Ye Feng also understood this truth in his heart.

If he fails this time, he doesn't have more energy to use the inscription spirit pen. After all, the purple ember spirit pen ranks 14th in the list of inscriptions, and he is still reluctant to control it now.

If you can't borrow the glyph spirit pen, then... You can only engrave Level 3 inscriptions at most.

At present, we can only force ourselves to do it in one step.

After slowly closing the six senses and isolating all the noise outside, Ye Feng began to carefully introduce Yuan Li energy.

The process becomes more slow. The lines of "jiuxuan jade dew" are very small and numerous. You have to be very careful at every step.

It took a full day or so, and Ye Feng was only halfway there. Fortunately, he trained with the phantom stone for nearly 20 days, and his mental control was no less than that of most of the five grade inscription masters. With the help of purple embers, some of the yuan force energy fused was quite stable and skillfully maintained in a perfect balance.

However, with the massive consumption of mental strength, his movement has undoubtedly begun to slow down, and the most difficult finishing part is coming. Not far from him, a faint aura of inscriptions began to flicker.


Countless pairs of eyes waited anxiously, and the four lights rushed from the body of ancient poetry rhyme and flew straight into the air for more than half a Zhang, which was particularly eye-catching.

"I... Succeeded!"

In the cheers of surprise and joy, there was some pale rhyme of ancient poetry, as if it was still unbelievable.

Holding the inscription, she proudly raised her face and immediately threw a provocative look at Ye Feng.

"HMM... it should be a level 4 inferior. With the ability of a poetic girl, it can engrave a level 4 inscription. It's very good. It's extraordinary this time."

Niu sanbian on the elder's table stroked his beard with a smile, looked proud and looked at elder he all the time.

In less than a year, ancient poetry rhyme became a four grade inscriptionist, and was able to barely engrave four levels of inscriptions, which was enough to prove its extraordinary talent. More importantly, it was able to press the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

After the birth of the first level 4 inscription, new level 4 inscriptions will appear every once in a while. Gradually, the field has reached the harvest stage, causing bursts of cheers in the audience.

The aura of the rush was higher than once. There were many masters of inscriptions hidden in some foreign forces. Several people directly overshadowed the charm of ancient poetry.

This large-scale inscription scene also makes many martial artists who are difficult to see the inscription division on weekdays enjoy a visual feast. However, the current four-level inscriptions are basically based on "Guyuan" and "liuyunzhuan", and there is no spiritual inscription such as "jiuxuan jade dew".


Until the evening of the third day, under the dim sky, over the position where childe yuan stood, four unusually bright lights rushed into the sky and leaped to a foot high in the twinkling of an eye.

As soon as these spiritual lights appeared, hundreds of thousands of eyes were attracted to the past, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly became stagnant.

Together with Chixiao city master, yutingtian and Mo Wangu, they stood upright at this moment and stared over there.

The face of emperor yutingtian, the leader of emperor Diyuan, was excited with a trace of joy, while Mo Wangu, the leader of emperor Tianyuan, frowned slightly, and his eyes kept changing back and forth on the ancient blooming green and the spiritual light of the inscription of Childe yuan.

Childe yuan has formed his aura. Finish it now.

The most wonderful confrontation of the conference will begin immediately.

On the competition field, most of the contestants had completed the inscription and took the initiative to withdraw. There were only less than 100 people left, who were still struggling.


After the completion of Childe yuan, it was only less than a incense burning time. Gu Zhanqing also rushed out four spiritual lights on his head. The momentum was not weaker than childe yuan, and there was a faint brilliance around the fourth spiritual light.

"Is that... The fifth light?"

Although the last light is dim, it can be seen at a glance with the eyesight of the strong one present.

The strength and quantity of the aura represent the quality of the inscription. Can we say... The grade of the "jiuxuan jade dew" engraved in ancient bloom green is... More than level 4?

It is almost impossible to successfully engrave the higher level inscriptions with the lower level inscriptions. In the history of inscriptions from ancient to modern times, all the inscriptionists who can do that step are amazing.

Moreover, even those people found a way to forcibly improve the quality of inscriptions after they reached seven or eight products.

In that case, how did Gu Caiqing do it?

Compared with the surprise in the eyes of outsiders, the two elders were just a little nervous and excited. They all knew that the emergence of the fifth spiritual light was caused by the package of small catalysts.

This is also the ultimate competition of the inscriptions teachers' University. Once the precious and abnormal catalytic materials are integrated, the quality of inscriptions can be improved to a certain extent.

Of course, the use of catalytic materials is equivalent to adding one to the original 17 kinds of materials. Although only one kind is added, the spiritual force will be consumed, but the price will be doubled.

But... Since Gu Zhanqing did everything to succeed in this step and was half a point ahead of Childe yuan, would childe yuan be willing to bow down?

Sure enough, I sensed that the other side's inscriptions had more aura than myself. Childe yuan's eyes flashed red, and he whispered a stuffy cry, sweating all over.

At this moment, he seems to have inspired all the spiritual energy of Shenhai. He uses the spirit pen in his hand, rolls up the package of catalytic materials and points it into the blue dragon skin that is about to take shape.


The edge of Four Spiritual lights surged on his head for a while, and then there was a fifth light light.

Obviously, both of them have gone all out, and... Obviously, at this time, they can finish the inscription smoothly, but childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing are still worried about their opponent's follow-up means, so they dare not finish it for a long time.

Once the ending is over, the overall situation has been determined. If the other party uses any means, there will be no back hand to deal with it.

The two sides just stare at me, I stare at you, with green veins on your forehead, trembling and wasting each other


At this moment, Ye Feng has no idea that the competition on the stage has reached such a fierce situation.

He is also about to enter the closing stage, his attention is all on the animal skin, and he is struggling to resist the last wave of phagocytosis.

Among the animal skin lines, hundreds of angry yuan forces rush left and right, strongly repel them, and seem unwilling to integrate with each other.

It was the first time that maple leaf encountered such a huge energy rejection.


At a certain moment, Ye Feng's eyebrows twisted into Sichuan characters, and his majestic spiritual force jumped out of his forehead, pressing down on the animal skin like a waterfall, suppressing the rolling waves.

Even so, the wave is not willing to admit defeat and is still struggling to resist.

Ye Feng clenched his teeth, and the inscription spirit pen was crawling almost like a snail. The yuan force energy pouring from the pen tip was also heavy and slow. With the introduction of the last trace of energy, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and completed the ending step with great difficulty

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