"Ladies and gentlemen, I won't repeat the value of this inscription spirit pen. Now we start the auction. The starting price is 80 million spirit stones, with an increase of 5 million each time. Let's set a small goal and rush it for 100 million."

As soon as Ren Tianxing waved his hand, he scanned all the inscriptions, and finally looked at CHIDI Yan inadvertently.

"Ha ha, since it's a good thing, my barbarians will fight for it anyway!"

CHIDI Yan understood at that moment, laughed and opened his mouth: "85 million!"

"Barbarians are only suitable for swinging sledgehammers. They want to touch things that belong to my Terran inscriptionist. It's really daydreaming. I'll give you $90 million!"

The rhyme of ancient poetry is picturesque. A pair of Phoenix's eyes are full of arrogance. Feather sleeves flick and bid.

"95 million!"

On the tenth floor, several cold looking strong Terrans opened their mouths, and their introverted breath was like an ancient well, which made people unable to touch the reality.

"Fight with me? Look who has more money than me, 100 million!"

A rather obscene smile appeared at the rhyme of ancient poetry, and CHIDI Yan clapped his horse to keep up.

For this treasure, he has full confidence that he can raise the price to an unprecedented level, and he will make a pot full of money from it.

"105 million..."

In the position of Childe yuan, the short and strong man also joined the bidding team. Naturally, he represents childe yuan.

With the rising prices, the number of participants has not decreased, but increased. A group of people are red in the face and have a tendency to fight in groups if they don't agree.

In the twinkling of an eye, the auction price of zijinling pen was raised by more than 300 million.

In contrast, the previous auctions looked like children playing house.

"They both obviously need this spirit pen very much?"

Sitting on the chair with a calm face, Ye Feng glanced at childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing. One of them is from the inscription family, and the other is a famous rising star of Tianyuan sect. They should not lack the inscription spirit pen.

However, no matter the grade or utility, the purple ember spirit pen obviously needs to greatly surpass the ordinary two or three spirit pens, so as to make childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing excited.

In less than one incense burning time, the price has been raised to 500 million. People below the tenth floor have basically quit the bidding ranks.

The rest are either the inscriptions or the great powers.

500 million spirit stones, even some three or four grade clan families, are not a small amount that can be squandered wantonly.

Listening to the rising numbers, the cheers on the four sides are getting higher and higher. Although I can't personally participate in this luxury auction, it's... Worth my trip to see such a scene.

"510 million..."

At a position on the tenth floor, another man, a martial artist, opened his mouth and offered the price, but his hesitation could be heard in his voice.

Several others also began to hesitate.

The purple ember spirit pen is worth more than that.

However, the spirit stone in their bag is almost $500 million or $600 million. First, it is not enough to spell it. Second, if they spend all the spirit stone to buy this spirit pen that does not play a great role in ordinary martial arts, what will they buy in case there are good things next?

At this point, only a few respondents remained.

Of course, some well-informed people, such as the eagle king, should also know that although the spirit pen is good, it is a hot potato, and there has been no bidding from the beginning.

"Hey, hey, it seems that this baby... Still belongs to my barbarians! 5215 million!"

His eyes rolled, and CHIDI Yan stirred up the atmosphere in the field and gave a loud drink.

The eyes of everyone in the auction house quickly turned to childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing. From beginning to end, only they had not shown the intention to stop.

Sure enough, the short and strong man and the rhyme of ancient poetry soon followed.

When the price was increased to 700 million, except for childe yuan, only the last master of human inscriptions was still following the price.

"The wealth of the inscriptionist is really not comparable to that of ordinary people..."

The soaring numbers, Ye Feng's blood surging, more than 700 million spirit stones... Are almost astronomical for ordinary martial artists, even those in the middle and later stages of the king's territory.

However, in the eyes of the engravers, it is obviously not enough for them to do everything.

"This thing... Won't shoot more than a billion?"

While watching, Ye Feng also had some concerns.

Although he has a huge sum of money of 1.5 billion, those spirit stones can not be used to splurge on buying a spirit pen. In addition to buying materials, they should also be used to expand the sweeping door.

The daily martial arts, pills and so on add up to a gold devourer.

"Younger martial brother, you are a full man. I don't know if you are hungry. It's true that childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing have powerful inscriptions, but they have many followers and have more people to feed. The expenditure is unimaginable."

"Don't worry, bidding... It's estimated to stop soon."

Yuan Ning really patted Ye Feng's shoulder like a little adult, and said in an old-fashioned way.

"How do you know so much?"

With a skeptical look at Yuan Ning, Ye Feng cast his eyes on the auction table again.

Sure enough, Yuan Ning's truth was true. When ancient poetry rhyme called 760 million, the last Terran inscription master and childe yuan withdrew from the price.

From the two faces, we can clearly see a trace of helplessness and unhappiness.

Unfortunately, 760 million is obviously the limit of most people.

CHIDI Yan, who has been acting as a shit stirring stick in the middle, is hesitating. The price basically meets the expectations of the auction, but he has not played any role in this round.

In this way, the commission they get is almost nothing.

This made him very unwilling.

However, he must also make a consideration. In case... The deal falls into his own hands, I'm afraid it won't be sprayed by the top management of the bloody auction house.

To... Is not so easy.

"760 million times!"

"765 million..."

Just as he was still in contradiction between the left and the right, a slightly lazy voice was impressively uploaded from the fifth floor.

In an instant, countless eyes gathered on Ye Feng again. Together with the forces at the upper level, they also looked at the fifth floor one after another.

"That boy again..."

"Shit, who wants to say he's not Tuo? I'll cut off my head..."

"Too much, the blood killing auction house is too much."

"Let's see if that kid of the ancient family can follow... After all, this is the top 14 treasure on the list of inscriptions. If it leads to the competition of inscriptions masters and saints, billions may be possible..."


The voices of discussion echoed in the hall. Many people scolded angrily, and many people were very curious to find out whether Gu Zhanqing would continue.

On the contrary... CHIDI Yan, who was in a hesitant state, suddenly showed an excited light in his eyes. Looking at Ye Feng's eyes, it was like a hungry wolf seeing a little sheep.

Because only he knows that the boy on the fifth floor is not a trust at all.

This guy made a bid again and put it in the last round. Obviously... He is determined to win.

He is a fool with a lot of money and likes to show off. This kind of person... He has seen too much at the auction. The best proof is that he fell into his own hands twice before.

Hahaha... In that case, if you don't kill him, when will you stay?

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