"Is this... Coming?"

As soon as his face changed, Ye Feng flashed a trace of fanaticism. While marveling, he forced down the palpitation generated in his heart and grabbed the most important five level inscription "meaningful".

Before the fire of the red lotus industry comes, he must carry the three inscriptions of "meaningful", "extremely cold" and "turtle breath" on the flesh and do all the preparations.

Only in that way can there be a glimmer of hope to recover the business fire.

At this moment, there is no more time left for Ye Feng.


Another loud noise, like a thunderbolt falling over the whole diyuanzong, lifted up the white jade foundation several feet thick and blew it up in the air.

At the same time, in the main hall of the patriarch, the stern royal court sky rushed out quickly.

Many inner door elders of Tiandi Yuanzong appeared one after another. After a short shock, they rushed to the Sutra Taoist field in a hurry.

As for some ordinary disciples, their faces were full of doubts and did not know what had happened.

Every once in a while, the rumbling sound will appear once. About an hour later, the temperature between heaven and earth begins to rise, the transpiration half of the sky turns red, and even a curling white fog appears.

"The clan catastrophe is coming..."

The dignified imperial court sky looked up at the sky, and immediately ordered several elders gathered around him: "send orders, all the elders with more than three levels of cultivation in the king's territory are ready to take action at any time, and the internal and external disciples with less than three levels withdraw ten miles away from the Sutra Taoist field."

Several people know that the situation is urgent, bow their hands and fly away.

Yutingtian didn't rush to the Sutra Dharma center. He stood where he was, and his eyes suddenly shot a bright golden light, penetrating the void and looking at the top of the Sutra Dharma center.

In his perception, the originally silent world was becoming hot and violent. The cage that imprisoned the fire of Honglian industry also briefly appeared in his mind.

Layers of seals, misty, the whole has become a sea of fire, in which death is vertical and horizontal, white bones float and sink, crazy upward spray hundreds of feet of fire tongue, and the whole sky will collapse.

In the midst of the raging fire, there is a huge fire dragon, ten feet long and waving its teeth and claws. Every once in a while, it will bump into the seal, and the earth shaking noise comes from it.

On the four sides of the empty cage, although there are countless rules of heaven and earth, it seems that it can't help the impact of the fire dragon again and again, gradually collapses, becomes fragments and slowly disappears.

If it goes on like this, the whole cage will soon be torn. At that time, there is no possibility to imprison the fire dragon.

"Yehuo... Has become so powerful?!"

The royal court sky could no longer keep calm, and his worried look flashed in his eyes.

The power of red lotus fire is unprecedented, and the real overcast time is still several hours away. At that time, I'm afraid it will be more terrible than now.

He could not bear to think about it. In the space outside the cage, there were wisps of black fog.

These mists were generated out of thin air. Ignoring the obstacles of the cage seal, they slowly floated in and continued to become the driving force for the expansion of the red lotus industry.

"The spirit of yin and evil... Different from usual, it seems that this is the reason why the industry fire is particularly strong."

The imperial court was stunned, and his eyebrows almost screwed together.

When the sky is overcast, the Yin attribute vitality ravages heaven and earth, and will produce extremely dark energy, that is, the Qi of yin and evil, which can be used as the energy source of Honglian fire.

For this kind of thing, the two strong ones have nothing to do. The Qi of yin and evil can expand the fire of Honglian industry, but once it invades the human body, it is a murderous poison. No matter how powerful the cultivation is, it cannot be refined and eliminated.

In the past, Tiandi Yuanzong thought of many ways to arrange a Dharma array around the Sutra Dharma field to avoid excessive Yin and evil spirit. Therefore, for thousands of years, there has never been a time when the fire of Honglian industry will become so strong.

But this time

The situation is different.

The Taoist Yin Sha breath was close to the sea of fire, and the restless flame became more violent in an instant. A section of the flying fire dragon grew up and expanded continuously.

"My Lord wants to see if you... Have such ability?"

The royal court sky with deep eyebrows whispered to himself, and his hands inspired a letter sign, which took back the golden eyes.

After a little thought, his figure has suddenly disappeared from the original place.

Except for a few core disciples, others don't know what's going on. They are confused and frightened. For thousands of years, they have never encountered such a terrible thing.

"What happened?"

"Is there a great power attacking the sect door?"

"It's impossible! Who has eaten the bear heart and leopard courage and dared to make trouble in two major cities... By the way, have you found that the breath between heaven and earth seems to be changing?"

"It's really changed. The fire attribute meridians in my body don't work smoothly. Today, it seems to be a cloudy day!"

"Is it..."

Everyone is talking, but no one can say why.

At the moment, at the highest level of the Sutra hall, there are more than 40 inner door elders, all looking solemn and ready.

The two patriarchs of Tiandi Yuanzong, Mo Wangu and yutingtian, have been present

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