Across the crowd, Ye Feng saw two acquaintances, the Gu sisters she had met in the inscription guild.

Different from other people's low-key, the Gu sisters are both wearing long skirts and a thin scarf on their heads, but the scarf does not have much effect, and they can vaguely distinguish their described beauty.

The graceful and graceful outline of Lian Bu's body was clearly outlined, with a bit of hazy temptation, which attracted many good people around to whistle again and again.

Around the two women, there were three men standing in the center. One man seemed to be in his twenties, dressed in the robe of the inscription master, looked cold, and was slightly raising his head to think about something. He didn't pay attention to the noise of the people around him.

The other two are burly men, walking like dragons and tigers, inadvertently stirring up powerful yuan force edges, forcing out the fighters of all ethnic groups who want to get close one by one.

"That man... Seems to be Gu Zhangqing? Didn't expect them to come?"

Wang Yuwei's eyes first stopped for a moment on the excellent posture of the two women, but when he glanced at the young man next to him, he couldn't help shouting.

"Gu Zhangqing? Who is he?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

Wang Yuwei had long been accustomed to Ye Feng's ignorance. At present, he said, "Tianyuan sect's inner disciple, the first person to write inscriptions, was brilliant at the inscriptions master's meeting three years ago. He left all the inscriptions masters behind with an absolute advantage. According to the sect elders, this person's inscriptions may be only a little worse than childe yuan."

"Like childe yuan, he is a mountain that all inscriptions masters can't get around if he wants to win the championship in this inscriptions masters' meeting."

"Little meeting of the engraver?" Ye Feng wondered.

"The inscription master's meeting is held once every three years, and only the disciples of several sects in Jinhua City participate in it. Gongziyuan did not attend. The inscription master's meeting is only held once every ten years, and the inscription talents of some big cities nearby will come to participate. Gongziyuan has the title of honorary old man of our yuan sect, and may participate as a member of our yuan sect."

"However, Gu Zhanqing is a master of the level of inscriptions in the inner door collection of Tianyuan sect. This person can't be ignored. Maybe childe yuan can only force him."

"I see..."

Ye Feng nodded slightly. No wonder they all swaggered like this in the blood killing chaos.

Under the leadership of black and white, the five soon heard about the start time of the auction.

Lucky enough, there happened to be a game the next day.

The hegemony competition three months later and next year's conference give Ye Feng a feeling that time is not waiting. Time has always been the most precious thing for Ye Feng.

Led by black and white, they quickly found a suitable inn to settle down. Then, Ye Feng was dragged out by excited yuan Ningzhen and Wang Yuwei. They couldn't wait to see the real face of the bloody land.


As soon as I went out, I heard a deafening roar from the sky, like lightning piercing the night sky.

The nine auspicious beasts took a huge jade chariot and galloped in the void. The dense hoof sound spread all over the four fields like a burst of ice hail.

The rumbling jade chariot rolled over the sky and made the ground tremble. Some martial artists who didn't have strong cultivation immediately avoided to one side.

"I'll go... What a big posture."

"The auspicious beast pulling the cart is actually a top-grade monster on the ground level?"

Ye Feng looked up and was stimulated by the comer's pomp.

"Isn't that the eagle king?"

"The eagle head man is indeed the big eagle king. I heard that he left the blood killing and went to the holy land of the demon family as early as a few years ago. Why... He came back again?"

There were also many startling voices around, and countless people craned their necks and looked at the sky.

From the confused voice, Ye Feng heard the origin of the big eagle king. He is a well-known demon warrior. When he left a few years ago, his strength was approaching the Holy Land and ranked fifth in the blood list.

Then there was no trace for some time. Unexpectedly, after a few years, he returned to the bloody land.


The jade chariot came in the air, and the auspicious beast spewed out a flame several feet long, forcing the warriors to retreat one after another.

The great eagle king was dressed in magic gold colored clothes. His body was as majestic as a mountain. The golden crown on the huge eagle head was shining everywhere. He stepped off the jade chariot and walked into a dark style castle.

Ye Feng noticed that there were many hidden strong smells in the crowd. After seeing the eagle king, they all showed a trace of doubt.


The noise caused by the eagle king had not yet fallen. Less than half an hour later, there was a loud noise that broke the silence of the bloody land.

In the southwest, the clouds surged and the bull was angry. With a wave in the sky, the blue lightning tore open the void, and a red chariot rushed out.

Like a tsunami, terrible waves came from the heaven and earth.


The wild roar shook the earth, and the three monsters pulled the chariot, shrouded in bright thunder, rushed quickly.

"Barbarian strongman?!"

Ye Feng was shocked. The momentum of the newcomer was stronger than that of the eagle king just now. He stood on the chariot like an iron tower and was bathed in heavy lightning.

The three monsters that radiated ferocity also made people feel some suffocation.

"Who in the end is unscrupulous and looks like nothing..."

Yuan Ning showed a trace of disdain on her small face and muttered in a low voice: "these foreign guys will pretend. Even my uncle Wang doesn't exaggerate so much."

"Hahaha, I'm back!"

Hundreds of feet away, the barbarian warrior roared, and the fierce noise spread all over most of the bloody city.

With this cheering, he jumped down from the chariot. At the moment of landing, it was like an earthquake, which directly shook dozens of martial artists out.

Without stopping, the strong man of the barbarians also strode into the castle entered by the great eagle king, leaving everyone with a back carrying a big ring knife.

"Sparrow feather crazy knife, he is... Lightning chopping? Sparrow feather crazy knife is the symbolic weapon of lightning chopping!"

After Wang Yuwei screamed, he couldn't help covering his mouth with his hand.

"What is sacred?" Maple Leaf turned to ask.

"The great master of blood list, I've heard of this guy. His experience is similar to that of the great eagle king. He left the blood killing place many years ago, and his ranking is still higher. At the beginning, he seemed to be ranked fourth."

Wang Yuwei explained like a firecracker. After that, he said strangely, "it's strange. It's reasonable to say that a big eagle king back may be understood as a coincidence, but there are the top five experts in the blood list one after another. That's not quite right."

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