"It's really special... A group of perverts dare to be so crazy after going up to the fifth floor. Those guys... Should bear the interference of spirit vision. It should be strong and incredible."

"In order to compete for hegemony, they are also willing to go out."

"Well, it really has nothing to do with us. Anyway, the final winner is just those guys..."


Many martial artists walking together in twos and threes talked about it, with great admiration and strong jealousy in their words.

The guys they mentioned naturally refer to Xiao chennan, zhe Yan and others.


At this moment, a dull roar suddenly came out above the Sutra Dojo under the cover of night, which attracted the people below to look up together.

At a certain position on the fifth floor, bursts of Yuan force burst out an arc in mid air through the blockade of the Taoist array. After a flash, it was quickly sucked back.

Most people looked at each other and didn't know what had happened.

At the moment, there were several exclamations: "someone is in the promotion!"

"I wipe. Who is it that dares to attack the realm at the top of the fifth floor?"

"This is... A little crazy."

The crowd blew the pot directly, and it was not impossible to advance in the Sutra ashram, but even the two most elite talented disciples did not dare to attack the bottleneck in the stone chamber on the fourth floor or above.

According to the rules formulated by the two sects, only the disciples in the king's territory can enter more than four levels of cultivation.

Ye Feng was an exception. He was able to enter the Sutra ashram by using the "zongmen Taoist talisman", which was not subject to this restriction. However, at the beginning, Nie also mentioned that he didn't go up to the fourth floor.

As for the reason, everyone knows.

Above the fourth floor, the power of spirit phantom interference increases. Once you are attacked by the phantom during cultivation, you will waste a cultivation opportunity. If you are serious, you can report to the Lord of hell.

Now... Someone broke through on the fifth floor?

It's no wonder that these two disciples have a look of horror on their faces.


"Which disciple is it? It's just... Nonsense!"

Even the guardian elders were startled, looked at the position on the fifth floor, and gave a low drink with a overcast face.

But he didn't mean to intervene.

Looking at the level of Yuan force throughput in the stone chamber, the promotion of that person should be at a critical juncture. If he is interrupted halfway, it will be counterproductive.

"Who is it, Xiao chennan? Zheyan? These guys who are usually high above, I didn't expect to be so crazy."

"It's very likely that it's Bu Jing salamander. After all, he has been in the fourth place several times. This time... I'm afraid he's determined to eliminate Gu Ming Road."

All the people talked and stopped to watch. They didn't mean to leave.

Before the competition officially starts, maybe... This is also an early contest.

No matter who can be successfully promoted and come out of the Sutra Dojo, it has formed psychological repression for other contestants.

Just... What's the probability?

Hoo Hoo

In the stone room on the fifth floor, Ye Feng kept his mouth open and spewed out a burning breath.

At the moment, he is almost exhausted. He naturally has no way to know what the outside world is talking about.

The medicine power of "Jushen Zhongzheng pill" may be exhausted at any time. The illusion breath wandering around is like a poisonous snake waiting to be hunted in the dark. Once the effect disappears, they will kill fiercely at the first time.

Compared with the inscriptions, although the effect of pill is good, it is bad that the duration is not long, and it can not be taken continuously. Even the four pill pills seem to be out of control.

In addition, under the impact of the huge yuan force and energy around, Ye Feng also had some uncontrollable feelings, which led to the fact that there was a rush to break through the array blockade.

At the moment, more than half of the yuan force in his Dantian has completely transformed into a crystalline shape, which is extremely gorgeous, and is still expanding at a slow speed.


At a certain moment, Ye Feng rushed into a yuan force frenzy, and the nine breath that had been kept on him began to become not so stable.

"I don't know if these yuan force energy is enough... Let him rush into the king's realm."

Yuan Ling had half his head sticking out, with a trace of worry in his expression.

After several days of consumption, the concentration of Yuan force in this stone chamber has decreased a lot. The total amount of Yuan force in a stone chamber in the Sutra ashram is fixed. If too much is absorbed in the front, there will be little left in the back.

Even yuan Ling was uncertain.

Another hour or so passed, the internal yuan force became thinner, and the rising momentum of Ye Feng began to slow down.

Ordinary martial arts in the empty realm attack the half step King's realm, and the yuan force in the body can't be compared with Ye Feng.

Even the original generation of zheyan and Xiao chennan, not to mention the five floors, the yuan force in the four floors of stone room has been enough to advance.

Lack of energy is the taboo of promotion, especially when the situation is impacted. Once it stops halfway, even if it can succeed again later, the foundation will often become much weaker.

Thinking of this, some wordless yuan Ling shook his head and took out many storage bags on Ye Feng without hesitation. After a while of selection, he poured out a large number of colorful spirit stones.

The colorful spirit stone originally presented by aquarium is nothing to today's leaf maple, but this thing has a unique advantage, that is... Its energy is extremely pure.

In general, it is enough to use the top-grade spirit stone to practice in the stage of virtual realm and King realm. After entering the holy realm, you often need the top-grade spirit stone.

Colorful spirit stone can also be regarded as one of the best.

At the beginning, Ye Feng presented this kind of spirit stone to elder Feng. The latter was overjoyed. It was really rare. It was often collected by more than half saints

With a flick of your fingers, colorful light flies, and millions of colorful spirit stones are crushed out of thin air into a pure energy.

As soon as the colorful light appeared, it was absorbed by Ye Feng whale. With the rainbow like light flowing into Ye Feng's body, his slow momentum immediately began to rise again.


Yuan Ling was about to breathe a sigh of relief. In an instant, a pair of eyes burst out like alert, and a gray fog almost gushed out of his body like instinct, winding Ye Feng in it.

At this moment, the power of the four pills was finally completely exhausted. They had been around for a long time, and the illusion breath of covetous eyes rushed forward.

"Boy, buy time and make a quick decision."

Yuan Ling was so knowledgeable that he couldn't keep calm. His gray fog was like a thin gauze coat, close to Ye Feng's side.

In order to avoid being noticed by the strong of the yuan sect, Yuan Ling did not dare to reveal his deeds too much in the Sutra Taoist field. He could only use his own means to reluctantly block the first wave of the most ferocious phantom impact for Ye Feng.


Even so, Ye Feng's body shook wildly. In the originally calm God sea, countless terrorist visions were born out of thin air. He opened his teeth and claws at him and shrouded him

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