The deafening sound came out, and Kunwu stone platform trembled. Under the strong inertia, the stones were smashed and splashed, and countless fragments were shot around, crackling, causing ripples in the border set by elder he.

Under such a powerful destructive frontal bombardment, sighs and screams sounded on the top of the mountain. Countless people held their breath and stared at the bombing center with flying dust.

Tianlan on the elder's seat also couldn't help but get up slightly, his eyes were dignified and looked there.

"Younger martial brother Ye!"

As for the position of the sweeping door, Yigan was already pale and trembling. Yuan Ningzhen even had a soft body. His whole body was like being drained and almost fell to the ground.

No one knows whether the figure in the scene is dead or alive.

Being hit by such force, maybe... It's more or less bad

With this blow, Yao Yifeng's chest fluctuated violently, his pale face fell on the stone platform, and his bare chest was also soaked with light blood.

His dragon and tiger killing Dharma body did not achieve great success. His attack was almost overdrawn, so his own load was very heavy.

Compared with the three prohibitions of divine law, the duration of dragon and tiger secret body is not long. Once it is displayed, you need to defeat your opponent in a short time.


Looking at the debris pile surrounded by smoke, his eyes showed excitement.

When Ye Feng is killed, many people in diyuanzong will remember his kindness, such as Zhong Ziqi and, of course, the net... It will bring him many benefits.

However, these three words haven't fallen yet. In the center of Kunwu stone platform, the pile of gravel suddenly burst open and shot backward to disperse,

Across the dust, there was a figure walking out slowly.

When everyone held their breath and saw the figure clearly, their faces were full of horror and amazement.

Ye Feng, who walked out slowly, was bathed in a layer of dim golden light, as if it had been watered by gold. On that layer of gold, there was a cyan flame rolling like a shadow, attached to him like a flame armor.

The temperature between heaven and earth suddenly became very hot. Many sharp eyed disciples found that the gravel around Ye Feng showed signs of melting.

Although his clothes were a little shabby and looked a little embarrassed, Ye Feng's fighting spirit was like a sharp sword, three points higher than before.

A pair of awe inspiring eyes make people dare not look directly.


It's just... No one is surprised. The dragon and tiger secret Taoist art has unparalleled strength and destructive power. Even if a virtual martial artist can carry it, he should be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

Such a scene was greatly beyond the expectation of all martial artists.

In the middle of the elder seat, yutingtian, the leader of Diyuan sect, suddenly leaned forward. In his mountain and river like eyes, there was a bit of vibration, and two divine lights in his eyes observed the green, black and quiet fire.

"It's really extraordinary... At a young age, I'm not strong in cultivation, but I can control different fires. I'm really... Plastic."

As soon as he finished speaking, he returned to his original dignity.

The words were light and fast, but they were still heard by several elders nearby, and their faces were slightly moved.

This is the evaluation given by the patriarch.

The leader of the Diyuan sect, yutingtian, is an expert in the holy land. Looking at the whole Tinian County, he can be regarded as one of the best people.

His praise was no less important than the Jiufang domain of the upper City Lord of Jinhua.

From this sentence, it is very obvious that he expressed his admiration. Does the patriarch mean... Does he want to cultivate leaf maple?

At the thought of Miss Tianlan leading Ye Feng as his guarantor, many elders guessed some clues in their hearts.

Under Kunwu stone platform, strong as Xiao chennan, zhe Yan and others, their eyebrows also tightened when they saw the green and dark fire on Ye Feng.

"His fire? Is it really the strange fire in the rumor? Can it stop the bombardment of dragon and tiger secret Taoism?"

"The fire is like armor. It is properly attached to the body and forms a defense... It's really... Amazing!"

Shan Yicheng opened his mouth and said with fear on his face.

"If that's the case, it's all right. Did you see clearly? When the boulder fell, younger martial brother Ye Feng punched at least hundreds of times. Half of the boulder was blasted into debris by him early, so its power was much weakened..."

Xiao chennan, who looked serious, pointed to the rubble scattered all over the ground.

The crowd reacted.

Indeed, Yao Yifeng's blow was terrible. The huge stone with law and Tao patterns should not be so vulnerable.

They also felt that Ye Feng should have taken other actions, but when Xiao chennan said that he punched hundreds of times, they still couldn't help the waves in their hearts.

The boulder fell from the sky and rolled down. But in the blink of an eye, it punched hundreds of times?

So fast... There's no one.

It's not about cultivation and strength. It's all about the control of physical strength. The elite of the yuan sect in several places, except a few or two, should be ashamed of themselves.


"Yao Yifeng, are you... The only way?"

With a palm of his hand, he swept away the gravel around him, proudly stood in front of Yao Yifeng, smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and the mang killing knife appeared on his palm.

With each other's efforts, Ye Feng's war intention was completely ignited. Vaguely, there was even hostility from his body, which made him want... A big war.


Yao Yifeng clenched his teeth fiercely and made a short roar in his mouth.

There were two blood lights in his eyes, and his body was surging like a tide. Above his head, a rosefinch spreading its wings and flying like a bath fire, opened its mouth and screamed.

At the same time, Yao Yifeng, the guy, sacrificed his rosefinch soul so easily?

The soul of martial arts is so important to martial artists that no one will use it easily when they have to.

After all... The power of Wu soul is powerful, but once it is damaged, it is very likely to affect your martial arts foundation, and even... Your cultivation will regress and become a useless person.

"He is desperate."

"The dragon and tiger kill the Dharma body and cooperate with the dragon and tiger secret Taoist art, which consumes a lot. It will be more difficult to delay without using the means of pressing the bottom of the box. For Ye Feng, it can be said that he has won more than half as long as he avoids the edge of the boulder..."

After a little meditation, Xiao chennan said the reason.

Indeed, Ye Feng's strength exceeded everyone's expectations. In their expectations, Ye Feng no longer needed to fight hard. As long as he avoided several attacks by Yao Yifeng's soul, he could win the victory.

There's no need to continue fighting for life and death

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