Ye Feng was very excited by the words of the leader of Chixiao city.

It is really not easy for the Terran to open up thirteen counties in Shenwu, a place surrounded by demon and aquarium, to settle down and give ordinary people a chance to live.

The current living environment is getting worse and worse. Different races are eyeing it. If they lose the support of the secret method of inscriptions, what can they do to compete with those who are better in physique and talent?

It can be said that... Inscriptions are the greatest guarantee for the Terran to live in the Shenwu mainland in addition to the martial arts.

It's no wonder that every once in a while, Jinhua will hold an inscriptions teachers' meeting to select talented inscriptions teachers for training.

The blood surged in his body and his heart was agitated. Ye Feng's eyes swept over childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing. From each other's eyes, he also saw a sharp look.

Only the black robed man at table 4 was shrouded in black light and could not see any clue.

"Well, no more nonsense. You have chosen your table number. Then... The city Lord announces that the inscription competition officially... Begins!"

With a wave of his hand, the leader of Chixiao City shrouded the whole stadium with a transparent light curtain. Then he stepped down the seven color rainbow and flew into the chairman's stand already built above.

In addition to the two patriarchs of Chixiao city and Tiandi yuan sect, there are also the president of Jinhua Shangcheng inscriptions guild in this stand, which is obviously the judge of this inscriptions competition.

Boom, boom!

After the transparent light curtain inspired by the city master shrouded the field, all the inscriptions couldn't help it.

Immediately, there was a continuous roar over the competition platform, and the spiritual power of various colors rushed into the air, rendering the whole world green.

Ye Feng chuckled. These engravers couldn't wait to show themselves, but he didn't worry. His mental strength didn't enter the storage ring and began to observe the materials.

There is no absolute fairness and justice in the inscription Normal University. As long as there are means, it can be used. However, in order to distinguish and compare, there are certain restrictions on the inscription materials.

There are five kinds of materials in it.

There are two class III inscriptions and three class IV inscriptions. They are "wisdom skill" and "sudden change" at Level 3, and "Guyuan", "liuyunzhuan" and "jiuxuanyulu" at level 4.

Ye Feng has never touched the five inscriptions before. Fortunately, Ye Feng collected a large number of explanatory scrolls. He knows a little about the other four kinds except "jiuxuan jade dew".

"Wisdom skill" and "sudden change" are inscriptions to temporarily improve the martial arts' combat power, and "Guyuan" is used to increase the defense of meridians, orifices and acupoints. It is a very good choice for some martial arts who major in physical body.

As for "liuyunzhuan", it can quickly restore accomplishments. The reason why it has become a level 4 inscription is that this material is extremely rare. The most important thing is that even the strong who enter the Holy Land stage can use it to restore nearly one-third of their yuan power in half an hour.

In the holy land, it has become very difficult to temporarily improve combat effectiveness. The victory or defeat of a battle is often in the slightest. Sometimes, the yuan power recovery provided by "liuyunzhuan" can directly determine the success or failure of a battle.

Therefore, this inscription is in short supply on the side of high-level warriors. Rao is a big figure in the semi holy and holy land. He has to bow to the inscription master in order to obtain a "Liuyun turn".

"Jiuxuan jade dew... Is this another inscription named after the material?"

Ye Feng's expression moved, and his eyes fell on the last piece of material. The most prominent one was a piece of animal skin with blue luster, and there was a violent spiritual fluctuation above.

Different from the materials required for other inscriptions, the inscriptions of "jiuxuan jade dew" have as many as 17 kinds, and the fluctuations are very obvious, giving people a feeling that they can hardly be sealed.

Quickly open the instruction scroll, Ye Feng's mental strength covered it, and line by line information directly appeared in his mind.

Jiuxuan jade dew, the inscription of level 4 best spiritual power, can increase the spiritual strength by 20 to 30% in a short time. Under the condition of perfect inscription, it is possible to increase the spiritual control ability by about 10%.

"Sure enough... It's an uncommon inscription of level 4 mental power!"

Ye Feng nodded and whispered. Among all the inscriptions, the spiritual inscription is the most difficult to engrave successfully. If you can engrave a perfect spiritual inscription, it can almost represent the highest achievement of this inscriptionist.

To Ye Feng's surprise, "jiuxuan jade dew" can actually increase the spiritual intensity by more than 20%.

You know, at their level, it is extremely difficult for spiritual strength to go further. The "Taiqing Jinhua liquid" engraved by Ye Feng that can carry the flesh body has only half the effect.

As for the extra 10% spiritual control, Ye Feng hasn't even heard of it.

Needless to say, among all the five inscriptions, the difficulty of the inscription of "jiuxuan jade dew" is absolutely unparalleled.

Fortunately, Jinhua Shangcheng paid enough attention to this inscription normal university meeting. There are as many as five inscriptions for each kind of inscription material, which makes Ye Feng feel a lot at ease.

After carefully sorting out several materials, Ye Feng just looked up to the left and right. At a position more than ten feet away, Gu Zhangqing's eyebrows at position 3 were slightly frowned and his eyes twinkled.

What he held in his hand was the material package of the inscription "jiuxuan jade dew".

On the other side, the No. 2 childe yuan, a hundred steps away from them, still looked calm compared with the former.


His eyes found the black robed man in position 4 in the distance. At a glance, he couldn't help but startle Ye Feng.

The man didn't take the storage ring on the desk to check. At the moment, he was like a black sculpture, standing still with his eyes closed.

Ye Feng's heart jumped.

Whether yuan force or spiritual force, this person is super powerful. Can he be indifferent to such an occasion?

In this way, there are only two possibilities. First, he is stunned or asleep. Second, he has absolute confidence in his own inscription level and despises other contestants.

Obviously, people in black must belong to the second category.

"Absolutely... A strong enemy!"

With a slight sigh, Ye Feng was about to take back his eyes. At this moment, there was a lot of cheers in his ears, which made Ye Feng pay attention to childe yuan again.

Under the attention of the public, childe yuan raised his hands gently and drew a light on his forehead. A magnificent cyan light rushed up for several feet. The figures of several inscriptions not far from him shook and staggered.

After a flash of consternation on those faces, someone couldn't help yelling

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