"Well, there was a happy flash on the face of why Bijun, who was watching. After hundreds of times, he suddenly chose to go straight into the middle palace. The whip was like a long gun and stabbed into Ye Feng's heart.


The whip was as fast as thunder, and dozens of sonic booms were emitted from the emptiness. Many inner disciples watching the battle shouted in unison.

Ye Feng swept the corners of his eyes, and his chest was steaming with anger.

There was wanton ridicule and sarcasm in those eyes around.

It seems that those people all want to see their factotum defeated, wounded, or even killed by internal disciples.

He has no grievances or enmities with these people. Even in front of him, he has never met before. Just because his identity is just a worker, he will suffer such cold eyes?

Sure enough, the martial arts world is the same, with distinct levels and the law of the jungle.

If you want to break the rules, you will be bound by the rules.

Ye Feng didn't think about this scene before participating in the competition. At that time, he only thought about how to deal with the challenge of step startled salamander. Now it seems that he... Has become a thorn in the flesh of the whole inner door unconsciously.

But... So what?

Even if you are an enemy in the world, why should you be afraid of yourself?

"Jingtao cloud expelling palm!"

Three points of air in the chest, straight to the ceiling.

Ye Feng, who drank violently, had already prepared a good blow, just like a storm.

Yuan force is like a surging wave, spreading forward.

Why did Jun's face change in an instant? The cold smell coming from his face became fierce. His body didn't retreat but entered. His hands were soft and straight, like gold and iron.

"Younger martial brother ye, be careful."

"That's the spirit weapon of the lower level of the sky... The dragon blood Yangyan whip is very strong!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Mi couldn't help shouting.

Without waiting for Ye Feng's reaction, the whip was as red as blood, broke a gap in the air and rushed to Ye Feng.

"Younger martial brother ye, I'm sorry. If you offend someone, you have to pay a price, and... Your blood will pave the way for elder martial brother's ranking in the inner door."

Why is it that the fierce intention in both eyes soars? We are determined to win this blow.

However, at the next moment, he was alarmed. Although Ye Feng's face was still flustered, his eyes were dark and bright. He couldn't see half a sense of fear. Among them... There was even a hint of irony.

Why should Jun, who was shocked in his heart, turn around and run for his life, but before he took his steps, a brilliant green light burst out in front of him, and the violent spirit bombarded him fiercely.

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