
Ye Feng was calm. After a slight scold, he kneaded a Dharma formula. The spiritual power of Shenhai was put out to form a halo, which shattered the five-color spiritual power that washed away to himself and Luo MI.

In this way, Luo Mi returned to normal, but there was still a morbid blush on her face.

The frenzy of spiritual power emitted by the soul beast can be called rage. They have such huge power all the way. If you want to pass through this natural moat, you must enter their territory. I really don't know what will happen then?

I'm afraid

There are more than half of the three grade inscriptionists present who can't pass through this natural graben. Only by returning the same way can they not fall into this dreamland.

However, in that case, they are equivalent to giving up their qualification to participate in the second round and being eliminated.

"Everyone, Zhong Yuan is willing to defy the law and find a way for you."

After getting up, childe yuan swept his eyes behind him, and his voice rang through the audience. Immediately, his hands were sealed, and a large amount of mental power overflowed, wrapping his whole body in a green ball.


After the preparatory action, childe yuan shook his fingers slightly, and a mental force burst out. In his hand, he condensed into a substantial long sword to cut the sky. He threw it forward and split a path in the pink miasma. His body shape was a sharp leap forward, and jumped onto the natural moat after the light of the divine sword.

This move caused a cry of surprise.

Ye Feng frowned and looked up. There were many souls and beasts. The spiritual attack was extremely powerful, which could be described as waves. Childe yuan used spiritual force to form a sword and wanted to forcibly open a way to live. If there is no boundless spiritual strength as support, we can't do this step at all.

There is no doubt that childe yuan has strong self-confidence in himself.

Hiss, hiss

I don't know how many soul beasts were cut off and attacked by the spiritual sword inspired by childe yuan. In the miasma, soul beasts came up one after another, spewing out colorful spiritual power. At the same time, many bullets jumped to the height, stretched out sharp claws and teeth, and wanted to catch him and drag him down the natural moat.

Only those soul beasts who tried to get close to childe yuan, after touching the spiritual shield inspired by him, also screamed bitterly, fainted and fell down.

Several successive leaps, each spanning hundreds of feet. After four or five rises and falls, childe yuan leaned forward, and his feet fell steadily on the top of the mountain opposite.

He shook his sleeves and hands, and arched his hands to this side, showing an unusual temperament.

fucking great.

Many engravers on the top of the mountain gave a sigh of admiration. Even though the man in black nodded slightly, Gu Chuanqing's face was more dignified.

As for those who belong to the Diyuan sect, they are all inspired. Although childe yuan is only a foreign aid, he is nominally his own man. It undoubtedly gives them a sigh of relief to be the first to pass through this dangerous soul beast trench.

"Hum, maybe... It's not as difficult as expected. It's just a thousand feet away. I'll be the second to pass."

An inscriptionist of Tianyuan sect was obviously stimulated. When his voice fell, his body jumped up in the air and rushed out. At the same time, like childe yuan, he stimulated a spiritual light, hoping to break the spiritual frenzy composed of soul animals.

However, his spiritual light, regardless of color or grandeur, could not be compared with Childe yuan.

When you only cut more than a hundred feet, you suffered strong resistance, like a leaf involved in a lonely boat in the ocean, which was swallowed up by the colorful tide ejected by the soul beast.

Hiss, hiss

The excited spirits jumped up one by one, opened their mouths and spewed out colorful bubbles. They couldn't help losing the power in the light of spiritual power. At this step, the Yuan emperor's inscriptionist had already known that day, and his face changed miserably, so he wanted to step back.

But once you jump out, there is no way to borrow in the air. Where can you come and go freely?

In an instant, he was hit by several colorful bubbles. Then, as if he had lost his soul, he fell straight down and was immediately submerged by the wave of soul animals.

This scene happened as fast as lightning. When others reacted, the engraver had long disappeared.

Of course, even if someone in tianyuanzong reacts, it's useless. It's impossible to rescue.

Everyone looked at each other one by one, and saw the horror in each other's eyes. From the color and luster of the spiritual power inspired by the engraver, the spiritual intensity also reached more than level 11, which is at the midstream level of so many people at present.

Unfortunately, in front of the soul animals, it's like a three-year-old baby, with no resistance.

"Fellow disciples... If you can't catch your strength, you can go back the same way. Don't be impulsive to avoid unnecessary sacrifice."

Tianyuanzong failed. Gu Zhanqing said a word with a long face and motioned the Gu sisters to get ready in the spirit boat. Immediately, his wrist turned over and his fingers pointed. A light mask appeared outside the spirit boat, straight like a meteor, and rushed into the top of the natural graben.

The flying speed of the ten square spirit boat was very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, four or five hundred feet passed, and the speed slowed down slightly.

However, at this position, the number of souls and beasts gathered is the largest, and the wave of five-color spiritual power is also the most turbulent. Especially after swallowing a person just now, those souls and beasts tasted the sweetness and attacked more fiercely.

Sensing that the spirit boat was fettered, Gu Zhanqing standing at the bow stretched out his hand, and a cyan spiritual shock wave burst into the air. The closest soul beasts rolled and fell, and a road was blown out in the air.

The spirit boat took advantage of this gap and passed by. In a blink, it had fallen to the opposite side.

The three people stepped down from the spirit boat. In addition to Gu Zhangqing, the faces of the Gu sisters were a little ugly and their bodies were trembling slightly. Even if they hid in the spirit boat, they were also impacted by great energy.

After hearing Gu Zhanqing's dissuasion, many inscriptionists have played a retreat drum.

If you return the same way, you will lose your qualification at most, but at least you can leave a life. Indeed, as Gu Zhanqing said, you don't have certain strength, so you don't have to take such a strange risk.

In an instant, more than half of the three grade inscriptions masters walked. Even several four grade inscriptions masters from other cities who knew that their spiritual strength was average chose to give up after a bitter smile.

This time, I was unlucky and bumped into a soul beast to stop me.

Ye Feng, who was thinking about whether to start, looked suddenly. At this time, the man in black, more than ten feet away, had begun to act.

"This guy... Really makes enemies on all sides."

Ye Feng gave a low hiss, and the man in Black got up. At the moment, a powerful mental wave swept out, shaking many people close to his side, which attracted a lot of angry scolding.

The man in black ignored it.


His thin body stepped out into the air, and his huge black robe sounded like wings, taking him into the mental frenzy formed by the soul beast.

What is shocking is that he completely let his mental power go out and didn't protect his body with yuan power or mental power. In this way, he was allowed to be attacked by soul animals.

In a short distance of only 100 feet, dozens of hundreds of soul beasts rushed forward and pulled his black robe.

The dense ghosts and beasts even became a vertical bridge, surging continuously. However, no matter how hard the demons tried, how they slapped or even attacked with colorful bubbles, the man in black still went forward and couldn't drag him down

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