"This pervert... Unexpectedly... Has a card!"

Shan Yicheng opened his mouth in disbelief and didn't notice that he was completely soaked in cold sweat.

One and a half steps into the king's territory, the means and combat power displayed are enough to make most of the three or four heavy fighters in the king's territory avoid and retreat.

"Not only is this method strange, but the yuan force in his body... Is also strange. It seems to be an extremely pure energy, which is far beyond the vitality of heaven and earth."

Xiao chennan closed his eyes and felt for a moment. He had noticed the strength of the origin of sacred wood. What they didn't know was that only when Yuan Li ran out could Ye Feng use to stimulate the origin of sacred wood.

And Ye Feng at this moment is the most terrible

Boom, boom!

The violent yuan force constantly collided and burst, and Ye Feng's eyes became blood red. He stared at the startled salamander without emotion.

Within ten feet of his center, Yuan Li became as hot as fire, which was vaguely mixed with an extremely cold gas. Under the alternation of the two phases, the boundary on the side of Ye Feng fluctuated constantly, and seemed to collapse at any time.

The inner disciples dressed in gold robes all lost their pride on their faces. They stood up in horror, unwilling to blink, and even someone began to stimulate their vitality armor.

The green vibration clothes retreated far away, the iron green face was unspeakably ugly, and his drooping hands were shaking.

Before the competition, qingzhenyi had unilaterally announced Ye Feng's defeat, but now, Ye Feng's strength has made him fear in his heart.

I... I really don't have to fight such a guy.

However, no matter how regretful he is now, there is no room for recovery.


With the increasing momentum of the two people on the stage, the Yuan Li running at high speed couldn't bear it first, and there was a loud click.

The step startled salamander poured out a pale, and Ye Feng was greatly surprised by his unprecedented fierce performance, but with his desperate play, he would not stop at this point.

He opened his mouth and let out a long roar. The billowing sound waves rolled into the sky. An extremely bright Yuanli light burst out of the step startled salamander,

Holding the glass hammer high, it looks like the God of heaven hit it in the air thousands of miles away, threatening the rumbling heavenly power and leaving it.

The light of the inscription flashed away, and all disappeared into the heavy hammer. This blow he brewing has brought Xiaocheng's soul killing prison hammer method to the extreme.

This hammer method, carefully polished by him for several years, represents the first attack power of di Yuanzong and the strongest killing move of his step startling salamander.

A hammer has imprisoned heaven and earth and wanted to destroy all souls. The violent feeling of annihilating everything has also ignited the hearts of those watching the war. Many big figures of foreign forces have quietly stood up with bright eyes and focused on waiting.

I just felt that every cell in the whole body was burning. This war also brought Maple Ye unprecedented excitement.

Roaring in the air, his feet suddenly stepped down on the Kunwu stone platform, which was comparable to the divine iron, and suddenly cracked cobweb like cracks.

Almost wrapped by the fierce breath, Ye Feng's blood red eyes were suddenly chilly, his right fist was slowly lifted, and Yuan force and divine wood's original force gushed out together.


The dark green fire is burning, and the oppressive air keeps exploding. His right fist was fiery red, just like a flaming fist.

In an instant, the turbulent yuan force and rules poured down like an ocean, tearing the sky like lightning.

Boom, boom

The sky is like a broken drum, buzzing under the hammer.

Everyone stared to the limit, which was the sound of sonic boom caused by the rapid outbreak of the blow on both sides and the strong power contained in it.

Such destructive power has reached a terrible level.


Kunwu stone platform shook wildly, the ground crack extended outward again, and Ye Feng punched with a indomitable momentum.

Ten square eight trigrams boxing has reached its limit. It seems that it is punching against heaven and earth. I can break it with one punch by any means.

The power of this fist has more than doubled.

The fist Gang mixed the power of the rules and hit a flame red light several feet long. With the blessing of the fierce breath, the flame beast crashed into the falling glass hammer.

The two colors of fire red and dark collided in the huge sound waves, and the dazzling Yuanli light burst out suddenly.

As fast as lightning, it doesn't give people time to daydream.

It's like a meteor crashing into the earth. The two attacks have no defense at all. They all enhance the attack power to the peak. The destructive smell of the collision is enough to wipe out the small martial arts in the virtual world.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The void began to distort and illusory rapidly, giving people a very unreal feeling.

After they hit the strongest attack, they also fell into a state of extreme weakness. However, compared with Ye Feng, the step startled salamander is a bit better. Now he is just barely maintaining his shape so as not to fall to the ground.


The turbulent energy of impact in mid air did not dissipate, but entangled in one place and expanded rapidly outward.

"No, it's going to detonate!"

I don't know who shouted. The disciples below immediately rioted, and their pupils were shocked.

This collision between the two is too powerful. It is difficult to destroy each other immediately under the entanglement of two energies. Instead, they are constantly eroding and colliding, and in the twinkling of an eye, a fire red light mass of about Zhang size has been formed.

The light regiment made a loud explosion. The power bred in it had made the boundaries under the cloth fluctuate violently, and a hole was opened above for the first time.


Elder he rose into the air.

With extreme dignity on his face, he stretched out his hand to play dozens of runes outside the enchantment. A dragon shadow immediately flew to him and reinforced the seal several times.


As soon as I stopped, there was a more terrible explosion from the stone platform. The energy expanded to the extreme finally lost its balance and burst completely.

Among the countless screams, the aftershock of the explosion hit BUJING salamander and Ye Feng. They spewed out a huge amount of blood at the same time, and then... They were submerged by dazzling Yuanli.

Pedal pedal!

Even elder he, who arranged the border, was shocked back several steps. Some other spectators below were stuffy through the explosion afterwaves of the border.

There is no doubt that if you face the aftermath of the explosion, you will lose your life below the king's territory.

The sound of swallowing saliva was continuous. Several elders on the elder's seat swept out quickly and shot at Kunwu stone platform one after another. Even they didn't expect the result of this war.

Elder he, who stabilized his figure, moved the fastest, raised his hand to disperse a large amount of Yuan Li breath, helped the stunned salamander up, and felt it, he let out a long breath.

"I'm not dead yet. I'm seriously injured. Take it down quickly to have a good health."

Raise your hand and give BUJING salamander to an inner door elder who rushed to the side. Elder he waved again to disperse the yuan force afterwave of Ye Feng's position.

At this moment, all the people who retreated from the stage crowded up again. They held their breath, and their eyes were both surprised and full of expectation.

Even the powerful step startled salamander was fainted by the last big explosion. Ye Feng... Has exhausted his means. How can he still have a chance to survive?

Such a genius... Did... Just disappear?

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