A touch of cool meaning rushed out from the "extremely cold" inscription and spread to all parts and bones along the chest, diluting the hot temperature for a few minutes, and the five-level "meaningful" provides a powerful increase in spiritual power, blocking more than half of the overwhelming dark breath.

As for "turtle breath", there is no amazing performance, but a ray of Yuan force energy is released from time to time.

But this ability can often play a role at the most critical moment, eliminating the unbearable pain felt by Ye Feng.


With a light sound, only wisps of maple leaf remained, all burned to ashes, and the whole body was red fruit. When he had no time to take into account this situation, suddenly, a greasy comfort behind him spread to every corner of his body.

It made him blush in an instant.

In his hurry, he ignored the existence of the murderous moon. At the moment, the murderous moon was still trapped in a dreamland. Just like him, he had few poor clothes, which had been burned by the flames.

Rao shiye Feng has seen many amazing scenes, but at the moment, he still can't help his nosebleed.

The carcass behind him is nearly perfect, with ups and downs and exquisite curves. The kind of greasiness and fragrance close to the body can't be borne at all.

In particular... The evil angels are born with the attribute of extreme Yin. The cold feeling makes leaf maple more comfortable than the inscription of "extremely cold" in the high temperature of the fire sea.


Out of male instinct, Ye Feng took a mouthful of water and turned around slightly. His eyes were looking good on the murderous moon.

"What a... man eating goblin!"

Ye Feng only felt that Yuan force burst in his body, and an impulse climbed up rapidly, which was almost uncontrollable.


Just when he was about to lose his mind, he suddenly slapped himself with his right hand, woke up in a moment, and looked at Ye Huo's face in amazement.

In the latter's half closed gray eyes, a touch of humanized cunning flashed by, and soon returned to the color of rage.

"Is that you?"

"Playing tricks in the dark?!"

Ye Feng, whose heart was beating wildly, was in a cold sweat. The feeling in his heart just now, of course, is that the murderous moon is a unique creature, which can attract men, but with his own determination, how can he be greedy for each other's beauty at the moment?

There is no doubt that the demon fire secretly confused his mind.

Ranked seventh in the list of different fires, it is known as the most mysterious flame in the world. It is really extraordinary. It can secretly stimulate the instinctive desire of martial artists.


His conspiracy was exposed by the small warrior of the Terran in front of him, and the fire of Honglian industry was obviously very angry. His eyes suddenly opened in the decadent ghost face, and a powerful force was like the generation of illusion.

The light was dazzling and could not be looked at. At that moment, Ye Feng couldn't help closing his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that he and the murderous moon were actually inside the stamen in the center of the flame lotus.

This location is obviously the most central part of the red lotus fire. The surrounding temperature gradually increases. Countless flames jump out of the layers of blooming lotus petals and roast them.

"Poor skills? This is... Your demon fire, the last means?"

Reluctantly, Ye Feng opened his mouth and said a word. Then he was frightened to find that there was a flame in his mouth.

Such a terrible high temperature made his whole body smoke, and his internal meridians were burned and twisted.

If anyone else had not been protected by green and dark fire, they would have been refined by industrial fire under such high temperature.

If this situation continues, I'm afraid Qingwu Youhuo won't last long. Once he breaks through that layer of defense, he will really turn into fly ash.

"Strange, murderous moon... Why is it all right?"

In his anxiety, he found that the murderous moon hanging on her body was nothing different, and there was a faint crystal constantly oozing out on her body, touching slightly, refreshing.

The closer I am to the killing God moon, the more comfortable I feel. There is no doubt that the evil angel to Yin attribute is the powerful nemesis of demon fire.

"The blood of the evil angel... Is really strong. Although he has been trapped in the dreamland, he can still protect himself."

With a sigh, Ye Feng couldn't care about the others.

Suddenly picked up the murderous moon and stuck it firmly. Just as a piece of cold ice was held in the flame, the blood and vitality in the meridians suddenly became quiet, and even the sharp pain around the body slowed down a lot.

I didn't expect that this beautiful ketone body could be so useful.

"I've saved you several times. You should give up your life and repay it once."

The faint aroma came into his nose, which made Ye Feng's heart move, and made him close his eyes quickly.

It has to be said that if the current posture of the two people is seen by outsiders, it is enough to make anyone daydream, especially when both sides are naked at the moment. Fortunately, they are located in the core of the red lotus fire and wrapped by the raging flame, which can not be seen by anyone.

With the passage of time, Ye Feng gradually began to adapt to the terrible high temperature from the surrounding, and the yuan force in his hand continued to enter the grimace, forming a stalemate with the red lotus fire.

Whether it will burn to ashes or succeed in collecting karma depends on who can stick to it for a longer time.

Everything has to be resigned to fate.


At the top of the Sutra hall, Gu and Ling look serious. Behind them are yutingtian and Mo Wangu, as well as he Lianheng, several elders of superior generations.

In the nothingness hundreds of feet above, the huge energy mask was suspended quietly. The red lotus fire flashing fire hit from time to time, making the mask bang.

"The karma fire has returned, but the seal has not ended. The void array has been consumed twice. The power of the energy shield condensed by us is not as powerful as before. It is also due to Chixiao's trouble, which weakens the power of karma fire, leaving us time to strengthen the seal."

"But... I'm not sure whether I can seal it completely or not."

The old look looked cloudy and sunny, stared at the energy mask and said in a deep voice.

It's been years since such a big change happened.

Although I was lucky to seal the industrial fire this time, I and Lao Ling were almost out of oil and the lamp was dry. If the industrial fire broke out again, they would not be able to seal it.

At that time, I'm afraid

"Martial uncle, if you really can't imprison the demon fire, martial nephew... I can only go to that place. I just hope to return smoothly before the demon fire gets out of trouble..."

There was a flame burning in yutingtian's eyes. He had planned to solve it by himself. After all, only with the help of the energy of red lotus fire can the two cases develop and grow to the current situation.

But if you really can't restrain the fire of Honglian industry, then... You have to go that way.

Only in this way, the only way is to give up the different fire.

Will the imperial court be willing?

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