requires the inscriptionist to have a strong control over spiritual power.

If the mental strength is not enough, most of them will give up halfway and cannot complete the inscription.

If the control force is insufficient, it will lead to different width of the grain, twists and turns, and the yuan force is thick and light, so it is difficult to give full play to most of the effectiveness of the inscription.

Compared with the failed first inscription, the current second one is quite good. At least in terms of grain, there are almost no defects with the naked eye.

After a cup of tea, Ye Feng slowed down.

The inscription is about to enter the final stage, and there is a growing sense of fatigue in his God sea.


"The lines engraved by Ye Feng are up to the level of some senior four grade inscription masters. Master Qing, you should be ready to lose."

Elder Feng nodded with appreciation and immediately took a meaningful look at qingzhenyi.

As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain, but Rao, a layman, can see a clue of the current situation.

If this inscription is successful, its quality will never be lower than that of the first inscription of qingzhenyi.

As soon as the corners of his mouth pulled out, his hands slightly clenched the cuffs of the green vibrating clothes.

Ye Feng's performance really surprised him.

"Elder Feng said it too soon. He has strong mental power... He can really hold on for more time, but he has been working so hard at the beginning of the ending. Unless he takes the initiative to reduce the quality of the inscription, it's strange that he can succeed."

Qing Zhenyi glanced at Ye Feng quickly with an ugly look, and still thought he had the winning ticket in his heart.

After all, under the continuous consumption, maple leaf is almost to the limit. At the moment, his face turned red, his breath was short, and his hands were trembling slightly.

Qingzhenyi has experienced such a state. It can be inferred from her own experience that under such a state, if you want to complete the finishing work, you can only give up the quality of "Taiqing Jinhua liquid".


Spewing out a hot breath, ye Fengqiang supported his body, and his mental power was no longer retained. He controlled Yuan Li's energy to pour down the last half inch grain.

With the Taiqing Jinhua liquid entering it, the six energies suddenly became violent and gurgled and fluctuated, as if they wanted to rush out of the ancient tree bark.

At the same time, there is also a strong force in the skin of ancient trees to repel the entry of foreign energy.


At a certain moment, the recoil force formed by the combination of seven energies intertwined, and suddenly shook the spiritual force away.


Ye Feng's trembling body clenched his teeth and his eyes were about to burst out. He wrapped up a purple evil mysterious fire and hit the recoil force.

In the competition between the two forces, people only saw the cyan spiritual energy staying in the air. First, it expanded outward, but it began to shrink madly. After a few breaths, it finally stopped throbbing.

The ending is basically about to be announced, several yuan forces are in balance, and Taiqing Jinhua liquid is also perfectly sealed.

"Finally... It's going to be finished!"

He breathed wildly, and Ye Feng's tight mind relaxed. Now he just needs to pull away his mental strength, and he can succeed.

There was also a gasping sound under the martial arts platform. This inscription performance made everyone climax and excited.


But before he could be happy, Ye Feng frowned rapidly. At the moment when he controlled his mental power to break away from the bark of the ancient tree, a dim burst sound came out from the inside of the bark of the ancient tree.

Followed by an unusually bright regular light, reflected through the bark.

This scene scared Ye Feng's soul out of the sky. The light was not something else, it was the rule of the road that had been suppressed. For a moment, Ye Feng loosened his mind and launched a lightning counterattack.

Things are... Worse

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