"What a vicious boy. I will never die with you this life. I will repay you ten times for ruining my flesh!"

After all, Ding Qianqiu was not a vegetarian. After realizing the destructive power of Honglian fire, he quickly sacrificed his body and escaped from Ye Feng's spiritual perception.

When you are above the king's territory, as long as the martial spirit can survive, you can find a new body and practice again. Just like that, it will inevitably lead to the decline of cultivation. Maybe... You can only linger in the empty world all your life.

But it doesn't matter to Ding Qianqiu. After all, as a master of inscriptions, as long as his spiritual realm still exists.

After swearing hard, the old guy took a sneaky look and was about to turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, his illusory figure suddenly trembled violently.

A force from the depths of the soul shrouded from above.

Ding Qianqiu raised his head difficultly. Just above his head, a shadow of beautiful and beautiful things was hanging in the air, with cold eyes staring at him.

"Kill... Kill God moon!"

A silent shrill scream was sent out. Ding Qianqiu's martial spirit empty shadow suddenly opened his pupils. When destruction came, he saw only a white palm blowing towards himself.


In the night, the battle began and ended faster.

However, even Ye Feng and murderous moon don't know that at this moment, all the scenes in the main hall are displayed in a huge crystal ball in the center of the temple.

On the side of the crystal ball, the patriarch yutingtian, elder he and old Nie looked very surprised.

They... Witnessed the battle just now.

"Suzerain, the origin of the fire of Honglian industry, was... Collected by the boy?"

The three of them are not interested in Ding Qianqiu's death. It seems that everything is expected.

What made yutingtian feel that the world was spinning and almost fell to the ground was that the two red lotus industry fires, which depended on survival and growth, fell into the hands of a disciple.

Ye Feng... He's only half the king's territory... Well, the king's territory is heavy. Honglian yehuo, even he and Gu Ling have no possibility to charge. Otherwise, the situation would not be so complicated.

Yutingtian could hardly accept this fact.

"Cough, no wonder the two martial uncles mentioned that the seal industry fire behind has become extremely simple. It turns out that... The source has been lost."

Elder he coughed awkwardly. His eyes were both helpless and happy.

For countless years, the fire of Honglian industry has provided a powerful energy source for Tiandi Yuanzong. It is precisely because of this that the Jingfa Daochang will become an excellent holy land for the cultivation of the two religions. If you lose the original flame of red lotus fire, your cultivation effect in the Sutra ashram will be greatly reduced.

In other words, the two strong foundations for cultivating disciples no longer exist.

This is undoubtedly a rather serious blow to them.

"Lord, what should I do about this?"

After waiting for a long time, elder he finally couldn't help it.

Ye Feng helped zongmen win the inscription teachers' university meeting, which has made great contributions to Diyuan Zong. In addition, he resolved the gratitude and resentment between zongmen and shashenyue, which has benefited both sides.

Now such a situation has embarrassed several people present to say more.

After all, if there were no Ye Feng, they would be defeated when they fought against the bloody chaos and sealed the fire of Honglian industry for the first time.

Moreover, the martial arts talent and spiritual talent presented by this son are frightening, and his future may be even more amazing than that of Shenyue. If he rashly makes a decision to recover the origin of karma and fire, diyuanzong can't afford to do so again.

"Alas, it's really... Fortune makes people. Now we can only find the boy, understand the details and find out how he collects karma."

For a long time, the imperial court genius sighed and waved to several elders.

"Disciple Ye Feng, I want to see the leader. I have something important to discuss with the leader."

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Come in quickly." yutingtian and others were stunned when they heard the speech. It's true to say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

The door of the hall opened slowly, and a spirited figure came in.

Seeing the situation in the temple, Ye Feng couldn't help being stunned. He came this time to tell the Lord about the plan to kill the chaotic land. Unexpectedly, the LORD was waiting for him.

"Disciple... I've seen elder Nie and elder he... Er..."

Smiled and greeted the two elders. At this moment, he had caught a glimpse of the crystal ball in the corner of his eyes. When he saw the residual image inside, Ye Feng's body suddenly froze and completely froze in place.

In the hall, the atmosphere was a little heavy. The eyes of yutingtian passed and finally fell on Ye Feng.

"Cough, this... Disciple is really unintentional. As long as he can help, he will try his best."

Embarrassed smiled, and Ye Feng hurried to say his position.

I have pried two cases of a big baby. No amount of kindness can change the fire of Honglian industry.

"Lord... I have a way to solve this problem."

Nie Lao, who seldom spoke, said: "any different fire can grow independently. Just let it devour and grow. After a hundred years, it can grow up again and return to its mature form. In this way... Ye Feng can separate part of the original flame and use it as the mother. At most, I have tightened my belt for two times in recent decades."

"Is this feasible?"

Ye Feng's eyebrows jumped and hurriedly asked. If so, he would be willing to give some away.

Nie Lao's words made yutingtian and elder he fall into meditation.

"It should be feasible. The red lotus fire has been destroyed several times and continues to this day. But in this way, the power of the original flame will be reduced, and the effect of cultivation in the Dharma center will also be reduced."

Old Nie nodded heavily.

The patriarch yutingtian had no choice but to spread his hand and said, "now it can only be so, Ye Feng, are you willing to separate half of the original flame?"

Ye Feng nodded hurriedly, like pounding garlic. The fire was originally the treasure of two cases. He was worried that it would be taken back by the case door after being found. At present, it only needs to be divided into half. Where else does he disagree.

"OK... That's settled for the time being."

"This matter must be kept secret. No one is allowed to spread it. If Mo laogua knows it, he won't give up."

Imperial court heaven frowned and whispered instructions.

Nie Lao and elder he also nodded.

"Patriarch, what should the disciple... Do?"

Ye Feng was greatly moved. Yutingtian's actions were to protect himself. If Mo Wangu knew the truth, he would never be allowed to take away the original flame.

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