"The second kind of purple evil mysterious fire?"

Ye Feng was stunned. No wonder before he entered the stone gate, he noticed that something was calling the purple evil Xuan fire in his body.

However, the second kind of purple evil mysterious fire is quite fierce, much more terrible than the original flame in his body. How can it be so easy to make a plan?

"What am I going to do?" he asked quickly, surprised and anxious.

Elder he's perseverance can only resist the purple flame for a few breath at most. Ling Changlao and ancient are not seen. If he can't think of any countermeasures, he... Will soon become a barbecue.

"Use the green dark fire and the purple evil mysterious fire in your body to turn the guest into the Lord and devour it, which can help you more easily subdue the red lotus industry fire."

"But... You can't miss it. Once you miss it, I can't save you."


At this critical juncture, Ye Feng can only try his best.

It is extremely difficult to subdue the fire of the red lotus industry. Even if there are three inscriptions as an aid, the probability of success is only one or two percent at most. If you get the complete assistance of "Zisha XuanHuo", the possibility can obviously increase a lot.

And at this time, there is no room for other plans.

"Come on!"

Between the lightning and flint, Ye Feng did not retreat but entered. With a low cry, the vigorous green dark fire in his body broke out, turned into a streamer, and crashed into the law cage of elder he, which was about to dissipate.

"Ye Feng, no, get away!"

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't know how to live or die, he suddenly put his hand into his fight with the demon fire. Elder he was shocked and shouted.

"Younger martial brother ye, step back!"

Surprised, Xiao chennan and zhe Yan, who hid aside early, also quickly shouted to stop Ye Feng.

They were all frightened by Ye Feng's actions.

Even elder he, the great master of the holy rank, can't catch the current flame. How can Ye Feng, who is half a step in the king's territory, intervene at will?

Maybe it's going to burn yourself. You'll die.


It seemed that he felt the provocation of the same kind. The wisp of purple evil mysterious fire made a deep sound, rushed violently, broke the blockade of elder he, and rushed to the green dark fire.

At the moment when the two touched, the purple evil mysterious fire in Ye Feng's body just burst into the past, integrating with the green black quiet fire.

The purple evil mysterious fire and the green dark dark fire in Ye Feng's body are rare things. Although the strength of each strand is slightly inferior, they together surpass each other. After entanglement for a moment, they have covered the whole strand of purple evil mysterious fire.

That wisp of purple evil mysterious fire dashed left and right in it, which was quite fierce. Every time he killed, Ye Feng was shocked and dizzy.

But no matter how it impacts, it is always difficult to twist off the net and calm down slowly.

"Well, take it back. Don't let the two old men notice."

Until now, the tension in Yuan Ling's heart disappeared, and there was a trace of joy in his tone.

Ye Feng, who calmed his mind, stimulated his mental strength again and incorporated the three flames into his body.

He understood the meaning of Yuan Ling. Both red lotus fire and purple evil mysterious fire were owned by Tiandi yuan sect. He was afraid that he would not let them fall into the hands of others, even as a disciple of Di yuan sect.

"Ye Feng, how are you?"

Elder he on the side jumped forward eagerly. When he saw that Ye Feng was ok, his face sank and asked, "that demon fire... Why is it missing?"

"It seems that... Has been scattered by disciples..."

Ye Feng pretended to be confused and touched his head. As the companion flame of the red lotus fire, Zisha XuanHuo had a strong restraining effect on the spirit. Because of this, elder Dehe didn't perceive the abnormality just now and lost the trace of Zisha XuanHuo.

At this time, Ling Yunzi and Gu Changlao appeared on the side out of thin air.

"Is that true?"

Hearing Ye Feng's answer, Ling Yunzi, with silver hair flying, had a heavy complexion, such as electric eyes.

Ye Feng's heart jumped. Was it difficult to be noticed by the current two great experts?

But in this case, he would not easily admit it. He immediately spread his hands and said, "if elder Ling doesn't believe it, he can feel and search with his spiritual strength."

Ling Yunzi's look changed, but the ancient elder on one side suddenly came forward and grabbed Ye Feng's palm before Ling Yunzi shot.

Ye Feng only felt that the palm of his hand was like holding a piece of red iron, and the heat was steaming everywhere. He knew that the ancient elder was exploring himself, and he didn't dare to do anything. He gritted his teeth and endured it.

About eight or nine times passed before the ancient elder released Ye Feng's palm.

He stared at Ye Feng in amazement and asked in surprise, "there are two kinds of strange flames in your Dantian... One is purple evil mysterious fire, the other... Is it the seventh in the list of different fires... Qingwu youFire?"

"The elder's insight is like a torch, and the disciples dare not hide it. It is indeed a green dark fire, but the purple evil mysterious fire is obtained by the boy in Aolai haishui family by chance, not just that one."

Ye Feng hurried to explain that honesty is the best choice in front of such an old monster.

"Well, don't panic. I can naturally feel the difference. It's good. I tamed the green dark fire at a young age and got one of the purple evil mysterious fires. It's really... Valuable."

The ancient elder sighed and immediately smiled at Ling Yunzi beside him: "this little guy has some ability. The wisp of demon fire that just escaped may have been scattered by him."

Ling Yunzi nodded calmly without further questioning.

He said to elder he with an expressionless face, "nephew he, if the demon fire suddenly moves strangely, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let them leave first."

"I'm leaving!"

Xiao chennan and zhe Yan were frightened by the scene just now. After hearing this, they quickly saluted and left. Ye Feng also followed them through the stone gate and left the top floor of the Taoist hall.

"Lao Gu, you are a good man again. I don't know if you do so, it may hurt him."

Lingyun's son sent the three people's back to disappear. After a long time, he sighed with a deep voice.

Elder he seemed to see a clue from it, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He appreciated Ye Feng very much, coupled with Tianlan's face, so he also chose to believe Ye Feng, but Honglian has a great relationship with fire, so he can't make any mistakes.

In front of the interests of the sect, don't say that they are several disciples. Even the lives of these high-level figures should be spared.

The ancient elder didn't deny it. Looking at Ling Yunzi, the usual smile on his face has disappeared, "if the speculation is good, Honglian fire... There must be an unprecedented counterattack recently. As for whether it can be suppressed, Lao Ling, how sure do you think?"

"That disciple is extremely gifted and has a green, black and quiet fire. If he can find any mystery from the demon fire, maybe... It will be helpful to us in the future."

"How do you say that?"

Elder he frowned involuntarily

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