The black robed man didn't choose to fight with Mo Wangu. The moment he took it with his big hand, he strangely disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had reached the rear of many elders and shot black yuan forces from their hands to stab the person who maintained the array.

Mo Wangu was stunned.

In his perception, these people's accomplishments are not gone, and their body method is more strange.

There is no doubt that it must be carefully arranged by the Lord of Chixiao.

Too late to think more, he cursed angrily and sent out yuan force to intercept those black yuan forces.

At the moment, the Dharma array is always in operation. If one link is disturbed, it may lead to the collapse of the whole array.

Those people in black also know that they are not the opponents of the two patriarchs. They leave immediately after touching them, and there are constant Yin moves.

With such delay, the gap could not be closed.


Ye Feng doesn't know anything about the fierce fighting and intrigues outside. At the moment, he is angry all over, and his whole body is in sharp pain.

He grabbed the grimace with one right hand. Similarly, the tentacle of Honglian fire wrapped around his arm.

The terrible high temperature immediately smashed the upper part of the clothes and robes. If there was no green and dark fire to resist, the whole right arm would turn into ashes.

The temperature of the demon fire is several times more terrible than the ordinary fire of the demon flame dragon and lion.

Several feet away from him, murderous moon bared her teeth. She also caught a ray of original flame, but looking at her appearance, the pain she suffered was no easier than Ye Feng.

With the passage of time, Ye Feng only felt that all his internal organs were burning. In front of him, there were large pieces of corpses, staggering and crawling towards himself.

"Go away!"

In severe pain, Ye Feng subconsciously waved his left hand to drive away these corpses. However, the dead bodies rushed frantically and began to bite his arm.

After a roar, Ye Feng's five fingers shot a piece of Yuan force and pierced the dead body.

However, the dead bodies are endless. A group of them fell in front, and more appeared behind.

beyond count.

It's impossible to kill.

"No, these are just illusions. There are no dead bodies around Honglian fire."

Ye Feng suddenly felt a shock in his brain and showed a suddenly enlightened look in his eyes.

Then he looked into the distance, but when he saw the killing moon, his heart was confused again.

If it is only an illusion, the killing God moon should not appear. The illusion is generated by the red lotus fire and should not include the killing God moon.

But if it weren't for hallucinations, those bones couldn't exist endlessly,

"What's going on?"

For a time, he was confused. His left hand kept breaking up the dead bodies. The dead bodies were slow and the sharp pain could be really felt by him when they bit on him.

At the time of chaos, his eyes swept the killing moon again. He saw that the latter's beautiful face was full of pain and was constantly twisting his body to get rid of the shackles of the flame tentacles.

A flash of light suddenly flashed from his mind. Ye Fengmeng concentrated, and the original power of divine wood in the Dantian shook.

After waiting for a moment, the mental power in my mind was overwhelming. Where I passed, the dead body disappeared, and the figure of murderous moon also disappeared.

In a moment, another scene appeared in front of him.

Just ten steps away, a huge ghost face stared at him tightly, gray eyes showed a dark and strange light, and the turbulent and boundless dead spirit flew from all directions.

On the other side of him, the murderous moon's eyes were dull, his body was fixed in mid air, his face was full of fear, and it was obvious that he was also trapped in an illusion.

From beginning to end, they didn't touch the original flame at all. What just happened was just a false illusion.

"It turns out... We are not close to the noumenon at all, and we are virtually dragged into the illusion."

"It's said that the fire of Honglian industry can control the mind. It's true. It's really... Terrible!"

Ye Feng was cold all over.

The scene just now was too real. What made him even more shocked was that there was a murderous moon in the dreamland. In other words, the faces in front of him might be able to read his mind.

Fortunately, he noticed that the body of shashenyue had its own original power of divine wood. When he treated shashenyue, he found that it could resonate with the original power in the other party's body. Just now, at such a close distance, it was right that there should have been fluctuations in the murderous moon, but Ye Feng didn't receive it. It was concluded that the scene in front of him was an illusion.

The spiritual cultivation of the month of killing God is undoubtedly stronger than itself, but it is still trapped in a dreamland.

If I don't notice this detail, I'm afraid... I've become a slave to the fire of Honglian industry.

Seeing Ye Feng break away from the illusion, the ghost face became more ferocious, opened his huge mouth and roared angrily.

"It's really impossible to guard against. Take a punch from me!"

Ye Feng was aroused by the war. The right fist was green and dark, and the fire gushed. At the moment when he was about to punch, the hair on his neck stood up, and a feeling of extreme danger came to his heart.

Almost instinctively, his body tilted back at an incredible angle and shot more than ten feet.


The huge fist pressing the raging flame fell down at the moment when Ye Feng left, and the flames splashed, flying out the murderous moon earthquake trapped in the illusion and falling behind.

Ye Feng was stunned by the sudden attack. After all, even the second old Gu Ling couldn't enter the place of fire.

At this moment, who will attack?

When he calmed down and looked back at the visitor, an incredible look appeared on his face.

"Lord, how could it be you?"

"Very good sense and speed. There are not many people who can avoid the attack of the city master."

His surprise blow was avoided, and the eyes of the city leader of Chixiao also showed a little surprise.

Almost killed by someone, Ye Feng was not in the mood to care about these. The ghost like red sky filled him with doubts.

As the head of a city, it's reasonable to fight against the murderous moon, but the punch just now clearly included himself.

"Confused, isn't it?"

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, the leader of Chixiao city showed a smile, almost greedily looked at the chest of the person in front of him, and said in a Yin voice: "it's not too late to talk nonsense with you after the city leader accepts the industry fire. Damn it, if the time is not urgent, I really want to dig out the meaningful inscription on you."

After that, he didn't continue to pay attention to Ye Feng, but turned to look at the huge ghost face not far away and said to himself, "the ghost chop of level 5 should temporarily replace the meaningful effect."

Before the words fell, he suddenly stretched out his hand and tore open his coat, revealing three shining inscriptions.

"Extremely cold, turtle breath, and..."

Ye Feng looked at the three inscriptions one by one. Two of them were level 4 extreme cold and turtle breath. He didn't know the third inscription. He could only judge it by the fluctuating light. It was the ghost chop inscription mentioned by the master of Chixiao city.

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