Yin Yin smiled and Guan Buyu didn't continue to pursue. He went forward to check Ye Feng's injury and frowned.

"I hurt my muscles and bones. Damn it. Just after receiving the news from sister yuan, my brother came in a hurry, but he was still a step late..."

"But don't worry, brother. Just now the old finger was enough for the boy to drink a pot. It's a breath for you."

He said angrily.

"No problem, just recuperate for a period of time." Ye Feng tried to smile.

It's common for him to get hurt. However, it's really hard for Ye Feng to resist the five heavy blows of the king's territory. If there is no jiujue Tianbei, he would have been destroyed by others.

"Young master, let's talk about it when we get back. I've received a summons from my brother. He has escaped smoothly."

Bai impermanence, who was not far away, came quickly. Bai impermanence's face was more pale at the moment. It was obvious that he had suffered a little loss in the fight just now.

Ye Feng nodded. With the support of Guan Buyu, he rushed to the boundary of Jinhua's upper city. The three shadows disappeared rapidly.

In the mid air tens of miles away from the battlefield, 10000 days have some staggering figures rushed out, followed by chidito is very embarrassed.

He left a blood hole the size of a finger in his chest, and the blood was spilling out.

"The Terran boy who killed thousands of knives, I... Will kill you sooner or later!"

"And... Black and white dogs work hard for those who go to the city in Jinhua. I will make it difficult for you to do anything in the future."

While swallowing the healing pill feebly, he shouted angrily.

Just now, if ten thousand days hadn't eliminated some strength for him, even though he didn't speak the last wisp of finger force, what he was afraid to penetrate at the moment was his heart.


Almost more than an hour later, Ye Feng finally rushed back to diyuanzong.

Just entering the hall, yuan Ningzhen and others, who were anxiously waiting, gathered around and were filled with indignation when they saw Ye Feng injured.

"The bloody killing is really a big bully. Younger martial brother ye, shall we... Report to the sect and kill back!"

Wang Yuwei was the most impulsive, so he couldn't help shouting.

"What's the use of reporting to the sect? But childe yuan was also robbed and killed, and he won't give up." Ye Feng stopped Wang Yuwei's impulse and said after thinking for a moment.

"That's right, and even if di Yuanzong can't kill people in disorder, those who rashly break in won't come to a good end."

Bai impermanence explained aside.

Ye Feng raised his hand to stop the rioting people. After thinking for a moment, he said, "it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Don't mention it again. Just think... We've never been to the bloody place."

Whether it's inscriptions or accomplishments, it takes more time and energy to improve. Ye Feng doesn't have time to fool around with Wang Yuwei now.

Moreover, he has a shallow foundation in the Diyuan clan, and the clan hegemony competition is about to open. At this time, why do you have to tangle with blood killing?

Seeing that Ye Feng had made up his mind, Wang Yuwei and they didn't say much. They all went to practice.

Ye Feng also returned to his room.

Today's plan is to recuperate the internal injury as soon as possible.

Sitting on the bed, he took a light breath. Even if it was such a simple action, his face was painful and the corners of his mouth were cracked.

Shen Shen's internal vision caused several fractures in the back bones and swelling of the meridians, resulting in poor operation of the yuan force.

"The virtual world is nine heavy. It's still too weak for the real master!"

Some reluctantly shook his head, and Ye Feng opened his mouth and swallowed several pills.

Once the pill entered his throat, it turned into a stream of heat and rushed to his meridians and limbs. Unfortunately, he was too seriously injured and could not recover in a short time.

"From this point of view, I should not be able to enter the Dharma hall for cultivation for the time being. The yuan force is too powerful and I may not be able to bear it."

Ye Feng said to himself with a bitter smile.

"Boy, why are you decadent? If that barbarian warrior knows his full strength, he will only cause this injury to you. I'm afraid he'll spit blood more depressed."

Yuan Ling came out lazily again and glanced at Ye Feng with disdain.

"What's more, you just broke through the nine levels of emptiness and need to stabilize the level. The injuries borne by the flesh can help you polish your body. Maybe after you heal, your body's tenacity can be improved a little."

Ye Feng nodded when he heard the speech.

After he was promoted to jiuzhong, he had a brief fight with chidito, who was in Wangjing Wuzhong, which gave him some inspiration. And if you really want to be like yuan Ling said, the injury... Is worth it.

"Find a quiet place to repair your body. Time is running out from the hegemony competition of diyuanzong. If you want to subdue the fire of Honglian industry, the most important thing is that you must get the top three places in the hegemony competition."

"This is very difficult for you at present."

After a few sarcastic remarks, the old man turned into a burst of smoke and disappeared.

"Time is running out... If you want to improve again, you can only enter the mysterious space..."

Yuan Ling's words put a lot of pressure on Ye Feng. After a little thinking, he went out of the room and found yuan Ningzhen.

His plan is simple.

The purpose is to find a quiet place and modify the time proportion of the mysterious space to practice and heal. The purpose of doing so is also to avoid the news of your injury.

No matter the snare or other forces in the inner court, they are not satisfied with the sudden strength of sweeping the door. They are looking for opportunities to quarrel and find fault everywhere.

If those people know that they are hurt, they may make some small moves to hinder the development of sweeping the door.

The competition between disciples is allowed in the di yuan sect. Regardless of language, the three of them can't act rashly and intervene forcibly.

"The best place to heal wounds is naturally the heart nourishing Pavilion in the inner courtyard. It is said that it is a place for the inscription master to recuperate."

After hearing Ye Feng's intention, Yuan Ning really quickly gave the answer.

"No, Yangxin Pavilion is full of people. Well... It's best to find a place where no one bothers..."

Ye Feng also heard about Yangxin Pavilion.

But since there are all inscriptions over there, he doesn't want to go. The place where the inscriptions gather often belongs to the place of right and wrong. Second, if the high-grade inscriptionist with strong spiritual power finds out his secret, then

"Where no one bothers?"

"Well... There are tens of thousands of disciples in our sect. Even the Sutra hall is overcrowded. Where can there be such a place?" Yuan Ning really shook her head and looked at Ye Feng strangely.

"If you really want to say where there is no human trace, it's not without it. Younger martial sister Ning Zhen, have you forgotten that place?" Wang Yuwei's eyes turned around, but suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"You mean... The area behind the mountain?"

"Wang Yuwei, you are bold. That area has long been divided into a forbidden area by the sect elders. Younger martial brother Ye goes in to heal his wounds. Once people know, he will be punished."

Yuan Ningzhen's face showed strong blame. After staring at Wang Yuwei, he said, "and no one has set foot there for many years, in which there is great danger. How can younger martial brother Ye rest assured?"

"Hmm? Our Yuanzong still has such a place?"

The speaker was careless and the listener was intentional. A few words of dialogue between the two made Ye Feng move and become a little eager to try

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